# Contributing

## Workflow

Fork, then clone the repo:

    $ git clone git@github.com:your-username/whois-parser.git

Set up your machine:

    $ bundle

Make sure the tests pass:

    $ bundle exec rake

To propose a change/feature/patch, create your feature branch:

    $ git checkout -b my-new-feature

Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass:

    $ bundle exec rake

`utils/mkwhois.rb` can be used to quicky generate `status_available.txt` and `status_registered.txt` files for your tests

    $ ruby utils/mkwhois.rb google.com status_available

Commit your changes:

    $ git commit -am 'Add some feature'

Push to your fork and [submit a pull request](https://github.com/weppos/whois-parser/compare/).

## Tests

To increase the chance that your pull request is accepted please **make sure to write tests**. Changes without corresponding tests will likely not be included as they will produce fragile code that can easily break whenever the registry changes the response format.

Some examples: [84dbdde320f31c20184bcfe5e544e8fd3cd32862](https://github.com/weppos/whois/commit/84dbdde320f31c20184bcfe5e544e8fd3cd32862), [3b6688b95e6fadcf720cc777ef4bbd2cd644e62b](https://github.com/weppos/whois/commit/3b6688b95e6fadcf720cc777ef4bbd2cd644e62b)