v1.15.0 / 2023-04-14

  * Improve rule for lazy loading to prevent developers from overusing it
  * Introduce `--update-docs` flag to synchronously update Theme Check resources (objects, filters, and tags) (#707)

v1.14.0 / 2023-01-10

  * Add shopify-dev link to code completion suggestion title ([#700](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/700))
  * Fix examples in `SchemaJsonFormat` ([#698](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/698))
  * Do not suggest `escape` filter for already escaped strings ([#692](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/692))

v1.13.0 / 2023-01-04

  * Add support for new sections liquid tag in theme check ([#694](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/694))

v1.12.1 / 2022-12-15

  * `ObjectCompletionProvider` should not provide completion items that don't live in the `SourceIndex` ([#690](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/690))
  * Suggest deprecated completion items at the end of the list ([#688](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/688))
  * Only suggest filters in SourceIndex ([#689](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/689))
  * Remove the `data/shopify_liquid/(tags|filters|objects).yml` files ([#674](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/674))
  * Introduce support to range iterations and SFR tags ([#685](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/685))
  * Suggest objects for `paginate` ([#686](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/686))

v1.12.0 / 2022-12-12

  * Introduce Intelligent Code Completion ([#672](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/672))
  * Update TROUBLESHOOTING.md to include language server stopping guide ([#664](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/664))
  * Create troubleshooting doc, update contributing and readme with links ([#630](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/630))
  * robots Object in robots.txt file ([#644](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/644)). Thanks @we5!

v1.11.0 / 2022-08-22

## TL;DR

  * New check, overdue fixes and dropped support for ruby 2.6.

## Features

  * :new: [AssetPreload](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/blob/main/docs/checks/asset_preload.md) check ([#605](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/605)). Thanks @krzksz!
    * Encourages the use of the new platform features for some sweet 103 Early Hints gains powered by the `preload_tag` and `preload: true` media filter argument.

## Fixes:

### General

  * Add support for new comment syntax `{% # this is an inline comment %}` ([#533](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/533))
  * Fix UnusedAssign false positives from `{% render ... with|for var %}` ([#608](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/608))
  * Update list of platform filters ([#626](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/626))

### Language Server

  * Make `runChecks` command respect `onlySingleFileChecks` LSP config ([#624](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/624))
  * Handle file delete|rename ([#611](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/611))
  * Prevent server from hanging on error ([#623](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/623))

### Linter

  * Help migrate named sizes (master|pico|etc.) in `img_url` with `DeprecatedFilter` corrector ([#619](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/619))
  * Fix MissingTemplate `ignore` config interactions (#613)
  * Fix MissingRequiredTemplateFiles JSON file corrector ([#616](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/616))
  * Fixes theme-check-disable when disable comment is followed by another (#617)
  * Fix handling of `{% render block %}` in UnusedSnippet ([#615](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/615))
  * Fix IndexError: string not matched in matching translation keys fixer ([#602](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/602))
  * Handle variable lookup as names in UnusedAssign ([#612](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/612))

## Breaking change (maybe)

  * Bump min version of ruby to 2.7 ([#609](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/609))
    * Upstream change from Shopify/liquid as ruby 2.6 is now EOL.

v1.10.3 / 2022-06-16

  * Support app drop in theme app extensions ([#566](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/566))
  * Fix requiring custom check when root is specified ([#565](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/565))
  * Fix TranslationKeyExists.on_end issue ([#587](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/587))
  * Fix bad link on check documentation ([#575](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/575))
  * Update TEMPLATE.md.erb to use shopify.dev URL
  * Fixed broken URL ([#574](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/574))
  * Fix unknown configuration issue for UndefinedObject checker ([#568](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/568))

v1.10.2 / 2022-03-07

  * Handle nil paths in json_printer's sort_by ([#561](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/561))
  * Prevent bad render tags from passing theme-check ([#559](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/559))

v1.10.1 / 2022-02-24

  * Revert "Prevent bad render tags from passing theme-check ([#551](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/551))"

v1.10.0 / 2022-02-24

## Features

  * Performance Improvements ([#556](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/556))
    - Boasts ~125x faster `checkOnChange` checks.

  * New language server configuration: `"themeCheck.onlySingleFileChecks"` ([#556](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/556))
    - When `true`, disables whole theme checks in the editor and makes it so only the open files are checked.
    - When `false` (default), behaves as before.

## Fixes

  * Do not complain about variables passed to the default filter ([#532](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/532))
  * `extend:` should accept absolute and relative paths ([#555](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/555))
  * Gracefully handle initialized without config. ([#552](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/552))
  * Add missing metafield filters ([#550](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/550))
  * Handle media.sources edge case in RemoteAsset ([#549](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/549))
  * Disable HTML checks inside Liquid comments ([#548](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/548))
  * Prevent bad render tags from passing theme-check ([#551](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/551))
  * Handle rogue carriage returns ([#547](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/547))

v1.9.2 / 2021-12-13

  * Improve HTML parsing errors

v1.9.1 / 2021-12-09

  * Fix img_url correction for string properties

v1.9.0 / 2021-12-01

## Features

  * Add Corrections as Code Actions in Language Server (quickfix + source.fixAll) ([#471](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/471))
  * Add SchemaJsonFormat check ([#512](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/512))
  * Add checkOn{Open,Change,Save} Language Server Configurations ([#511](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/511))
  * Add support for new filters `image_tag` + `image_url`
    * Add autocorrection to `img_url` to ease migration
  * Deprecate `img_tag`, `img_url`

## Fixes

  * Fix missing null check in ValidHTMLTranslation ([#517](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/517))
  * Fix MatchingTranslations check + corrections ([#515](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/515))
  * Fix RemoteAsset false positive from settings variables ([#516](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/516))
  * Make SpaceInsideBraces work for missing cases ([#509](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/509))
  * Fix Liquid in HTML parsing
  * Make TranslationKeyExists also check section translations

v1.8.0 / 2021-11-09

## Features

**New corrections for the following checks:**

  * `MissingRequiredTemplateFiles` ([#462](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/462))
  * `RequiredLayoutThemeObject` ([#484](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/484))
  * `UnusedAssign` ([#380](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/380))

## Fixes

  * Add support for `preload_tag` filter
  * Minor Language Server improvements (close logs) ([#472](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/472))

v1.7.2 / 2021-09-24

  * Fixup a multithreading problem with our IO Messenger (regression from 1.7.1) ([#468](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/468))

v1.7.1 / 2021-09-24

  * Handle Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL in RemoteAsset ([#465](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/465))
  * Complete end tags ([#277](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/277))
  * Do not flag shopify translations as missing or extra ([#407](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/407))

v1.7.0 / 2021-09-20

### Features

  * Handle LSP messages concurrently in the Language Server ([#459](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/459))
    * Adds progress reporting while checking (:eyes: VS Code status bar)
    * Makes completions work while checking (more noticeable on Windows since ruby is 3x slower on Windows)

v1.6.2 / 2021-09-16

  * SpaceInsideBraces fixup for tags without arguments ([#458](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/458))
  * Fix UnusedAssign bug when variable used in for loop range by bumping Liquid to 5.1 ([#456](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/456))

v1.6.1 / 2021-09-15

  * Fix `Undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass` in Node when tag was missing surrounding spaces ([#454](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/454), [#452](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/452))

v1.6.0 / 2021-09-14

### Features

  * Add `--auto-correct` support to `TranslationKeyExists` (add missing translation as TODO to default locale) ([#422](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/422))
  * Add `--auto-correct` support to `UnusedSnippet` (delete unused file) ([#416](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/416))
  * Add `--auto-correct` support to `MissingRequiredTemplateFiles` (create missing files) ([#385](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/385))

### Fixes

  * Fix `undefined method [] of nil` in `replace_placeholders` ([#441](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/441), [#444](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/444))
  * Disable ConvertIncludeToRender corrector until we fix [#445](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/445) ([#446](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/446))
  * Fix a couple of correction bugs ([#442](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/442), [#439](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/439))
  * Fix `AssetSizeCSS` error when size is nil ([#419](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/419))
  * Write JSON to file, not a Ruby Hash. ([#434](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/434), [#432](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/432))

v1.5.2 / 2021-09-09

  * Handle invalid URIs in RemoteAssetFile ([#418](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/418), [#438](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/438))
  * Fix `Bad start_index` error in SpaceInsideBraces ([#423](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/423))
  * Autocorrect missing directories ([#389](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/389))

v1.5.1 / 2021-09-08

  * Fix PaginationSize issue ([#429](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/429), [#428](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/428))

v1.5.0 / 2021-09-07

### Features

  * Add [DeprecatedGlobalAppBlockType](docs/checks/deprecated_global_app_block_type.md) ([#402](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/402))

### Fixes

  * Add Windows CI
  * Fix multiple Windows bugs ([#413](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/413), [#415](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/415))
  * Fix pagination size as string bug in PaginationSize ([#417](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/417),  [#421](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/421))

v1.4.0 / 2021-08-30

  * Add new object drop: `predictive_search`
  * Bump `TemplateLength` `max_length` default
  * Fix `RemoteAsset` incorrectly firing on structured data elements [#393](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/393)
  * Fix document links not working on open
  * Fix `asset_url` document links
  * Use better heuristics for `DeprecateLazysizes`
  * Add support for `section` document links
  * Add support for `include` document links
  * Automatically creates the default translation file (`locales/en.default.json`) if it doesn't already exist.

v1.3.0 / 2021-08-26

  * Add `--output json` option for the CLI ([#392](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/392))
  * Add PaginationSize check ([#359](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/359))
  * Add ConvertIncludeToRender auto corrector ([#341](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/341))
  * Add MissingTemplate auto corrector ([#388](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/388))
  * Add `MissingTemplate` `ignore_missing` option ([#394](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/394))
  * Fix Windows duplicate .bat file problem ([#400](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/400))
  * Fix substring highlighting inside nodes ([#386](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/386))
  * Add check for forbidden tags in theme app extension blocks ([#383](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/383))
  * Improve HTML parsing of liquid attributes ([#381](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/381))
  * Handle escaped file URIs in language server ([#360](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/360)) ([#382](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/382))
  * Change asset size errors into suggestions ([#378](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/378))
  * Switch to nokogiri 1.12, since it includes html5 support directly now ([#391](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/391))

v1.2.0 / 2021-07-15

  * Add Windows Support ([#364](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/364))
  * Ignore empty `{{}}` in SpaceInsideBraces ([#350](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/350))
  * Switch to main branch
  * Minor documentation fixes

v1.1.0 / 2021-07-06

  * Add `--fail-level` CLI flag to configure exit code
  * Refactor all theme file classes to inherit from `ThemeFile`
  * Fix `undefined method liquid?` error when scanning from LSP
  * Adding asset document links
  * Allow initializing theme app extension configuration files
  * Allow disabling registering mock Liquid tags w/ `ThemeCheck::Tags.register_tags = false`
  * Support Theme App Extensions
  * Add checks for theme app extension block JS/CSS
  * Disable Liquid::C when parsing Liquid templates

v1.0.0 / 2021-06-28

  * Convert `AssetSizeCSS` to `HtmlCheck`
  * Add `DeprecateLazysizes` & `DeprecateBgsizes` checks
  * Allow hardcoded CDN urls in `RemoteAsset`
  * Bump `LiquidTag` `min_consecutive_statements` default to 5
  * Exclude {% javascript %} and {% stylesheet %} from line counts in `TemplateLength`
  * Bump `TemplateLength` `max_length` default to 500
  * Fix `StringScanner#skip(String)` not being supported on some Rubies
  * Fix `ParsingHelpers#outside_of_strings` handling of empty strings
  * Update to support new `{% render %}` syntax
  * Converted `AssetSizeJavaScript` to `HtmlCheck`

v0.10.2 / 2021-06-18

  * Fix error when parsing a template with lots of HTML attributes.
  * Add `HtmlParsingError` check for reporting errors during HTML parsing.

v0.10.1 / 2021-06-11

  * Fix LSP diagnostics not being merged properly when analyzing a single file.
    Causing VSCode problems not being cleared after fixing.

v0.10.0 / 2021-06-08

  * Add ImgLazyLoading check for recommending loading="lazy" attribute

v0.9.1 / 2021-06-04

  * Convert `RemoteAsset` into an `HtmlCheck`
  * Move Liquid logic from `RemoteAsset` to a new `AssetUrlFilters` check

v0.9.0 / 2021-05-28

  * Introduce HtmlCheck, and convert ParserBlockingJavaScript & ImgWidthAndHeight to it
  * Move `script-tag` validation from ParserBlockingJavaScript to ParserBlockingScriptTag
  * Add ability to ignore individual checks using file patterns
  * Introduce single file and whole theme checks to optimize LSP diagnostics
  * Fix TemplateLength counter not being reseted on each document
  * Add missing category to ValidHTMLTranslation
  * Set Ruby default encodings to UTF-8 to fix encoding issues
  * Add ContentForHeaderModification check to prevent relying on the content of ``content_for_header`
  * Fix `Content-Length` in LSP responses
  * Fix disabling checks that emit offences in `on_end`
  * Fix completion bug in `filter_completion_provider`

v0.8.3 / 2021-05-17

  * Making sure VERSION is set before referencing it

v0.8.2 / 2021-05-14

  * Bump NestedSnippet max_nesting_level to 3
  * Add a message to help debug errors, and timeout checks after 5 sec
  * Object Completions Everywhere!
  * Include operators to space inside braces check

0.8.1 / 2021-04-22

  * Add consistent spacing around the pipe character (`|`) in variable expressions to the `SpaceInsideBrace` check ([#73](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/73))
  * Add ReCaptcha system translation ([#265](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/265))
  * Fix document links in `{% liquid %}` tags ([#263](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/263))
  * Fix theme-check-disable for checks based on regular expressions ([#242](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/242))
  * Fix VS Code crash on new window ([#264](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/264))
  * Rescue errors thrown by remote_asset_file

0.8.0 / 2021-04-13

 * Set minimal Ruby version to 2.6

0.7.3 / 2021-04-13

  * Refactor CLI option parsing

0.7.2 / 2021-04-12

  * Fixup bug in RemoteAsset causing Language Server to break

0.7.1 / 2021-04-12

  * Fix High CPU Bug in RemoteAsset check
  * Fix document link for render tags that trim whitespace.

0.7.0 / 2021-04-08

  * Add [RemoteAsset Check](/docs/checks/remote_asset.md)
  * Fixes:
    * Don't hang on self closing img tags ([#247](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/247))
    * Fix document links from different root

0.6.0 / 2021-03-23

  * Add [Snippet Completion](https://screenshot.click/23-22-5tyee-kv5vl.mp4) ([#223](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/223))
  * Add [Snippet Document Links](https://screenshot.click/23-09-71h84-pp23z.mp4) ([#223](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/223))
  * Add [ImgWidthAndHeight](/docs/checks/img_width_and_height.md) check ([#216](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/216))
  * Add [AssetSizeCSS](/docs/checks/asset_size_css.md) check ([#206](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/206))
  * Do not flag SystemTranslations as errors ([#114](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/114))
  * Do not complete deprecated filters ([#205](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/205))
  * Add `-C, --config path` support ([#213](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/213))

0.5.0 / 2021-03-12

  * Add [AssetSizeJavaScript](/docs/checks/asset_size_javascript.md) check ([#194](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/pull/194))
  * Add [documentation for all checks](/docs/checks)
  * Make documentation for checks mandatory
  * Add link to documentation from within the editor (via `codeDescription` in the Language Server) (![Demo](https://screenshot.click/10-29-cjx7r-4asor.mp4))
  * Allow checks to have multiple categories
  * Fix multiple occurrences of UndefinedObject not being reported ([#192](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/192))

v0.4.0 / 2021-02-25

  * Add Completion Engine ([#161](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/161))
  * Add init command to CLI ([#174](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/174))
  * Refactor start and end Position logic ([#172](https://github.com/shopify/theme-check/issues/172))

v0.3.3 / 2021-02-18

  * Fix column_end issues ([#164](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/164))
  * Fix stack overflow in UndefinedObject + UnusedAssign when snippets renders itself ([#165](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/165))

v0.3.2 / 2021-02-17

  * Ignore snippets in UndefinedObject check

v0.3.1 / 2021-02-16

  * Fixup version flag

v0.3.0 / 2021-02-16

  * Add ParserBlockingJavaScript Check ([#78](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/78), [#146](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/146))
  * Internal refactor to enable running theme-check in servers ([#145](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/145), [#148](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/148))
  * Add -v, --version flag ([#126](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/126))
  * Exclude content of {% schema %} in line count for TemplateLength ([#140](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/140))
  * Fix Language Server removed files bug ([#136](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/136))
  * Add ignore config ([#147](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/147))
  * Add ability to disable checks with comments ([#79](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/79))
  * Adding checks for shopify plus objects in checkout ([#121](https://github.com/Shopify/theme-check/issues/121))

v0.2.2 / 2021-01-22

  * [Language Server] Send empty dianogstics to flush errors