define("dojox/mobile/_DataMixin", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/_base/Deferred" ], function(array, declare, lang, Deferred){ // module: // dojox/mobile/_DataMixin return declare("", null, { // summary: // Mixin for widgets to enable dojo/data data store. // description: // By mixing this class into a widget, it can get data through a // dojo/data data store. The widget must implement // onComplete(/*Array*/items) to handle the retrieved data. // store: Object // Reference to data provider object used by this widget. store: null, // query: Object // A query that can be passed to 'store' to initially filter the items. query: null, // queryOptions: Object // An optional parameter for the query. queryOptions: null, setStore: function(/*dojo/data/store*/store, /*dojo/data/api/Request|Object*/query, /*Object?*/queryOptions){ // summary: // Sets the store to use with this widget. if(store ==={ return null; } = store; this._setQuery(query, queryOptions); if(store && store.getFeatures()[""]){ array.forEach(this._conn || [], this.disconnect, this); this._conn = [ this.connect(store, "onSet", "onSet"), this.connect(store, "onNew", "onNew"), this.connect(store, "onDelete", "onDelete"), this.connect(store, "close", "onStoreClose") ]; } return this.refresh(); }, setQuery: function(/*dojo/data/api/Request|Object*/query, /*Object?*/queryOptions){ // summary: // Sets a query. this._setQuery(query, queryOptions); return this.refresh(); }, _setQuery: function(query, queryOptions){ // tags: // private this.query = query; this.queryOptions = queryOptions || this.queryOptions; }, refresh: function(){ // summary: // Fetches the data and generates the list items. if(!{ return null; } var d = new Deferred(); var onComplete = lang.hitch(this, function(items, request){ this.onComplete(items, request); d.resolve(); }); var onError = lang.hitch(this, function(errorData, request){ this.onError(errorData, request); d.resolve(); }); var q = this.query;{ query: q, queryOptions: this.queryOptions, onComplete: onComplete, onError: onError, start: q && q.start, count: q && q.count }); return d; } /* // Subclass MUST implement the following methods. onComplete: function(items, request){ // summary: // An handler that is called after the fetch completes. }, onError: function(errorData, request){ // summary: // An error handler. }, onSet: function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){ // summary: // See dojo/data/api/Notification.onSet() }, onNew: function(newItem, parentInfo){ // summary: // See dojo/data/api/Notification.onNew() }, onDelete: function(deletedItem){ // summary: // See dojo/data/api/Notification.onDelete() }, onStoreClose: function(request){ // summary: // Refresh list on close. } */ }); });