- if @authenticated .sidebox %h2 Bookmarklet %p Drag the following link to your bookmarks. Click it to shorten the URL to the page you're currently viewing. %p %a{ :href => "javascript:var%20d=document,w=window,enc=encodeURIComponent,e=w.getSelection,k=d.getSelection,x=d.selection,s=(e?e():(k)?k():(x?x.createRange().text:0)),s2=((s.toString()=='')?s:('%22'+enc(s)+'%22')),f='http://#{@config[:hostname]}/api/add',l=d.location,p='?visual=1&api_key=#{@config[:api_key]}&url='+enc(l.href),u=f+p;try{if(!/^(.*\.)?tumblrzzz[^.]*$/.test(l.host))throw(0);tstbklt();}catch(z){a%20=function(){if(!w.open(u))l.href=u;};if(/Firefox/.test(navigator.userAgent))setTimeout(a,0);else%20a();}void(0)" } Shorten with #{@config[:hostname]} %h1 How about shortening a URL? .the_form %form{ :action => '/api/add', :method => 'post' } %input{ :type => "hidden", :name => "visual", :value => "1" } %p %input.big_url{ :type => 'text', :name => 'url', :id => 'url', :size => 50, :autocomplete => "off", :spellcheck => 'false' } %p %input.big_url{ :type => 'submit', :name => 'submit', :id => 'submit', :value => "Make it short!" } - if @error %h2 Whoops! %p The URL you posted is invalid. Please post a valid HTTP url, including the protocol (http://) prefix. - if @highlight %h2 Your short URL %table %tr %td.label Short URL %td.label Full URL %td.label Clicks %td.label Shortened at %td.label   %tr.highlighted %td.value %input{ :type => "text", :value => short_url(@highlight), :class => 'short_url', :size => 21 } %td.value.fill #{@highlight.url} %td.value.center= @highlight.clicks %td.value= @highlight.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") %td.value %a{ :href => "http://twitter.com/home?status=#{tweet(short_url(@highlight))}" } %img.twitter{ :src => "/images/twitter.png", :width => "16", :height => "16" } %h2 Recently shortened %table %tr %td.label Short URL %td.label Full URL %td.label Clicks %td.label Shortened at %td.label   - @urls.each do |url| %tr{ :class => is_highlighted?(url) ? 'highlighted' : '' } %td.value %input{ :type => "text", :value => short_url(url), :class => 'short_url', :size => 21 } %td.value.fill #{url.url} %td.value.center= url.clicks %td.value= url.created_at.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") %td.value %a{ :href => "http://twitter.com/home?status=#{tweet(short_url(url))}" } %img.twitter{ :src => "/images/twitter.png", :width => "16", :height => "16" } :javascript $(document).ready(function() { $('input.short_url').each(function(index) { $(this).mouseup(function() { $(this).select(); }); }); }); - else %h1 Please enter your API key %p Please enter your API key below to make sure only you can shorten URLs here. %form{ :action => '/api/set', :method => 'post' } %p %label{ :for => 'api_key' } API Key %input{ :type => 'password', :name => 'api_key', :id => 'api_key' } %p %input{ :type => 'submit', :name => 'submit', :id => 'submit', :value => "Let me in" }