module OpenStudio module Analysis module Translator class Datapoints attr_reader :version attr_reader :settings attr_reader :variables attr_reader :outputs attr_reader :models attr_reader :measure_paths attr_reader :weather_paths attr_reader :worker_inits attr_reader :worker_finals attr_reader :export_path attr_reader :cluster_name attr_reader :variables attr_reader :algorithm attr_reader :problem attr_reader :run_setup attr_reader :aws_tags # remove these once we have classes to construct the JSON file attr_accessor :name attr_reader :analysis_name # Methods to override instance variables # Pass in the filename to read def initialize(csv_filename) @csv_filename = csv_filename @root_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(@csv_filename)) @csv = nil # Try to read the spreadsheet as a roo object if File.exist?(@csv_filename) @csv = else fail "File #{@csv_filename} does not exist" end # Remove nil rows and check row length @csv.delete_if { |row| row.uniq.length == 1 && row.uniq[0].nil? } # Initialize some other instance variables @version = '0.0.1' @analyses = [] # Array o OpenStudio::Analysis. Use method to access @name = nil @analysis_name = nil @cluster_name = nil @settings = {} @weather_paths = [] @models = [] @other_files = [] @worker_inits = [] @worker_finals = [] @export_path = './export' @measure_paths = [] @problem = {} @algorithm = {} @outputs = {} @run_setup = {} @aws_tags = [] end def process # Seperate CSV into meta and measure groups measure_tag_index = nil @csv.each_with_index { |row, index| measure_tag_index = index if row[0] == 'BEGIN-MEASURES' } fail "ERROR: No 'BEGIN-MEASURES' tag found in input csv file." unless measure_tag_index meta_rows = [] measure_rows = [] @csv.each_with_index do |_, index| meta_rows << @csv[index] if index < measure_tag_index measure_rows << @csv[index] if index > measure_tag_index end @setup = parse_csv_meta(meta_rows) @version = @version fail "CSV interface version #{@version} is no longer supported. Please upgrade your csv interface to at least 0.0.1" if @version < '0.0.0' @variables = parse_csv_measures(measure_rows) # call validate to make sure everything that is needed exists (i.e. directories) validate_analysis end # Helper methods to remove models and add new ones programatically. Note that these should # be moved into a general analysis class def delete_models @models = [] end def add_model(name, display_name, type, path) @models << { name: name, display_name: display_name, type: type, path: path } end def validate_analysis # Setup the paths and do some error checking @measure_paths.each do |mp| fail "Measures directory '#{mp}' does not exist" unless Dir.exist?(mp) end @models.uniq! fail 'No seed models defined in spreadsheet' if @models.empty? @models.each do |model| fail "Seed model does not exist: #{model[:path]}" unless File.exist?(model[:path]) end @weather_paths.uniq! fail 'No weather files found based on what is in the spreadsheet' if @weather_paths.empty? @weather_paths.each do |wf| fail "Weather file does not exist: #{wf}" unless File.exist?(wf) end # This can be a directory as well @other_files.each do |f| fail "Other files do not exist for: #{f[:path]}" unless File.exist?(f[:path]) end @worker_inits.each do |f| fail "Worker initialization file does not exist for: #{f[:path]}" unless File.exist?(f[:path]) end @worker_finals.each do |f| fail "Worker finalization file does not exist for: #{f[:path]}" unless File.exist?(f[:path]) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(@export_path) # verify that the measure display names are unique # puts @variables.inspect measure_display_names = { |m| m[:measure_data][:display_name] }.compact measure_display_names_mult = { |m| measure_display_names.count(m) > 1 }.uniq if measure_display_names_mult && !measure_display_names_mult.empty? fail "Measure Display Names are not unique for '#{measure_display_names_mult.join('\', \'')}'" end variable_names = { |v| v[:vars].map { |hash| hash[:display_name] } }.flatten dupes = { |e| variable_names.count(e) > 1 }.uniq if dupes.count > 0 fail "duplicate variable names found in list #{dupes.inspect}" end end # convert the data in excel's parsed data into an OpenStudio Analysis Object # @seed_model [Hash] Seed model to set the new analysis to # @append_model_name [Boolean] Append the name of the seed model to the display name # @return [Object] An OpenStudio::Analysis def analysis(seed_model = nil, append_model_name = false) fail 'There are no seed models defined in the excel file. Please add one.' if @models.size == 0 fail 'There are more than one seed models defined in the excel file. This is not supported by the CSV Translator.' if @models.size > 1 && seed_model.nil? seed_model = @models.first if seed_model.nil? # Use the programmatic interface to make the analysis # append the model name to the analysis name if requested (normally if there are more than 1 models in the spreadsheet) display_name = append_model_name ? @name + ' ' + seed_model[:display_name] : @name a = OpenStudio::Analysis.create(display_name) @variables.each do |measure| @measure_paths.each do |measure_path| measure_dir_to_add = "#{measure_path}/#{measure[:measure_data][:classname]}" if Dir.exist? measure_dir_to_add if File.exist? "#{measure_dir_to_add}/measure.rb" measure[:measure_data][:local_path_to_measure] = "#{measure_dir_to_add}/measure.rb" break else fail "Measure in directory '#{measure_dir_to_add}' did not contain a measure.rb file" end end end fail "Could not find measure '#{measure['name']}' in directory named '#{measure['measure_file_name_directory']}' in the measure paths '#{@measure_paths.join(', ')}'" unless measure[:measure_data][:local_path_to_measure] a.workflow.add_measure_from_csv(measure) end @other_files.each do |library| a.libraries.add(library[:path], library_name: library[:lib_zip_name]) end @worker_inits.each do |w| a.worker_inits.add(w[:path], args: w[:args]) end @worker_finals.each do |w| a.worker_finalizes.add(w[:path], args: w[:args]) end # Add in the outputs @outputs.each do |o| o = Hash[ { |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] a.add_output(o) end a.analysis_type = @problem['analysis_type'] # clear out the seed files before adding new ones a.seed_model = seed_model[:path] # clear out the weather files before adding new ones a.weather_files.clear @weather_paths.each do |wp| a.weather_files.add_files(wp) end a end protected def parse_csv_meta(meta_rows) # Convert to hash config_hash = {} meta_rows.each do |row| config_hash[row[0].to_sym] = row[1] end # Assign required attributes fail 'Require setting not found: version' unless config_hash[:version] @version = config_hash[:version] if config_hash[:analysis_name] @name = config_hash[:analysis_name] else @name = SecureRandom.uuid end @analysis_name = @name.snake_case fail 'Require setting not found: measure_path' unless config_hash[:measure_paths] config_hash[:measure_paths] = [config_hash[:measure_paths]] unless config_hash[:measure_paths].respond_to?(:each) config_hash[:measure_paths].each do |path| if ( path).absolute? @measure_paths << path else @measure_paths << File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, path)) end end fail 'Required setting not found: weather_paths' unless config_hash[:weather_paths] config_hash[:weather_paths] = eval("#{config_hash[:weather_paths]}") config_hash[:weather_paths].each do |path| if ( path).absolute? @weather_paths << path else @weather_paths << File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, path)) end end fail 'Required setting not found: models' unless config_hash[:models] config_hash[:models] = [config_hash[:models]] unless config_hash[:models].respond_to?(:each) config_hash[:models].each do |path| model_name = File.basename(path).split('.')[0] model_name = SecureRandom.uuid if model_name == '' type = File.basename(path).split('.')[1].upcase unless ( path).absolute? path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, path)) end @models << { name: model_name.snake_case, display_name: model_name, type: type, path: path } end # Assign optional attributes if config_hash[:output] path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, config_hash[:output].to_s)) if File.exist? path @outputs = MultiJson.load( else fail "Could not find output json: #{config_hash[:output]}" end end if config_hash[:export_path] if ( config_hash[:export_path]).absolute? @export_path = config_hash[:export_path] else @export_path = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, config_hash[:export_path])) end end if config_hash[:library_path] library_name = File.basename(config_hash[:library_path]).split('.')[0] unless ( config_hash[:library_path]).absolute? config_hash[:library_path] = File.expand_path(File.join(@root_path, config_hash[:library_path])) end @other_files << { lib_zip_name: library_name, path: config_hash[:library_path] } end @run_setup[:allow_multiple_jobs] = config_hash[:allow_multiple_jobs].to_s.to_bool if config_hash[:allow_multiple_jobs] @run_setup[:use_server_as_worker] = config_hash[:use_server_as_worker].to_s.to_bool if config_hash[:use_server_as_worker] # Assign AWS settings @settings[:proxy_port] = config_hash[:proxy_port] if config_hash[:proxy_port] @settings[:cluster_name] = config_hash[:cluster_name] if config_hash[:cluster_name] @settings[:user_id] = config_hash[:user_id] if config_hash[:user_id] @settings[:os_server_version] = config_hash[:os_server_version] if config_hash[:os_server_version] @settings[:server_instance_type] = config_hash[:server_instance_type] if config_hash[:server_instance_type] @settings[:worker_instance_type] = config_hash[:worker_instance_type] if config_hash[:worker_instance_type] @settings[:worker_node_number] = config_hash[:worker_node_number].to_i if config_hash[:worker_node_number] @settings[:aws_tags] = config_hash[:aws_tags] if config_hash[:aws_tags] @settings[:analysis_type] = 'batch_datapoints' end def parse_csv_measures(measure_rows) # Build metadata required for parsing measures = measure_rows[0] { |measure| !measure.nil? }.map(&:to_sym) measure_map = {} measure_var_list = [] measures.each do |measure| measure_map[measure] = {} col_ind = (0..(measure_rows[0].length - 1)) { |i| measure_rows[0][i] == measure.to_s } col_ind.each do |var_ind| tuple = measure.to_s + measure_rows[1][var_ind] fail "Multiple measure_variable tuples found for '#{measure}_#{measure_rows[1][var_ind]}'. These tuples must be unique." if measure_var_list.include? tuple measure_var_list << tuple measure_map[measure][measure_rows[1][var_ind].to_sym] = var_ind end end # For each measure load measure json and parse out critical variable requirements data = [] measures.each_with_index do |measure, measure_index| data[measure_index] = {} measure_json = '' for i in 0..(@measure_paths.length - 1) if File.exist? File.join(@measure_paths[i], measure.to_s, 'measure.json') measure_json = MultiJson.load([i], measure.to_s, 'measure.json'))) break end end fail "Could not find measure json #{measure}.json in measure_paths: '#{@measure_paths.join("\n")}'" if measure_json == '' measure_data = {} measure_data[:classname] = measure_json['classname'] measure_data[:name] = measure_json['name'] measure_data[:display_name] = measure_json['display_name'] measure_data[:measure_type] = measure_json['measure_type'] measure_data[:uid] = measure_json['uid'] measure_data[:version_id] = measure_json['version_id'] data[measure_index][:measure_data] = measure_data data[measure_index][:vars] = [] vars = measure_map[measure] vars.each do |var| var = var[0] var_hash = {} var_json = measure_json['arguments'].select { |hash| hash['local_variable'] == var.to_s }[0] fail "measure.json for measure #{measure} does not have an argument with local_variable == #{var}" if var_json.nil? var_hash[:variable_type] = 'variable' var_hash[:display_name] = measure_rows[2][measure_map[measure][var]] var_hash[:display_name_short] = var_hash[:display_name] var_hash[:name] = var_json['local_variable'] var_hash[:type] = var_json['variable_type'].downcase var_hash[:units] = var_json['units'] var_hash[:distribution] = {} case var_hash[:type].downcase when 'bool', 'boolean' # is 'boolean' necessary? it's not in the enum catch var_hash[:distribution][:values] = (3..(measure_rows.length - 1)).map { |value| measure_rows[value.to_i][measure_map[measure][var]].to_s == 'true' } var_hash[:distribution][:maximum] = true var_hash[:distribution][:minimum] = false var_hash[:distribution][:mode] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].group_by { |i| i }.max { |x, y| x[1].length <=> y[1].length }[0] when 'choice', 'string' var_hash[:distribution][:values] = (3..(measure_rows.length) - 1).map { |value| measure_rows[value.to_i][measure_map[measure][var]].to_s } var_hash[:distribution][:minimum] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].min var_hash[:distribution][:maximum] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].max var_hash[:distribution][:mode] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].group_by { |i| i }.max { |x, y| x[1].length <=> y[1].length }[0] else var_hash[:distribution][:values] = (3..(measure_rows.length - 1)).map { |value| eval(measure_rows[value.to_i][measure_map[measure][var]]) } var_hash[:distribution][:minimum] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].map(&:to_i).min var_hash[:distribution][:maximum] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].map(&:to_i).max var_hash[:distribution][:mode] = var_hash[:distribution][:values].group_by { |i| i }.max { |x, y| x[1].length <=> y[1].length }[0] end var_hash[:distribution][:weights] = eval('[' + "#{1.0 / (measure_rows.length - 3)}," * (measure_rows.length - 3) + ']') var_hash[:distribution][:type] = 'discrete' var_hash[:distribution][:units] = var_hash[:units] if var_hash[:type] == 'choice' var_hash[:distribution][:enumerations] = var_json['choices'] elsif var_hash[:type] == 'bool' var_hash[:distribution][:enumerations] = [] var_hash[:distribution][:enumerations] << 'true' # TODO: should this be a real bool? var_hash[:distribution][:enumerations] << 'false' end data[measure_index][:vars] << var_hash end data[measure_index][:args] = [] measure_json['arguments'].each do |arg_json| arg = {} arg[:value_type] = arg_json['variable_type'].downcase arg[:name] = arg_json['name'] arg[:display_name] = arg_json['display_name'] arg[:display_name_short] = arg_json['display_name'] arg[:default_value] = arg_json['default_value'] arg[:value] = arg_json['default_value'] data[measure_index][:args] << arg end end data end end end end end