# # ActiveFacts tests: Parse all CQL files and check the generated CQL. # Copyright (c) 2008 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'spec/spec_helper' require 'stringio' require 'activefacts/vocabulary' require 'activefacts/support' require 'activefacts/input/cql' require 'activefacts/generate/cql' describe "CQL Loader" do cql_failures = { "Airline" => "Contains queries, unsupported", "CompanyQuery" => "Contains queries, unsupported", #"MetamodelNext" => "Fails due to weak adjective/role matching", #"ServiceDirector" => "Doesn't parse some constraints due to mis-matched adjectives", #"OddIdentifier" => "The odd identifier is built correctly but cannot be found by the current implementation", "units" => "Unit verbalisation into CQL is not implemented" } cql_cql_failures = { # "Insurance" => "Misses a join in a subset constraint", # "OddIdentifier" => "Doesn't support identification of object fact types using mixed external/internal roles", } # Generate and return the CQL for the given vocabulary def cql(vocabulary) output = StringIO.new @dumper = ActiveFacts::Generate::CQL.new(vocabulary.constellation) @dumper.generate(output) output.rewind output.read end pattern = ENV["AFTESTS"] || "*" Dir["examples/CQL/#{pattern}.cql"].each do |cql_file| actual_file = cql_file.sub(%r{examples/CQL/}, 'spec/actual/') it "should load CQL and dump valid CQL for #{cql_file}" do broken = cql_failures[File.basename(actual_file, ".cql")] vocabulary = nil if broken pending(broken) { vocabulary = ActiveFacts::Input::CQL.readfile(cql_file) } else begin vocabulary = ActiveFacts::Input::CQL.readfile(cql_file) rescue => e debug :exception, "#{e.message}\n" + "\t#{e.backtrace*"\n\t"}" raise end end # Build and save the actual file: cql_text = cql(vocabulary) File.open(actual_file, "w") { |f| f.write cql_text } expected_text = File.open(cql_file) {|f| f.read } broken = cql_cql_failures[File.basename(actual_file, ".cql")] if broken pending(broken) { cql_text.should_not differ_from(expected_text) } else cql_text.should_not differ_from(expected_text) File.delete(actual_file) # It succeeded, we don't need the file. end end end end