require 'arjdbc/mssql/tsql_helper' require 'arjdbc/mssql/limit_helpers' module ::ArJdbc module MsSQL include TSqlMethods include LimitHelpers def self.extended(mod) unless @lob_callback_added ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do def after_save_with_mssql_lob { |c| c.sql_type =~ /image/i }.each do |c| value = self[] value = value.to_yaml if unserializable_attribute?(, c) next if value.nil? || (value == '') connection.write_large_object(c.type == :binary,, self.class.table_name, self.class.primary_key, quote_value(id), value) end end end ActiveRecord::Base.after_save :after_save_with_mssql_lob @lob_callback_added = true end mod.add_version_specific_add_limit_offset end def self.column_selector [/sqlserver|tds|Microsoft SQL/i, lambda {|cfg,col| col.extend(::ArJdbc::MsSQL::Column)}] end def self.jdbc_connection_class ::ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MssqlJdbcConnection end def arel2_visitors require 'arel/visitors/mssql' visitor_class = sqlserver_version == "2000" ? ::Arel::Visitors::SQLServer2000 : ::Arel::Visitors::SQLServer { 'mssql' => visitor_class, 'jdbcmssql' => visitor_class} end def sqlserver_version @sqlserver_version ||= select_value("select @@version")[/Microsoft SQL Server\s+(\d{4})/, 1] end def add_version_specific_add_limit_offset if sqlserver_version == "2000" extend LimitHelpers::SqlServer2000AddLimitOffset else extend LimitHelpers::SqlServerAddLimitOffset end end def modify_types(tp) #:nodoc: super(tp) tp[:string] = {:name => "NVARCHAR", :limit => 255} if sqlserver_version == "2000" tp[:text] = {:name => "NTEXT"} else tp[:text] = {:name => "NVARCHAR(MAX)"} end tp end def type_to_sql(type, limit = nil, precision = nil, scale = nil) #:nodoc: # MSSQL's NVARCHAR(n | max) column supports either a number between 1 and # 4000, or the word "MAX", which corresponds to 2**30-1 UCS-2 characters. # # It does not accept NVARCHAR(1073741823) here, so we have to change it # to NVARCHAR(MAX), even though they are logically equivalent. # # MSSQL Server 2000 is skipped here because I don't know how it will behave. # # See: if type.to_s == 'string' and limit == 1073741823 and sqlserver_version != "2000" 'NVARCHAR(MAX)' elsif %w( boolean date datetime ).include?(type.to_s) super(type) # cannot specify limit/precision/scale with these types else super end end module Column attr_accessor :identity, :is_special def simplified_type(field_type) case field_type when /int|bigint|smallint|tinyint/i then :integer when /numeric/i then (@scale.nil? || @scale == 0) ? :integer : :decimal when /float|double|decimal|money|real|smallmoney/i then :decimal when /datetime|smalldatetime/i then :datetime when /timestamp/i then :timestamp when /time/i then :time when /date/i then :date when /text|ntext|xml/i then :text when /binary|image|varbinary/i then :binary when /char|nchar|nvarchar|string|varchar/i then (@limit == 1073741823 ? (@limit = nil; :text) : :string) when /bit/i then :boolean when /uniqueidentifier/i then :string end end def default_value(value) return $1 if value =~ /^\(N?'(.*)'\)$/ value end def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? || value == "(null)" || value == "(NULL)" case type when :integer then value.to_i rescue unquote(value).to_i rescue value ? 1 : 0 when :primary_key then value == true || value == false ? value == true ? 1 : 0 : value.to_i when :decimal then self.class.value_to_decimal(unquote(value)) when :datetime then cast_to_datetime(value) when :timestamp then cast_to_time(value) when :time then cast_to_time(value) when :date then cast_to_date(value) when :boolean then value == true or (value =~ /^t(rue)?$/i) == 0 or unquote(value)=="1" when :binary then unquote value else value end end def extract_limit(sql_type) case sql_type when /text|ntext|xml|binary|image|varbinary|bit/ nil else super end end def is_utf8? sql_type =~ /nvarchar|ntext|nchar/i end def unquote(value) value.to_s.sub(/\A\([\(\']?/, "").sub(/[\'\)]?\)\Z/, "") end def cast_to_time(value) return value if value.is_a?(Time) time_array = ParseDate.parsedate(value) return nil if !time_array.any? time_array[0] ||= 2000 time_array[1] ||= 1 time_array[2] ||= 1 return Time.send(ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone, *time_array) rescue nil # Try DateTime instead - the date may be outside the time period support by Time.*time_array[0..5]) rescue nil end def cast_to_date(value) return value if value.is_a?(Date) return Date.parse(value) rescue nil end def cast_to_datetime(value) if value.is_a?(Time) if value.year != 0 and value.month != 0 and != 0 return value else return Time.mktime(2000, 1, 1, value.hour, value.min, value.sec) rescue nil end end if value.is_a?(DateTime) begin # Attempt to convert back to a Time, but it could fail for dates significantly in the past/future. return Time.mktime(value.year, value.mon,, value.hour, value.min, value.sec) rescue ArgumentError return value end end return cast_to_time(value) if value.is_a?(Date) or value.is_a?(String) rescue nil return value.is_a?(Date) ? value : nil end # These methods will only allow the adapter to insert binary data with a length of 7K or less # because of a SQL Server statement length policy. def self.string_to_binary(value) '' end end def quote(value, column = nil) return value.quoted_id if value.respond_to?(:quoted_id) case value # SQL Server 2000 doesn't let you insert an integer into a NVARCHAR # column, so we include Integer here. when String, ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars, Integer value = value.to_s if column && column.type == :binary "'#{quote_string(ArJdbc::MsSQL::Column.string_to_binary(value))}'" # ' (for ruby-mode) elsif column && [:integer, :float].include?(column.type) value = column.type == :integer ? value.to_i : value.to_f value.to_s elsif !column.respond_to?(:is_utf8?) || column.is_utf8? "N'#{quote_string(value)}'" # ' (for ruby-mode) else super end when TrueClass then '1' when FalseClass then '0' else super end end def quote_string(string) string.gsub(/\'/, "''") end def quote_table_name(name) name end def quote_column_name(name) "[#{name}]" end def quoted_true quote true end def quoted_false quote false end def adapter_name #:nodoc: 'MsSQL' end def change_order_direction(order) order.split(",").collect do |fragment| case fragment when /\bDESC\b/i then fragment.gsub(/\bDESC\b/i, "ASC") when /\bASC\b/i then fragment.gsub(/\bASC\b/i, "DESC") else',').join(' DESC,') + ' DESC' end end.join(",") end def supports_ddl_transactions? true end def recreate_database(name) drop_database(name) create_database(name) end def drop_database(name) execute "USE master" execute "DROP DATABASE #{name}" end def create_database(name) execute "CREATE DATABASE #{name}" execute "USE #{name}" end def rename_table(name, new_name) clear_cached_table(name) execute "EXEC sp_rename '#{name}', '#{new_name}'" end # Adds a new column to the named table. # See TableDefinition#column for details of the options you can use. def add_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) clear_cached_table(table_name) add_column_sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD #{quote_column_name(column_name)} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}" add_column_options!(add_column_sql, options) # TODO: Add support to mimic date columns, using constraints to mark them as such in the database # add_column_sql << " CONSTRAINT ck__#{table_name}__#{column_name}__date_only CHECK ( CONVERT(CHAR(12), #{quote_column_name(column_name)}, 14)='00:00:00:000' )" if type == :date execute(add_column_sql) end def rename_column(table, column, new_column_name) clear_cached_table(table) execute "EXEC sp_rename '#{table}.#{column}', '#{new_column_name}'" end def change_column(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) #:nodoc: clear_cached_table(table_name) change_column_type(table_name, column_name, type, options) change_column_default(table_name, column_name, options[:default]) if options_include_default?(options) end def change_column_type(table_name, column_name, type, options = {}) #:nodoc: clear_cached_table(table_name) sql = "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_column_name(column_name)} #{type_to_sql(type, options[:limit], options[:precision], options[:scale])}" if options.has_key?(:null) sql += (options[:null] ? " NULL" : " NOT NULL") end execute(sql) end def change_column_default(table_name, column_name, default) #:nodoc: clear_cached_table(table_name) remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name) unless default.nil? execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} ADD CONSTRAINT DF_#{table_name}_#{column_name} DEFAULT #{quote(default)} FOR #{quote_column_name(column_name)}" end end def remove_column(table_name, column_name) clear_cached_table(table_name) remove_check_constraints(table_name, column_name) remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name) execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP COLUMN [#{column_name}]" end def remove_default_constraint(table_name, column_name) clear_cached_table(table_name) defaults = select "select from sysobjects def, syscolumns col, sysobjects tab where col.cdefault = and = '#{column_name}' and = '#{table_name}' and =" defaults.each {|constraint| execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP CONSTRAINT #{constraint["name"]}" } end def remove_check_constraints(table_name, column_name) clear_cached_table(table_name) # TODO remove all constraints in single method constraints = select "SELECT CONSTRAINT_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.CONSTRAINT_COLUMN_USAGE where TABLE_NAME = '#{table_name}' and COLUMN_NAME = '#{column_name}'" constraints.each do |constraint| execute "ALTER TABLE #{table_name} DROP CONSTRAINT #{constraint["CONSTRAINT_NAME"]}" end end def remove_index(table_name, options = {}) execute "DROP INDEX #{table_name}.#{index_name(table_name, options)}" end def columns(table_name, name = nil) # It's possible for table_name to be an empty string, or nil, if something attempts to issue SQL # which doesn't involve a table. IE. "SELECT 1" or "SELECT * from someFunction()". return [] if table_name.blank? table_name = table_name.to_s if table_name.is_a?(Symbol) # Remove []'s from around the table name, valid in a select statement, but not when matching metadata. table_name = table_name.gsub(/[\[\]]/, '') return [] if table_name =~ /^information_schema\./i @table_columns = {} unless @table_columns unless @table_columns[table_name] @table_columns[table_name] = super @table_columns[table_name].each do |col| col.identity = true if col.sql_type =~ /identity/i col.is_special = true if col.sql_type =~ /text|ntext|image|xml/i end end @table_columns[table_name] end def _execute(sql, name = nil) # Match the start of the sql to determine appropriate behaviour. Be aware of # multi-line sql which might begin with 'create stored_proc' and contain 'insert into ...' lines. # Possible improvements include ignoring comment blocks prior to the first statement. if sql.lstrip =~ /\Ainsert/i if query_requires_identity_insert?(sql) table_name = get_table_name(sql) with_identity_insert_enabled(table_name) do id = @connection.execute_insert(sql) end else @connection.execute_insert(sql) end elsif sql.lstrip =~ /\A(create|exec)/i @connection.execute_update(sql) elsif sql.lstrip =~ /\A\(?\s*(select|show)/i repair_special_columns(sql) @connection.execute_query(sql) else @connection.execute_update(sql) end end def select(sql, name = nil) log(sql, name) do @connection.execute_query(sql) end end #SELECT .. FOR UPDATE is not supported on Microsoft SQL Server def add_lock!(sql, options) sql end # Turns IDENTITY_INSERT ON for table during execution of the block # N.B. This sets the state of IDENTITY_INSERT to OFF after the # block has been executed without regard to its previous state def with_identity_insert_enabled(table_name, &block) set_identity_insert(table_name, true) yield ensure set_identity_insert(table_name, false) end def set_identity_insert(table_name, enable = true) execute "SET IDENTITY_INSERT #{table_name} #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'}" rescue Exception => e raise ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "IDENTITY_INSERT could not be turned #{enable ? 'ON' : 'OFF'} for table #{table_name}" end def identity_column(table_name) columns(table_name).each do |col| return if col.identity end return nil end def query_requires_identity_insert?(sql) table_name = get_table_name(sql) id_column = identity_column(table_name) if sql.strip =~ /insert into [^ ]+ ?\((.+?)\)/i insert_columns = $1.split(/, */).map(&method(:unquote_column_name)) return table_name if insert_columns.include?(id_column) end end def unquote_column_name(name) if name =~ /^\[.*\]$/ name[1..-2] else name end end def get_special_columns(table_name) special = [] columns(table_name).each do |col| special << if col.is_special end special end def repair_special_columns(sql) special_cols = get_special_columns(get_table_name(sql)) for col in special_cols.to_a sql.gsub!(" #{col.to_s} = "), " #{col.to_s} LIKE ") sql.gsub!(/ORDER BY #{col.to_s}/i, '') end sql end def determine_order_clause(sql) return $1 if sql =~ /ORDER BY (.*)$/ table_name = get_table_name(sql) "#{table_name}.#{determine_primary_key(table_name)}" end def determine_primary_key(table_name) primary_key = columns(table_name).detect { |column| column.primary || column.identity } return if primary_key # Look for an id column. Return it, without changing case, to cover dbs with a case-sensitive collation. columns(table_name).each { |column| return if =~ /^id$/i } # Give up and provide something which is going to crash almost certainly columns(table_name)[0].name end def clear_cached_table(name) (@table_columns ||= {}).delete(name.to_s) end end end