require 'spec_helper' describe SitemapGenerator::Utilities do describe "assert_valid_keys" do it "should raise error on invalid keys" do lambda { SitemapGenerator::Utilities.assert_valid_keys({ :name => "Rob", :years => "28" }, :name, :age) }.should raise_exception(ArgumentError) lambda { SitemapGenerator::Utilities.assert_valid_keys({ :name => "Rob", :age => "28" }, "name", "age") }.should raise_exception(ArgumentError) end it "should not raise error on valid keys" do lambda { SitemapGenerator::Utilities.assert_valid_keys({ :name => "Rob", :age => "28" }, :name, :age) }.should_not raise_exception lambda { SitemapGenerator::Utilities.assert_valid_keys({ :name => "Rob" }, :name, :age) }.should_not raise_exception end end describe "titleize" do it "should titleize words and replace underscores" do SitemapGenerator::Utilities.titleize('google').should == 'Google' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.titleize('amy_and_jon').should == 'Amy And Jon' end end describe "truthy?" do it "should be truthy" do ['1', 1, 't', 'true', true].each do |value| SitemapGenerator::Utilities.truthy?(value).should be_true end SitemapGenerator::Utilities.truthy?(nil).should be_false end end describe "falsy?" do it "should be falsy" do ['0', 0, 'f', 'false', false].each do |value| SitemapGenerator::Utilities.falsy?(value).should be_true end SitemapGenerator::Utilities.falsy?(nil).should be_false end end describe "as_array" do it "should return an array unchanged" do SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array([]).should == [] SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array([1]).should == [1] SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array([1,2,3]).should == [1,2,3] end it "should return empty array on nil" do SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array(nil).should == [] end it "should make array of item otherwise" do SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array('').should == [''] SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array(1).should == [1] SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array('hello').should == ['hello'] SitemapGenerator::Utilities.as_array({}).should == [{}] end end describe "append_slash" do SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash('').should == '' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash(nil).should == '' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash('')).should == '' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash('tmp').should == 'tmp/' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash('tmp')).should == 'tmp/' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash('tmp/').should == 'tmp/' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.append_slash('tmp/')).should == 'tmp/' end describe "ellipsis" do it "should not modify when less than or equal to max" do (1..10).each do |i| string = 'a'*i SitemapGenerator::Utilities.ellipsis(string, 10).should == string end end it "should replace last 3 characters with ellipsis when greater than max" do (1..5).each do |i| string = 'aaaaa' + 'a'*i SitemapGenerator::Utilities.ellipsis(string, 5).should == 'aa...' end end it "should not freak out when string too small" do SitemapGenerator::Utilities.ellipsis('a', 1).should == 'a' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.ellipsis('aa', 1).should == '...' SitemapGenerator::Utilities.ellipsis('aaa', 1).should == '...' end end end