# frozen_string_literal: true module ThinkingSphinx; end require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' require 'thinking_sphinx/index_set' describe ThinkingSphinx::IndexSet do let(:set) { ThinkingSphinx::IndexSet.new options, configuration } let(:configuration) { double('configuration', :preload_indices => true, :indices => []) } let(:ar_base) { double('ActiveRecord::Base') } let(:options) { {} } before :each do stub_const 'ActiveRecord::Base', ar_base end def class_double(name, methods = {}, *superclasses) klass = double 'class', :name => name, :class => Class allow(klass).to receive_messages( :ancestors => ([klass] + superclasses + [ar_base]), :inheritance_column => :type ) allow(klass).to receive_messages(methods) klass end describe '#to_a' do it "ensures the indices are loaded" do expect(configuration).to receive(:preload_indices) set.to_a end it "returns all non-distributed indices when no models or indices are specified" do article_core = double 'index', :name => 'article_core', :distributed? => false user_core = double 'index', :name => 'user_core', :distributed? => false distributed = double 'index', :name => 'user', :distributed? => true configuration.indices.replace [article_core, user_core, distributed] expect(set.to_a).to eq([article_core, user_core]) end it "uses indices for the given classes" do configuration.indices.replace [ double(:reference => :article, :distributed? => false), double(:reference => :opinion_article, :distributed? => false), double(:reference => :page, :distributed? => false) ] options[:classes] = [class_double('Article', :column_names => [])] expect(set.to_a.length).to eq(1) end it "requests indices for any STI superclasses" do configuration.indices.replace [ double(:reference => :article, :distributed? => false), double(:reference => :opinion_article, :distributed? => false), double(:reference => :page, :distributed? => false) ] article = class_double('Article', :column_names => [:type]) opinion = class_double('OpinionArticle', {:column_names => [:type]}, article) options[:classes] = [opinion] expect(set.to_a.length).to eq(2) end it "does not use MTI superclasses" do configuration.indices.replace [ double(:reference => :article, :distributed? => false), double(:reference => :opinion_article, :distributed? => false), double(:reference => :page, :distributed? => false) ] article = class_double('Article', :column_names => []) opinion = class_double('OpinionArticle', {:column_names => []}, article) options[:classes] = [opinion] expect(set.to_a.length).to eq(1) end it "uses named indices if names are provided" do article_core = double('index', :name => 'article_core') user_core = double('index', :name => 'user_core') configuration.indices.replace [article_core, user_core] options[:indices] = ['article_core'] expect(set.to_a).to eq([article_core]) end it "selects from the full index set those with matching references" do configuration.indices.replace [ double('index', :reference => :article, :distributed? => false), double('index', :reference => :book, :distributed? => false), double('index', :reference => :page, :distributed? => false) ] options[:references] = [:book, :article] expect(set.to_a.length).to eq(2) end end end