#!/usr/bin/env rspec require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/network/authconfig' describe Puppet::Network::AuthConfig do before do @rights = stubs 'rights' Puppet::Network::Rights.stubs(:new).returns(@rights) @rights.stubs(:each).returns([]) FileTest.stubs(:exists?).returns(true) File.stubs(:stat).returns(stub('stat', :ctime => :now)) Time.stubs(:now).returns Time.now @authconfig = Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new("dummy", false) end describe "when initializing" do before :each do Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.stubs(:read) end it "should use the authconfig default pathname if none provided" do Puppet.expects(:[]).with(:authconfig).returns("dummy") Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new end it "should raise an error if no file is defined finally" do Puppet.stubs(:[]).with(:authconfig).returns(nil) lambda { Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new }.should raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should read and parse the file if parsenow is true" do Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.any_instance.expects(:read) Puppet::Network::AuthConfig.new("dummy", true) end end describe "when checking authorization" do before :each do @authconfig.stubs(:read) @call = stub 'call', :intern => "name" @handler = stub 'handler', :intern => "handler" @method = stub_everything 'method' @request = stub 'request', :call => @call, :handler => @handler, :method => @method, :name => "me", :ip => "" end it "should attempt to read the authconfig file" do @rights.stubs(:include?) @authconfig.expects(:read) @authconfig.allowed?(@request) end it "should use a name right if it exists" do right = stub 'right' @rights.stubs(:include?).with("name").returns(true) @rights.stubs(:[]).with("name").returns(right) right.expects(:allowed?).with("me", "") @authconfig.allowed?(@request) end it "should use a namespace right otherwise" do right = stub 'right' @rights.stubs(:include?).with("name").returns(false) @rights.stubs(:include?).with("handler").returns(true) @rights.stubs(:[]).with("handler").returns(right) right.expects(:allowed?).with("me", "") @authconfig.allowed?(@request) end it "should return whatever the found rights returns" do right = stub 'right' @rights.stubs(:include?).with("name").returns(true) @rights.stubs(:[]).with("name").returns(right) right.stubs(:allowed?).with("me", "").returns(:returned) @authconfig.allowed?(@request).should == :returned end end describe "when parsing authconfig file" do before :each do @fd = stub 'fd' File.stubs(:open).yields(@fd) @rights.stubs(:include?).returns(false) @rights.stubs(:[]) end it "should skip comments" do @fd.stubs(:each).yields(' # comment') @rights.expects(:newright).never @authconfig.read end it "should increment line number even on commented lines" do @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields(' # comment','[puppetca]') @rights.expects(:newright).with('[puppetca]', 2, 'dummy') @authconfig.read end it "should skip blank lines" do @fd.stubs(:each).yields(' ') @rights.expects(:newright).never @authconfig.read end it "should increment line number even on blank lines" do @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields(' ','[puppetca]') @rights.expects(:newright).with('[puppetca]', 2, 'dummy') @authconfig.read end it "should throw an error if the current namespace right already exist" do @fd.stubs(:each).yields('[puppetca]') @rights.stubs(:include?).with("puppetca").returns(true) lambda { @authconfig.read }.should raise_error end it "should not throw an error if the current path right already exist" do @fd.stubs(:each).yields('path /hello') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("/hello",1, 'dummy') @rights.stubs(:include?).with("/hello").returns(true) lambda { @authconfig.read }.should_not raise_error end it "should create a new right for found namespaces" do @fd.stubs(:each).yields('[puppetca]') @rights.expects(:newright).with("[puppetca]", 1, 'dummy') @authconfig.read end it "should create a new right for each found namespace line" do @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('[puppetca]', '[fileserver]') @rights.expects(:newright).with("[puppetca]", 1, 'dummy') @rights.expects(:newright).with("[fileserver]", 2, 'dummy') @authconfig.read end it "should create a new right for each found path line" do @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('path /certificates') @rights.expects(:newright).with("/certificates", 1, 'dummy') @authconfig.read end it "should create a new right for each found regex line" do @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('path ~ .rb$') @rights.expects(:newright).with("~ .rb$", 1, 'dummy') @authconfig.read end it "should create an allow ACE on each subsequent allow" do acl = stub 'acl', :info @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('[puppetca]', 'allow') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("[puppetca]", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) acl.expects(:allow).with('') @authconfig.read end it "should create a deny ACE on each subsequent deny" do acl = stub 'acl', :info @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('[puppetca]', 'deny') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("[puppetca]", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) acl.expects(:deny).with('') @authconfig.read end it "should inform the current ACL if we get the 'method' directive" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('path /certificates', 'method search,find') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("/certificates", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) acl.expects(:restrict_method).with('search') acl.expects(:restrict_method).with('find') @authconfig.read end it "should raise an error if the 'method' directive is used in a right different than a path/regex one" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('[puppetca]', 'method search,find') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("puppetca", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) lambda { @authconfig.read }.should raise_error end it "should inform the current ACL if we get the 'environment' directive" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('path /certificates', 'environment production,development') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("/certificates", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) acl.expects(:restrict_environment).with('production') acl.expects(:restrict_environment).with('development') @authconfig.read end it "should raise an error if the 'environment' directive is used in a right different than a path/regex one" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('[puppetca]', 'environment env') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("puppetca", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) lambda { @authconfig.read }.should raise_error end it "should inform the current ACL if we get the 'auth' directive" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('path /certificates', 'auth yes') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("/certificates", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) acl.expects(:restrict_authenticated).with('yes') @authconfig.read end it "should also allow the longest 'authenticated' directive" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('path /certificates', 'authenticated yes') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("/certificates", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) acl.expects(:restrict_authenticated).with('yes') @authconfig.read end it "should raise an error if the 'auth' directive is used in a right different than a path/regex one" do acl = stub 'acl', :info acl.stubs(:acl_type).returns(:regex) @fd.stubs(:each).multiple_yields('[puppetca]', 'auth yes') @rights.stubs(:newright).with("puppetca", 1, 'dummy').returns(acl) lambda { @authconfig.read }.should raise_error end end end