# @notes.preload(:bucket) # class Array # def preload(name) # field = "#{name.to_s.singularize}_id".to_sym # ids = self.map{ |o| o[field] }.uniq # buckets = name.to_s.classify.constantize.where(id:ids).to_a # for o in self # o.send "#{name}=", buckets.select{ |el| o.id==el.id }[0] # end # end # end class Sequel::Model module ClassMethods # Object.genders # @object.gender def link name, opts={} name_s = name.to_s.singularize name_p = name.to_s.pluralize raise 'Please use enums plugin' if opts[:collection] klass = opts[:class] ? opts[:class].to_s : name.to_s.singularize.classify # link :country, class: Country -> many_to_one :country if name.to_s == name_s class_eval %[ def #{name_s} @#{name_s}_cached ||= #{klass}.find(#{name_s}_id) end def #{name_s}=(object) @#{name_s}_cached = object end ] # link :cities # postgre integer array, has to be in form #{name.singularize}_ids # city_ids = [1,2,4] # cities -> [<City:1>, <City:2>, <City:4>] elsif db_schema["#{name_s}_ids".to_sym] # puts "* #{to_s}.link :#{name} -> inline #{name_s}_ids".yellow class_eval %[ def #{name_p} return [] if #{name_s}_ids.blank? ids = #{name_s}_ids.uniq if !ids.first [] elsif !ids[1] [#{klass}.find(ids.first)] else #{klass}.where(Sequel.lit('id in ('+ids.join(',')+')')).all end end ] # link :countries -> one_to_many :countries else # one_to_many name, opts field = "#{to_s.tableize.singularize}_id" if klass.constantize.db_schema[field.to_sym] comm = "#{klass}.where(#{field}:id).default" else # we have a link table cname = klass[0,1] > to_s[0,1] ? "#{to_s}#{klass}" : "#{klass}#{to_s}" comm = "#{klass}.xwhere('id in (select #{klass.tableize.singularize}_id from #{cname.tableize} where #{to_s.tableize.singularize}_id=?)', id)" puts "* #{to_s}.link :#{name} -> #{comm}" end class_eval %[ def #{name_p} #{comm} end ] end end end end