/*! * chai * Copyright(c) 2011-2014 Jake Luer * MIT Licensed */ module.exports = function (chai, util) { var Assertion = chai.Assertion; function loadShould () { // explicitly define this method as function as to have it's name to include as `ssfi` function shouldGetter() { if (this instanceof String || this instanceof Number || this instanceof Boolean ) { return new Assertion(this.valueOf(), null, shouldGetter); } return new Assertion(this, null, shouldGetter); } function shouldSetter(value) { // See https://github.com/chaijs/chai/issues/86: this makes // `whatever.should = someValue` actually set `someValue`, which is // especially useful for `global.should = require('chai').should()`. // // Note that we have to use [[DefineProperty]] instead of [[Put]] // since otherwise we would trigger this very setter! Object.defineProperty(this, 'should', { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } // modify Object.prototype to have `should` Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, 'should', { set: shouldSetter , get: shouldGetter , configurable: true }); var should = {}; /** * ### .fail(actual, expected, [message], [operator]) * * Throw a failure. * * @name fail * @param {Mixed} actual * @param {Mixed} expected * @param {String} message * @param {String} operator * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.fail = function (actual, expected, message, operator) { message = message || 'should.fail()'; throw new chai.AssertionError(message, { actual: actual , expected: expected , operator: operator }, should.fail); }; /** * ### .equal(actual, expected, [message]) * * Asserts non-strict equality (`==`) of `actual` and `expected`. * * should.equal(3, '3', '== coerces values to strings'); * * @name equal * @param {Mixed} actual * @param {Mixed} expected * @param {String} message * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.equal = function (val1, val2, msg) { new Assertion(val1, msg).to.equal(val2); }; /** * ### .throw(function, [constructor/string/regexp], [string/regexp], [message]) * * Asserts that `function` will throw an error that is an instance of * `constructor`, or alternately that it will throw an error with message * matching `regexp`. * * should.throw(fn, 'function throws a reference error'); * should.throw(fn, /function throws a reference error/); * should.throw(fn, ReferenceError); * should.throw(fn, ReferenceError, 'function throws a reference error'); * should.throw(fn, ReferenceError, /function throws a reference error/); * * @name throw * @alias Throw * @param {Function} function * @param {ErrorConstructor} constructor * @param {RegExp} regexp * @param {String} message * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error#Error_types * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.Throw = function (fn, errt, errs, msg) { new Assertion(fn, msg).to.Throw(errt, errs); }; /** * ### .exist * * Asserts that the target is neither `null` nor `undefined`. * * var foo = 'hi'; * * should.exist(foo, 'foo exists'); * * @name exist * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.exist = function (val, msg) { new Assertion(val, msg).to.exist; } // negation should.not = {} /** * ### .not.equal(actual, expected, [message]) * * Asserts non-strict inequality (`!=`) of `actual` and `expected`. * * should.not.equal(3, 4, 'these numbers are not equal'); * * @name not.equal * @param {Mixed} actual * @param {Mixed} expected * @param {String} message * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.not.equal = function (val1, val2, msg) { new Assertion(val1, msg).to.not.equal(val2); }; /** * ### .throw(function, [constructor/regexp], [message]) * * Asserts that `function` will _not_ throw an error that is an instance of * `constructor`, or alternately that it will not throw an error with message * matching `regexp`. * * should.not.throw(fn, Error, 'function does not throw'); * * @name not.throw * @alias not.Throw * @param {Function} function * @param {ErrorConstructor} constructor * @param {RegExp} regexp * @param {String} message * @see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Error#Error_types * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.not.Throw = function (fn, errt, errs, msg) { new Assertion(fn, msg).to.not.Throw(errt, errs); }; /** * ### .not.exist * * Asserts that the target is neither `null` nor `undefined`. * * var bar = null; * * should.not.exist(bar, 'bar does not exist'); * * @name not.exist * @namespace Should * @api public */ should.not.exist = function (val, msg) { new Assertion(val, msg).to.not.exist; } should['throw'] = should['Throw']; should.not['throw'] = should.not['Throw']; return should; }; chai.should = loadShould; chai.Should = loadShould; };