# :stopdoc: # This file is automatically generated by the WXRuby3 documentation # generator. Do not alter this file. # :startdoc: module Wx::RBN # Container for related ribbon panels, and a tab within a ribbon bar. # === # # Category: Ribbon User Interface # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonBar # # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPanel # # class RibbonPage < RibbonControl # @overload initialize() # Default constructor. # With this constructor, {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#create} should be called in order to create the ribbon page. # @return [Wx::RBN::RibbonPage] # @overload initialize(parent, id=Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, label=(''), icon=Wx::NULL_BITMAP, style=0) # Constructs a ribbon page, which must be a child of a ribbon bar. # @param parent [Wx::RBN::RibbonBar] Pointer to a parent {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar} (unlike most controls, a {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage} can only have {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar} as a parent). # @param id [Integer] Window identifier. # @param label [String] Label to be used in the {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar}'s tab list for this page (if the ribbon bar is set to display labels). # @param icon [Wx::Bitmap] Icon to be used in the {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar}'s tab list for this page (if the ribbon bar is set to display icons). # @param style [Integer] Currently unused, should be zero. # @return [Wx::RBN::RibbonPage] def initialize(*args) end # Create a ribbon page in two-step ribbon page construction. # Should only be called when the default constructor is used, and arguments have the same meaning as in the full constructor. # @param parent [Wx::RBN::RibbonBar] # @param id [Integer] # @param label [String] # @param icon [Wx::Bitmap] # @param style [Integer] # @return [Boolean] def create(parent, id=Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, label=(''), icon=Wx::NULL_BITMAP, style=0) end # Set the art provider to be used. # Normally called automatically by {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar} when the page is created, or the art provider changed on the bar. # The new art provider will be propagated to the children of the page. # @param art [Wx::RBN::RibbonArtProvider] # @return [void] def set_art_provider(art) end alias_method :art_provider=, :set_art_provider # Get the icon used for the page in the ribbon bar tab area (only displayed if the ribbon bar is actually showing icons). # @return [Wx::Bitmap] def get_icon; end alias_method :icon, :get_icon # Set the size of the page and the external scroll buttons (if any). # When a page is too small to display all of its children, scroll buttons will appear (and if the page is sized up enough, they will disappear again). Slightly counter-intuitively, these buttons are created as siblings of the page rather than children of the page (to achieve correct cropping and paint ordering of the children and the buttons). When there are no scroll buttons, this function behaves the same as {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#set_size}, however when there are scroll buttons, it positions them at the edges of the given area, and then calls {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#set_size} with the remaining area. # This is provided as a separate function to {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#set_size} rather than within the implementation of {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#set_size}, as interacting algorithms may not expect {Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#set_size} to also set the size of siblings. # @param x [Integer] # @param y [Integer] # @param width [Integer] # @param height [Integer] # @return [void] def set_size_with_scroll_button_adjustment(x, y, width, height) end # Expand a rectangle of the page to include external scroll buttons (if any). # When no scroll buttons are shown, has no effect. # @param rect [Wx::Rect] The rectangle to adjust. The width and height will not be reduced, and the x and y will not be increased. # @return [void] def adjust_rect_to_include_scroll_buttons(rect) end # Dismiss the current externally expanded panel, if there is one. # When a ribbon panel automatically minimises, it can be externally expanded into a floating window. When the user clicks a button in such a panel, the panel should generally re-minimise. Event handlers for buttons on ribbon panels should call this method to achieve this behaviour. # true if a panel was minimised, false otherwise. # @return [Boolean] def dismiss_expanded_panel; end # Perform a full re-layout of all panels on the page. # Should be called after panels are added to the page, or the sizing behaviour of a panel on the page changes (i.e. due to children being added to it). Usually called automatically when {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar#realize} is called. # Will invoke {Wx::RBN::RibbonPanel#realize} for all child panels. # @return [Boolean] def realize; end # Scroll the page by some amount up / down / left / right. # When the page's children are too big to fit in the onscreen area given to the page, scroll buttons will appear, and the page can be programmatically scrolled. Positive values of lines will scroll right or down, while negative values will scroll up or left (depending on the direction in which panels are stacked). A line is equivalent to a constant number of pixels. # true if the page scrolled at least one pixel in the given direction, false if it did not scroll. # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#get_major_axis # # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#scroll_pixels # # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#scroll_sections # @param lines [Integer] # @return [Boolean] def scroll_lines(lines) end # Scroll the page by a set number of pixels up / down / left / right. # When the page's children are too big to fit in the onscreen area given to the page, scroll buttons will appear, and the page can be programmatically scrolled. Positive values of lines will scroll right or down, while negative values will scroll up or left (depending on the direction in which panels are stacked). # true if the page scrolled at least one pixel in the given direction, false if it did not scroll. # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#get_major_axis # # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#scroll_lines # # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#scroll_sections # @param pixels [Integer] # @return [Boolean] def scroll_pixels(pixels) end # Scroll the page by an entire child section. # The sections parameter value should be 1 or -1. This will scroll enough to uncover a partially visible child section or totally uncover the next child section that may not be visible at all. # true if the page scrolled at least one pixel in the given direction, false if it did not scroll. # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#scroll_pixels # # @see Wx::RBN::RibbonPage#scroll_sections # @param sections [Integer] # @return [Boolean] def scroll_sections(sections) end # Get the direction in which ribbon panels are stacked within the page. # This is controlled by the style of the containing {Wx::RBN::RibbonBar}, meaning that all pages within a bar will have the same major axis. As well as being the direction in which panels are stacked, it is also the axis in which scrolling will occur (when required). # {Wx::Orientation::HORIZONTAL} or {Wx::Orientation::VERTICAL} (never {Wx::Orientation::BOTH}). # @return [Wx::Orientation] def get_major_axis; end alias_method :major_axis, :get_major_axis end # RibbonPage end