== StorageRoom Gem This gem provides read and write access to the StorageRoom API (http://storageroomapp.com). It has an ActiveRecord/ActiveModel like interface. == Installation To install the library execute: sudo gem install storage_room == Basic Usage This is a walkthrough with all steps you need to setup a devise entry, including model, migration, route files, and optional configuration. StorageRoom.authenticate(YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID, YOUR_APPLICATION_API_KEY) collection = StorageRoom::Collection.find('guidebooks') entries = collection.entries entry = entries.resources.first entry[:name] = 'Foobar' if entry.save puts "Entry saved." else puts "Could not save Entry: #{entry.errors.join(', )}" end You can find the documentation at http://rdoc.info/github/thriventures/storage_room_gem. == More Examples See the examples folder. == TODO Please refer to TODO file. == Maintainers * Sascha Konietzke == Bugs and Feedback If you discover any bugs, please create an issue on GitHub. http://github.com/thriventures/storage_room_gem/issues == License MIT License. Copyright 2010 Thriventures UG (haftungsbeschränkt) - http://www.thriventures.com