require 'in_threads' require 'shellwords' require 'image_optim/image_path' require 'image_optim/option_helpers' require 'image_optim/worker' class ImageOptim class ConfigurationError < StandardError; end class BinNotFoundError < StandardError; end include OptionHelpers # Nice level attr_reader :nice # Number of threads to run with attr_reader :threads # Verbose output? def verbose? @verbose end # Initialize workers, specify options using worker underscored name: # # pass false to disable worker # # => false) # # or hash with options to worker # # => {:level => 3}, :optipng => {:level => 2}) # # use :threads to set number of parallel optimizers to run (passing true or nil determines number of processors, false disables parallel processing) # # => 8) # # use :nice to specify optimizers nice level (true or nil makes it 10, false makes it 0) # # => 20) def initialize(options = {}) @resolved_bins = {} @resolver_lock = nice = options.delete(:nice) @nice = case nice when true, nil 10 when false 0 else nice.to_i end threads = options.delete(:threads) threads = case threads when true, nil processor_count when false 1 else threads.to_i end @threads = limit_with_range(threads, 1..16) @verbose = !!options.delete(:verbose) @workers_by_format = {} Worker.klasses.each do |klass| case worker_options = options.delete(klass.underscored_name.to_sym) when Hash when true, nil worker_options = {} when false next else raise ConfigurationError, "Got #{worker_options.inspect} for #{} options" end worker =, worker_options) worker.image_formats.each do |format| @workers_by_format[format] ||= [] @workers_by_format[format] << worker end end @workers_by_format.each do |format, workers| workers.replace workers.sort_by(&:run_order) # There is no sort_by! in ruby 1.8 end assert_options_empty!(options) end # Get workers for image def workers_for_image(path) @workers_by_format[] end # Optimize one file, return new path or nil if optimization failed def optimize_image(original) original = if workers = workers_for_image(original) result = nil ts = [original, original.temp_path] workers.each do |worker| if result && ts.length < 3 ts << original.temp_path end if worker.optimize(*ts.last(2)) result = ts.last if ts.length == 3 ts[-2, 2] = ts[-1], ts[-2] end end end result end end # Optimize one file in place, return optimization status def optimize_image!(original) original = if result = optimize_image(original) result.replace(original) true end end # Optimize multiple images # if block given yields path and result for each image and returns array of yield results # else return array of results def optimize_images(paths, &block) run_method_for(paths, :optimize_image, &block) end # Optimize multiple images in place # if block given yields path and result for each image and returns array of yield results # else return array of results def optimize_images!(paths, &block) run_method_for(paths, :optimize_image!, &block) end # Optimization methods with default options def self.method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method.to_s =~ /^optimize_images?\!?$/ new.send(method, *args, &block) else super end end # Version of image_optim gem spec loaded def self.version Gem.loaded_specs['image_optim'].version.to_s rescue nil end # Are there workers for file at path? def optimizable?(path) !!workers_for_image(path) end # Temp directory for symlinks to bins with path coming from ENV attr_reader :resolve_dir # Check existance of binary, create symlink if ENV contains path for key XXX_BIN where XXX is upper case bin name def resolve_bin!(bin) bin = bin.to_sym @resolved_bins.include?(bin) || @resolver_lock.synchronize do @resolved_bins.include?(bin) || begin if path = ENV["#{bin}_bin".upcase] unless @resolve_dir @resolve_dir = FSPath.temp_dir at_exit{ FileUtils.remove_entry_secure @resolve_dir } end symlink = @resolve_dir / bin symlink.make_symlink(File.expand_path(path)) at_exit{ symlink.unlink } @resolved_bins[bin] = bin_accessible?(symlink) else @resolved_bins[bin] = bin_accessible?(bin) end end end @resolved_bins[bin] or raise BinNotFoundError, "`#{bin}` not found" end private # Run method for each path and yield each path and result if block given def run_method_for(paths, method_name, &block) apply_threading(paths).map do |path| path = result = send(method_name, path) if block, result) else result end end end # Apply threading if threading is allowed and array is longer than 1 def apply_threading(array) if threads > 1 && array.length > 1 array.in_threads(threads) else array end end # Check if bin can be accessed def bin_accessible?(bin) `which #{bin.to_s.shellescape}` != '' end # def processor_count @processor_count ||= case host_os = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] when /darwin9/ `hwprefs cpu_count` when /darwin/ (`which hwprefs` != '') ? `hwprefs thread_count` : `sysctl -n hw.ncpu` when /linux/ `grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo` when /freebsd/ `sysctl -n hw.ncpu` when /mswin|mingw/ require 'win32ole' wmi = WIN32OLE.connect('winmgmts://') cpu = wmi.ExecQuery('select NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_Processor') cpu.to_enum.first.NumberOfLogicalProcessors else warn "Unknown architecture (#{host_os}) assuming one processor." 1 end.to_i end end %w[ pngcrush pngout optipng advpng jpegoptim jpegtran gifsicle ].each do |worker| require "image_optim/worker/#{worker}" end