#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Author: Simon McCartney # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # require 'bundler' require 'rubygems' require 'base64' require 'erb' require 'openstack' # https://github.com/ruby-openstack/ruby-openstack require 'json' # http://www.ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/json/rdoc/JSON.html require 'tempfile' # # This really needs to be converted into a class.... # module Stack include Methadone::SH # Shadow the global constant Logger with Stack::Logger # (if you want access to the global constant, use ::Logger from inside the Stack module) Logger = Logger.new(STDOUT) Logger.level = ::Logger::INFO Logger.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" Logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{datetime} #{severity}: #{msg}\n" end set_sh_logger(Logger) # location of gem, where config[:gemhome]/lib contains our default cloud-init templates @@gemhome = File.absolute_path(File.realpath(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) + '/..')) # Methadone::CLILogger is a Class, Stack is still a module, so we can't include it # so this is a QADH to propagate the log_level def Stack.log_level(level) Logger.debug { "Setting the Logger.level to #{level}" } Logger.level = level end def Stack.log_format(format_proc) Logger.formatter = format_proc end def Stack.show_stacks(stackfile = 'Stackfile') # evaluate our Stackfile, but only the once if defined?(StackConfig::Stacks).nil? config_raw = File.read(stackfile) eval(config_raw) end Logger.info { "Stacks:" } StackConfig::Stacks.each do |name, details| Logger.info { " #{name}" } end end def Stack.show_stack(config) # check_config is a light weight check that doesn't talk to OpenStalk Stack.check_config(config) # generate an array of hostnames that this stack would create hostnames = Stack.generate_server_names(config) hostnames.each { |hostname| Logger.info " #{hostname}" } end def Stack.select_stack(stackfile = 'Stackfile', stack_name) # evaluate our Stackfile, but only the once if defined?(StackConfig::Stacks).nil? config_raw = File.read(stackfile) eval(config_raw) end # if there is only one stack defined in the Stackfile, load it: if StackConfig::Stacks.count == 1 && stack_name.nil? stack_name = StackConfig::Stacks.keys[0] Logger.info { "Defaulting to #{stack_name} as there is a single stack defined and no stack named" } elsif stack_name.nil? Logger.info { "You didn't specify a stack, and there are multiple stacks defined in #{stackfile}" } Stack.show_stacks(stackfile) exit end # returns a config object, injecting the name into the returned config if StackConfig::Stacks[stack_name].nil? Logger.error { "#{stack_name} is invalid, defined stacks are:" } StackConfig::Stacks.each do |name, details| Logger.error { " #{name}" } end exit 2 end config = StackConfig::Stacks[stack_name] config[:name] = stack_name # set the stackhome to the directory containing the Stackfile config[:stackhome] = File.dirname(File.expand_path(stackfile)) Logger.info "stackhome is #{config[:stackhome]}" config end def Stack.connect(config, region = nil) # region & az concepts are confused in HPCS land region = config['REGION'] if (region.nil? || region.length() < 1) Logger.debug "Connecting to OpenStack with region = #{region}" OpenStack::Connection.create({ :auth_method=> 'password', :username => config['USERNAME'], :api_key=> config['PASSWORD'], :auth_url => config['AUTH_URL'], :authtenant_name => config['TENANT_NAME'], :region => region, :service_type=>"compute" }) end # expects server to be OpenStack::Compute::Server object def Stack.get_addresses(server) # get the addressess associated with an OpenStack::Compute::Server object address_description = String.new server.addresses.each do |address| address_description << "#{address.address}(#{address.label}) " end address_description end # check that all the required config items are set def Stack.check_config(config) if config[:checked].nil? if config['REGION'].nil? || config['USERNAME'].nil? || config['PASSWORD'].nil? || config['AUTH_URL'].nil? || config['TENANT_NAME'].nil? && config['REGION'].empty? || config['USERNAME'].empty? || config['PASSWORD'].empty? || config['AUTH_URL'].empty? || config['TENANT_NAME'].empty? Logger.error { "REGION, USERNAME, PASSWORD, AUTH_URL & TENANT_NAME must all be set" } exit end if config[:roles].nil? Logger.error { "No roles defined in #{config[:name]}, aborting." } exit end # load defaults for any items not configured Stack.populate_config(config) if config[:provisioner] == 'chef' # check that we have semi-sensible Chef setup # at a bare minimum, we need the directory where we're going to download # validation.pem to to exist dot_chef_abs = File.absolute_path(File.join(config[:stackhome], config[:dot_chef])) if !File.directory?(dot_chef_abs) Logger.warn "#{dot_chef_abs} doesn't exist" end # Check we have a #{dot_chef_abs}/.chef/knife.rb knife_rb_abs = dot_chef_abs + '/knife.rb' if File.exists?(knife_rb_abs) Logger.info "Found #{knife_rb_abs}, lets hope it contains something sensible" else Logger.warn "#{knife_rb_abs} doesn't exist, please run 'stack-kicker configure-knife '" end end end config[:checked] = true end # validate that all our OpenStack creds, image_id, flavors, keys etc are valid def Stack.validate(config) # check & populate the config with defaults for anything not specified. Stack.check_config(config) # check that the ssh-key is loaded, otherwise most post-install scripts will fail # this lazily assumes that the :key_pair name matches the file the keys were loaded # from if (0 == 1) ssh_keys_loaded = Stack.shellout(config, "ssh-add -L") Logger.debug "ssh_keys_loaded: #{ssh_keys_loaded}" Logger.debug "Looking for #{config[:key_pair]}" if ssh_keys_loaded.include?(config[:key_pair]) Logger.info "Found #{config[:key_pair]} in the ssh-agent key list" else Logger.error "Couldn't find #{config[:key_pair]} key in the ssh-agent key list! Aborting!" Logger.erroLogger.error "ssh_keys_loaded: #{ssh_keys_loaded}" exit 2 end end # Check that we have valid details for each AZ config[:azs].each do |az| # check that credentials, flavor & image are valid os = connect(config, az) Logger.info "Checking that flavor #{config['flavor_id']} exists in #{az}..." flavor = os.get_flavor(config['flavor_id']) Logger.info "#{config['flavor_id']} is #{flavor.name}" Logger.info "Checking that image #{config[az]['image_id']} exists in #{az}..." image = os.get_image(config[az]['image_id']) Logger.info "#{config[az]['image_id']} is #{image.name}" Logger.info "Checking that keypair #{config[:key_pair]} exists in #{az}...." keypairs = os.keypairs() if (keypairs[config[:key_pair]].nil? && keypairs[config[:key_pair].to_sym].nil?) Logger.warn "#{config[:key_pair]} isn't available, uploading the key" # upload the key key = os.create_keypair({:name=> config[:key_pair], :public_key=> File.read(File.expand_path(config[:key_public]))}) Logger.warn "#{config[:key_pair]} fingerprint=#{key[:fingerprint]}" else Logger.info "#{config[:key_pair]} fingerprint=#{keypairs[config[:key_pair].to_sym][:fingerprint]}" end # TODO: check that security group exists # we should have a security group that matches each role # get all the secgroups security_groups = os.security_groups() # extract the names sg_names = security_groups.map { |secgroup, secgroup_details| secgroup_details[:name] } config[:roles].each do |role, role_details| # does the secgroup exist? if sg_names.include?(role_details[:security_group]) Logger.info "security group #{role_details[:security_group]} exists in #{az}" else Logger.error "security group #{role_details[:security_group]} is missing in #{az}" end end end end def Stack.generate_knife_rb(config) # generate a project/.chef/knife.rb from our config # CWD shoud be chef-repo/bootstrap, so the project .chef directory should be dot_chef_abs = File.absolute_path(File.join(config[:stackhome],config[:dot_chef])) if !File.directory?(dot_chef_abs) Logger.warn "#{dot_chef_abs} doesn't exist, creating it..." Dir.mkdir(dot_chef_abs) end client_key = File.join(dot_chef_abs, config[:name] + '-' + ENV['USER'] + '.pem') validation_key = File.join(dot_chef_abs, config[:name] + '-' + 'validation.pem') Logger.debug "stackhome: #{config[:stackhome]}" Logger.debug "Current user client key: #{client_key}" Logger.debug "New Host Validation key: #{validation_key}" knife_rb_template = %q{ log_level :info log_location STDOUT node_name '<%=ENV['USER']%>' client_key '<%=client_key%>' validation_client_name 'chef-validator' validation_key '<%=validation_key%>' chef_server_url '<%=config[:chef_server_public]%>' cache_type 'BasicFile' cache_options( :path => '<%=dot_chef_abs%>/checksums' ) cookbook_path [ '<%=config[:stackhome]%>/cookbooks' ] } knife_rb_erb = ERB.new(knife_rb_template) knife_rb = knife_rb_erb.result(binding) krb = File.new(dot_chef_abs + '/knife.rb', "w") krb.truncate(0) krb.puts knife_rb krb.close end # position is really the node number in a role, i.e. 1..count def Stack.generate_hostname(config, role, position) role_details = config[:roles][role] # TODO: don't calculate this everytime, shift out to a hash lookup Logger.debug config Logger.debug config[:site_template] Logger.debug role_details Logger.debug role_details[:azs] site = sprintf(config[:site_template], role_details[:azs][position-1].split('.')[0].sub(/-/, '')) # generate the hostname hostname = sprintf(config[:name_template], config[:global_service_name], site, role, position) hostname end def Stack.generate_server_names(config) Stack.check_config(config) config[:hostnames] = config[:node_details].keys config[:hostnames] end def Stack.populate_config(config) # config[:role_details] contains built out role details with defaults filled in from stack defaults # config[:node_details] contains node details built out from role_details if config[:populated].nil? if config[:find_file_paths].nil? config[:find_file_paths] = Array.new end # set some sensible defaults to the stack-wide defaults if they haven't been set in the Stackfile. if config[:provisioner].nil? Logger.warn { "Defaulting to chef for config[:provisioner] "} config[:provisioner] = 'chef' end if config[:dot_chef].nil? Logger.warn { "Defaulting to .chef for config[:dot_chef] "} config[:dot_chef] = '.chef' end if config[:chef_environment].nil? Logger.warn { "Defaulting to _default for config[:chef_environment]" } config[:chef_environment] = '_default' end if config[:chef_validation_pem].nil? Logger.warn { "Defaulting to .chef/validation.pem for config[:chef_validation_pem]" } config[:chef_validation_pem] = '.chef/validation.pem' end chef_validation_pem_abs = Stack.find_file(config, config[:chef_validation_pem]) # only store the abs if we found it... config[:chef_validation_pem] = chef_validation_pem_abs unless chef_validation_pem_abs.nil? if config[:name_template].nil? Logger.warn { "Defaulting to '%s-%s-%s%04d' for config[:name_template]" } config[:name_template] = '%s-%s-%s%04d' end if config[:site_template].nil? Logger.warn { "Defaulting to '%s' for config[:site_template]" } config[:site_template] = '%s' end if config[:global_service_name].nil? Logger.error { "Defaulting to 'UNKNOWN' for config[:global_service_name]" } config[:site_template] = 'UNKNOWN' end if config[:metadata].nil? config[:metadata] = Hash.new end if config[:node_details].nil? Logger.debug { "Initializing config[:node_details] and config[:azs]" } config[:node_details] = Hash.new config[:azs] = Array.new config[:roles].each do |role,role_details| Logger.debug { "Setting defaults for #{role}" } # default to 1 node of this role if :count isn't set if role_details[:count].nil? role_details[:count] = 1 end if (role_details[:data_dir].nil?) role_details[:data_dir] = '/dummy' end # Has the cloud_config_yaml been overridden? if (role_details[:cloud_config_yaml]) role_details[:cloud_config_yaml] = Stack.find_file(config, role_details[:cloud_config_yaml]) else role_details[:cloud_config_yaml] = Stack.find_file(config, 'cloud-config.yaml') end # Has the default bootstrap script been overridden if (role_details[:bootstrap]) if (role_details[:bootstrap].empty?) Logger.debug { "role_details[:bootstrap] is empty, ignoring" } else role_details[:bootstrap] = Stack.find_file(config, role_details[:bootstrap]) end else role_details[:bootstrap] = Stack.find_file(config, 'chef-client-bootstrap-excl-validation-pem.sh') end # we default to the role name for the security group unless explicitly set if role_details[:security_group].nil? role_details[:security_group] = role.to_s end # default to execing post install scripts in stackhome is a cwd wasn't set # (cwd is calculated relative to stackhome) if role_details[:post_install_cwd].nil? role_details[:post_install_cwd] = '/.' end if role_details[:post_install_args].nil? role_details[:post_install_args] = '' end (1..role_details[:count]).each do |p| Logger.debug { "Populating the config[:role_details][:azs] array with AZ" } role_details[:azs] = Array.new if role_details[:azs].nil? # is there an az set for this node? if role_details[:azs][p-1].nil? # inherit the global az Logger.debug { "Inheriting the AZ for #{role} (#{config['REGION']})" } role_details[:azs][p-1] = config['REGION'] end # add this AZ to the AZ list, we'll dedupe later config[:azs] << role_details[:azs][p-1] hostname = Stack.generate_hostname(config, role, p) Logger.debug { "Setting node_details for #{hostname}, using element #{p}-1 from #{role_details[:azs]}" } config[:node_details][hostname] = { :az => role_details[:azs][p-1], :region => role_details[:azs][p-1], :role => role } end end end config[:azs].uniq! # if set the region specific settings from the global settings if not already specified config[:azs].each do |az| # we store region spefic stuff in hash config[az] = Hash.new if config[az].nil? config[az]['image_id'] = config['image_id'] if config[az]['image_id'].nil? end end config[:populated] = true config[:node_details] end # get all instances running in the current config # return a hash where key is the instance name, value is another hash containing :region, :id, :addresses def Stack.get_all_instances(config, refresh = false) if config[:all_instances].nil? || refresh # we need to get the server list for each AZ mentioned in the config[:roles][:role][:azs], this is populated by Stack.populate_config Stack.check_config(config) # get the current list of servers from OpenStack & generate a hash, keyed on name servers = Hash.new config[:azs].each do |az| os = Stack.connect(config, az) os.servers.each do |server| servers[server[:name]] = { :region => az, :id => server[:id], :addresses => os.server(server[:id]).addresses } end end config[:all_instances] = servers end Stack.categorise_instance_ips(config) config[:all_instances] end # Add an instance to the :all_instances hash, instead of having to poll the whole lot again def Stack.add_instance(config, hostname, region, id, addresses) config[:all_instances][hostname] = { :region => region, :id => id, :addresses => addresses} Stack.categorise_instance_ips(config) end def Stack.categorise_instance_ips(config) Logger.debug { ">>> Stack.categorise_instance_ips" } # create a private_ip & public_ip array on the server objects for easy retrieval config[:all_instances].each do |hostname, instance_details| Logger.debug { "Flushing categorised addresses for #{hostname}" } config[:all_instances][hostname][:private_ips] = Array.new config[:all_instances][hostname][:public_ips] = Array.new Logger.debug { "Categorising addresses for #{hostname}" } config[:all_instances][hostname][:addresses].each do |address| case address.label when 'public' config[:all_instances][hostname][:public_ips] << address.address when 'private' config[:all_instances][hostname][:private_ips] << address.address else Logger.error "#{address.label} is an unhandled address type for #{hostname}" end end end Logger.debug { "config[:all_instances][= #{config[:all_instances]}" } Logger.debug { "<<< Stack.categorise_instance_ips" } end def Stack.get_public_ip(config, hostname) Logger.debug { "Stack.get_public_ip getting public IP for #{hostname}" } # get a public address from the instance # (could be either the dynamic or one of our floating IPs config[:all_instances][hostname][:addresses].each do |address| if address.label == 'public' Logger.debug { "public IP for #{hostname} is #{address.address}" } return address.address end end end def Stack.get_private_ip(config, hostname) # get the private address for an instance config[:all_instances][hostname][:addresses].each do |address| if address.label == 'private' return address.address end end end def Stack.show_running(config) # TODO: optionally show the hosts that are missing ours = Stack.get_our_instances(config) ours.each do |node, node_details| printf("%-30s %20s %8d %16s %s\n", node, node_details[:region], node_details[:id], node_details[:role], node_details[:addresses].map { |address| address.address }) end end # ssh to a host, or all hosts def Stack.ssh(config, hostname = nil, user = ENV['USER'], command = nil) # check that we have something to run if command.nil? Logger.error "No command passed to Stack.ssh!" end # sanity check our config, load defaults etc Stack.check_config(config) # get all running instances servers = Stack.get_our_instances(config) if hostname.nil? Logger.debug { "request to SSH to all hosts" } servers.each do |host, details| public_ip = Stack.get_public_ip(config, host) Logger.info { "#{host} #{public_ip}" } cmd_output = Stack.shellout(config, %Q[ssh -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -l #{user} #{public_ip} "#{command}"]) Logger.info { "#{host} #{public_ip} #{cmd_output}" } end else Logger.debug { "request to SSH to #{servers[hostname]}" } end end def Stack.get_our_instances(config) Logger.debug { ">>> Stack.get_our_instances" } # build an hash of running instances that match our generated hostnames Stack.check_config(config) # get all of our hostnames hostnames = Stack.generate_server_names(config) # get all running instances servers = Stack.get_all_instances(config) running = Hash.new # do any of the list of servers in OpenStack match one of our hostnames? hostnames.each do |hostname| if (servers.include?(hostname)) # return the instance details merged with the node_details (info like role) running[hostname] = servers[hostname].merge(config[:node_details][hostname]) end end Logger.debug { "#{running}" } Logger.debug { "<<< Stack.get_our_instances" } running end def Stack.delete_node(config, node) # this also populates out unspecified defaults, like az Stack.check_config(config) # get info about all instances running in our account & AZs Stack.get_all_instances(config) if (config[:all_instances][node].nil?) Logger.info "Sorry, #{node} doesn't exist or isn't running" else Logger.info "Deleting node #{node} in #{config[:all_instances][node][:region]}..." os = Stack.connect(config, config[:all_instances][node][:region]) instance = os.get_server(config[:all_instances][node][:id]) instance.delete! end end def Stack.delete_all(config) # this also populates out unspecified defaults, like az Stack.check_config(config) # get the list of nodes we consider 'ours', i.e. with hostnames that match # those generated by this stack ours = Stack.get_our_instances(config) # do any of the list of servers in OpenStack match one of our hostnames? ours.each do |node, node_details| Logger.info "Deleting #{node}" os = Stack.connect(config, config[:all_instances][node][:region]) d = os.get_server(config[:all_instances][node][:id]) d.delete! end end def Stack.set_chef_server(config, chef_server) # set the private & public URLs for the chef server, # called either after we create the Chef Server, or skip over it Logger.debug "Setting :chef_server_hostname, chef_server_private & chef_server_public details (using #{chef_server})" Stack.check_config(config) Stack.get_our_instances(config) config[:chef_server_hostname] = chef_server # get the internal IP of this instance....which we should have stored in config[:all_instances] if config[:all_instances][chef_server] && config[:all_instances][chef_server][:addresses] config[:all_instances][chef_server][:addresses].each do |address| # find the private IP, any old private IP will do... if (address.label == 'private') config[:chef_server_private] = "#{address.address}" Logger.info "Setting the internal Chef URL to #{config[:chef_server_private]}" end # only set the public url if it hasn't been set in the config if ((config[:chef_server_public].nil? || config[:chef_server_public].empty?) && address.label == 'public') config[:chef_server_public] = "#{address.address}" Logger.info "Setting the public Chef URL to #{config[:chef_server_public]}" end end end end def Stack.secgroup_sync(config) # 1) get all the IP information we have # 2) generate the json to describe that to the "stackhelper secgroup-sync" tool # 3) run "stackhelper secgroup-sync --some-file our-ips.json" ours = Stack.get_our_instances(config) secgroup_ips = Hash.new # walk the list of hosts, dumping the IPs into role buckets ours.each do |instance, instance_details| secgroup_ips[instance_details[:role]] = Array.new if secgroup_ips[instance_details[:role]].nil? #secgroup_ips[instance_details[:role]] << instance_details[:addresses].map { |address| address.address } secgroup_ips[instance_details[:role]] << instance_details[:addresses].map do |address| if (address.label == 'public') address.address else next end end # we potentially have an array of arrays, so flatten them secgroup_ips[instance_details[:role]].flatten! # delete any nil's that we collected due to skipping private ips secgroup_ips[instance_details[:role]].delete_if {|x| x.nil? } end # dump the json to a temp file #sg_json = Tempfile.new(['secgroup_ips', '.json']) sg_json = File.new('secgroup_ips.json', "w") sg_json.write(secgroup_ips.to_json) sg_json.close # should we skip deletes skip_deletes = config['skip-secgroup-sync-deletes'] ? "--skip-deletes" : "" secgroups_json_abs = Stack.find_file(config, "secgroups.json") if File.exists?(secgroups_json_abs) Logger.info "Found secgroups.json, syncing secgroups across AZ" # run the secgroup-sync tool, across each AZ/REGION config[:azs].each do |az| Logger.info "Syncing security groups in #{az}" system("stackhelper --os-region-name #{az} secgroup-sync #{skip_deletes} --secgroup-json #{secgroups_json_abs} --additional-group-json #{sg_json.path}") end else Logger.info "No secgroups.json found, skipping secgroup sync" end end # if we're passed a role, only deploy this role. def Stack.deploy_all(config, role_to_deploy = nil) Stack.validate(config) # this also populates out unspecified defaults, like az node_details = Stack.populate_config(config) # get info about all instances running in our account & AZs servers = Stack.get_all_instances(config) # this is our main loop iterator, generates each host config[:roles].each do |role,role_details| Logger.debug { "Iterating over roles, this is #{role}, role_details = #{role_details}" } (1..role_details[:count]).each do |p| hostname = Stack.generate_hostname(config, role, p) Logger.debug { "Iterating over nodes in #{role}, this is #{hostname}" } # configure the global :chef_server details if this the chef server if role_details[:chef_server] Stack.set_chef_server(config, hostname) end # does this node already exist? if (!servers[hostname].nil?) Logger.info { "#{hostname} already exists, skipping.." } next end Logger.debug { "Deploying #{role}, role_to_deploy = #{role_to_deploy}" } if ((role_to_deploy.nil?) || (role_to_deploy.to_s == role.to_s)) if (role_details[:skip_chef_prereg] == true || role_details[:chef_server]) Logger.debug "Skipping Chef pre-reg for #{hostname}" else # Prepare Chef # 1) delete the client if it exists knife_client_list = Stack.shellout(config, "knife client list | grep #{hostname}") knife_client_list.sub!(/\s/,'') if knife_client_list.length() > 0 # we should delete the client to make way for this new machine Stack.shellout(config, "knife client delete --yes #{hostname}") end # knife node create -d --environment $CHEF_ENVIRONMENT $SERVER_NAME # knife node run_list add -d --environment $CHEF_ENVIRONMENT $SERVER_NAME "role[${ROLE}]" # this relies on .chef matching the stacks config (TODO: poke the Chef API directly?) cmd = "EDITOR=\"perl -p -i -e 's/_default/#{config[:chef_environment]}/'\" knife node create --server-url #{config[:chef_server_public]} #{hostname}" Logger.debug cmd knife_node_create = Stack.shellout(config, cmd) Logger.info "Priming Chef Server: #{knife_node_create}" cmd = "knife node run_list add -d --environment #{config[:chef_environment]} #{hostname} \"role[#{role}]\"" Logger.info cmd knife_node_run_list = Stack.shellout(config, cmd) Logger.info "Priming Chef Server: #{knife_node_run_list}" end # build the user-data content for this host # (we have a local copy of https://github.com/lovelysystems/cloud-init/blob/master/tools/write-mime-multipart) # 1) generate the mimi-multipart file # libdir = where our shipped scripts live # (use config[:stackhome] for "project" config/scripts) libdir = File.realpath(@@gemhome + '/lib') multipart_cmd = "#{libdir}/write-mime-multipart #{role_details[:bootstrap]} #{role_details[:cloud_config_yaml]}" Logger.debug { "multipart_cmd = #{multipart_cmd}" } multipart = `#{multipart_cmd}` Logger.debug { "multipart = #{multipart}" } # 2) replace the tokens (CHEF_SERVER, CHEF_ENVIRONMENT, SERVER_NAME, ROLE) Logger.debug { "Replacing %HOSTNAME% with #{hostname} in multipart" } multipart.gsub!(%q!%HOSTNAME%!, hostname) Logger.debug { "Replaced %HOSTNAME% with #{hostname} in multipart" } if config[:chef_server_hostname].nil? Logger.info "config[:chef_server_hostname] is nil, skipping chef server substitution" elsif (role_details[:chef_server]) Logger.info "This is the Chef Server - setting up to talk to ourselves" multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_SERVER%!, '') multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_ENVIRONMENT%!, config[:chef_environment]) else Logger.info "Chef server is #{config[:chef_server_hostname]}, which is in #{config[:node_details][config[:chef_server_hostname]][:region]}" Logger.info "#{hostname}'s region is #{config[:node_details][hostname][:region]}" # if this host is in the same region/az, use the private URL, if not, use the public url if (config[:node_details][hostname][:region] == config[:node_details][config[:chef_server_hostname]][:region]) && !config[:chef_server_private].nil? multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_SERVER%!, config[:chef_server_private]) elsif !config[:chef_server_public].nil? multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_SERVER%!, config[:chef_server_public]) else Logger.warn { "Not setting the chef url for #{hostname} as neither chef_server_private or chef_server_public are valid yet" } end if config[:domain].nil? multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_SERVER_HOSTNAME%!, config[:chef_server_hostname]) else multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_SERVER_HOSTNAME%!, config[:chef_server_hostname] + '.' + config[:domain]) end multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_ENVIRONMENT%!, config[:chef_environment]) if File.exists?(config[:chef_validation_pem]) multipart.gsub!(%q!%CHEF_VALIDATION_PEM%!, File.read(config[:chef_validation_pem])) else Logger.warn "Skipping #{config[:chef_validation_pem]} substitution in user-data" end end multipart.gsub!(%q!%SERVER_NAME%!, hostname) multipart.gsub!(%q!%ROLE%!, role.to_s) multipart.gsub!(%q!%DATA_DIR%!, role_details[:data_dir]) if role_details[:bootstrap].match('\.erb$') || role_details[:cloud_config_yaml].match('\.erb$') Logger.debug { "bootstrap or cloud_config_yaml are erb files"} instances = Hash.try_convert(Stack.get_our_instances(config)) all_instances = Hash.try_convert(Stack.get_all_instances(config)) Logger.debug { instances } Logger.debug { all_instances } multipart_template = ERB.new(multipart) multipart_complete = multipart_template.result(binding) Logger.debug { "multipart_complete after erb => #{multipart_complete} " } multipart = multipart_complete end Logger.debug { "multipart = #{multipart}" } Logger.info "Creating #{hostname} in #{node_details[hostname][:az]} with role #{role}" # this will get put in /meta.js - should look like this: # {"region": "az-2.region-a.geo-1", "area": "aw2", "az": "az2", "continent": "dev"} metadata = { 'region' => node_details[hostname][:az], 'continent' => 'unknown', # we could infer this from the region, or default to 'dev' 'area' => 'unknown', # we could infer this from the region-a/region-b 'az' => node_details[hostname][:az].split('.')[0].sub(/-/, ''), 'chef_role' => role } Logger.debug "Generated metadata: #{metadata}" Logger.debug "Supplied metadata: #{config[:metadata]}" # merge with the supplied data, which will override our generated data metadata.merge!(config[:metadata]) Logger.info "Final metadata: #{metadata}" os = Stack.connect(config, node_details[hostname][:az]) newserver = os.create_server(:name => hostname, :imageRef => config[node_details[hostname][:az]]['image_id'], :flavorRef => config['flavor_id'], :security_groups=>[role_details[:security_group]], :user_data => Base64.encode64(multipart), :metadata => metadata, :key_name => config[:key_pair]) # wait for the server to become ACTIVE before proceeding while (newserver.status != 'ACTIVE') do print '.' sleep 1 # refresh the status newserver.refresh end puts # refresh the config[:all_instances] with the newly built server # TODO: we should be able to just add this server, instead of re-polling everything Stack.get_all_instances(config, true) # refresh the chef_server details..we should have IPs now if role_details[:chef_server] Stack.set_chef_server(config, hostname) #Stack.generate_knife_rb(config) end # attach a floating IP to this if we have one if role_details[:floating_ips] && role_details[:floating_ips][p-1] floating_ip = role_details[:floating_ips][p-1] Logger.info "Attaching #{floating_ip} to #{hostname}\n via 'nova add-floating-ip'" # nova --os-region-name $REGION add-floating-ip $SERVER_NAME $FLOATING_IP floating_ip_add = `nova --os-region-name #{node_details[hostname][:az]} add-floating-ip #{hostname} #{floating_ip}` Logger.info floating_ip_add end # refresh the secgroups ASAP Stack.secgroup_sync(config) # run any post-install scripts, these are run from the current host, not the nodes if role_details[:post_install_script] Logger.debug { "This role has a post-install script (#{role_details[:post_install_script]}), preparing to run" } # convert when we got passed to an absolute path post_install_script_abs = Stack.find_file(config, role_details[:post_install_script]) post_install_cwd_abs = File.realpath(config[:stackhome] + '/' + role_details[:post_install_cwd]) # replace any tokens in the argument public_ip = Stack.get_public_ip(config, hostname) post_install_args = role_details[:post_install_args].sub(%q!%PUBLIC_IP%!, public_ip) # we system this, so that the script can give live feed back Logger.info "Executing '#{post_install_script_abs} #{post_install_args}' in #{post_install_cwd_abs} as the post_install_script" system("cd #{post_install_cwd_abs} ; #{post_install_script_abs} #{post_install_args}") end else Logger.info "Skipped role #{role}" end end end end def Stack.find_file(config, filename) # find a file, using the standard path precedence # 1) cwd # 2) stackhome # 2) stackhome + find_file_paths # 3) gemhome/lib if filename.nil? || filename.empty? raise ArgumentError end filename_fqp = '' # Relative path, to somewhere! dirs = [ '.' ] # current directory dirs.push(config[:stackhome]) config[:find_file_paths].each { |fp| dirs.push(File.join(config[:stackhome], fp)) } dirs.push(File.join(@@gemhome, 'lib')) dirs.push(ENV['HOME']) dirs.push('') # find absolute paths dirs.flatten! Logger.debug "find_file, looking for #{filename} in #{dirs}" dirs.each do |dir| fqp = File.join(dir, filename) Logger.debug "find_file: checking #{fqp}" if File.file?(fqp) Logger.debug "find_file: found #{fqp}!" filename_fqp = File.expand_path(fqp) end end if filename_fqp.empty? Logger.warn "couldn't find #{filename} in #{dirs}" filename_fqp = nil end filename_fqp end def Stack.shellout(config, command, cwd=nil) # wrapper to exec things in a knife friendly way if cwd.nil? cwd = config[:stackhome] end saved_wd = Dir.getwd() output = "" Dir.chdir(cwd) sh command do |stdout, stderr, exitstatus| output = stdout end Dir.chdir(saved_wd) return output end end