Given /^nothing in particular$/ do nil # NOP end When /^nothing happens$/ do nil # NOP end Then /^file "(.*?)" exists$/ do |path| assert { File.exists?(path) } end Then /^file "(.*?)" does not exist$/ do |path| deny { File.exists?(path) } end Then /^the README file exists$/ do step 'file "README" exists' end Then /^file "(.*?)" reads "(.*?)"$/ do |path, text| assert { == text.strip } end Given /^a repository with following Vendorfile:$/ do |string| commit_file('Vendorfile', string) end When /^I change Vendorfile to:$/ do |string| commit_file('Vendorfile', string, "Updated Vendorfile") end When /^I try to run "(.*?)"$/ do |command_string| run command_string end When /^I run "(.*?)"$/ do |command_string| step "I try to run \"#{command_string}\"" assert { command_succeeded } end Then /the command has failed/ do deny { command_succeeded(false) } end Then /^command (output|stdout|stderr) includes (#{PATTERN})$/ do |stream, pat| assert { command_output(stream) =~ pat } end Then /^command (output|stdout|stderr) does not include (#{PATTERN})$/ do |stream, pat| deny { command_output(stream) =~ pat } end