module CompositePrimaryKeys module ActiveRecord #:nodoc: module Base #:nodoc: INVALID_FOR_COMPOSITE_KEYS = 'Not appropriate for composite primary keys' def self.append_features(base) super base.send(:include, InstanceMethods) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def set_primary_keys(*keys) cattr_accessor :primary_keys self.primary_keys = class_eval <<-EOV include CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::CompositeInstanceMethods extend CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::CompositeClassMethods EOV #puts "#{self.class}-#{self}.composite = #{self.composite?}" end def composite? false end end module InstanceMethods def composite?; self.class.composite?; end end module CompositeInstanceMethods # A model instance's primary keys is always available as model.ids # whether you name it the default 'id' or set it to something else. def id attr_names = self.class.primary_keys {|attr_name| read_attribute(attr_name)} end alias_method :ids, :id #id_to_s([1,2]) -> "1,2" #id_to_s([1,2], '-') -> "1-2" def id_to_s(ids, id_sep = CompositePrimaryKeys::ID_SEP){|id| self.class.sanitize(id)}.join("#{id_sep}") end # Enables Active Record objects to be used as URL parameters in Action Pack automatically. def to_param id_to_s(ids) end def id_before_type_cast #:nodoc: # TODO read_attribute_before_type_cast(self.class.primary_key) end def quoted_id #:nodoc: # TODO quote(id, column_for_attribute(self.class.primary_key)) end # Sets the primary ID. def id=(value) ids = id.split(value) if value.is_a?(String) unless ids.is_a?(Array) and ids.length == self.class.primary_keys.length raise "#{self.class}.id= requires #{self.class.primary_keys.length} ids" end ids.each {|id| write_attribute(self.class.primary_key , id)} end # Define an attribute reader method. Cope with nil column. def define_read_method(symbol, attr_name, column) cast_code = column.type_cast_code('v') if column access_code = cast_code ? "(v=@attributes['#{attr_name}']) && #{cast_code}" : "@attributes['#{attr_name}']" unless self.class.primary_keys.include? attr_name.to_sym access_code = access_code.insert(0, "raise NoMethodError, 'missing attribute: #{attr_name}', caller unless @attributes.has_key?('#{attr_name}'); ") self.class.read_methods << attr_name end evaluate_read_method attr_name, "def #{symbol}; #{access_code}; end" end def method_missing(method_id, *args, &block) method_name = method_id.to_s if @attributes.include?(method_name) or (md = /\?$/.match(method_name) and @attributes.include?(method_name = md.pre_match)) define_read_methods if self.class.read_methods.empty? && self.class.generate_read_methods md ? query_attribute(method_name) : read_attribute(method_name) elsif self.class.primary_keys.include? method_name.to_sym get_attr(method_name.to_sym) elsif md = /(=|_before_type_cast)$/.match(method_name) attribute_name, method_type = md.pre_match, md.to_s if @attributes.include?(attribute_name) case method_type when '=' write_attribute(attribute_name, args.first) when '_before_type_cast' read_attribute_before_type_cast(attribute_name) end else super end else super end end end module CompositeClassMethods def primary_key; primary_keys; end def primary_key=(keys); primary_keys = keys; end def composite? true end #ids_to_s([[1,2],[7,3]]) -> "(1,2),(7,3)" #ids_to_s([[1,2],[7,3]], ',', ';', '', '') -> "1,2;7,3" def ids_to_s(ids, id_sep = CompositePrimaryKeys::ID_SEP, list_sep = ',', left_bracket = '(', right_bracket = ')') "#{left_bracket}#{{|id| sanitize(id)}.join('#{id_sep}')}#{right_bracket}" end # Returns true if the given +ids+ represents the primary keys of a record in the database, false otherwise. # Example: # Person.exists?(5,7) def exists?(ids) obj = find(ids) rescue false !obj.nil? and obj.is_a?(self) end # Deletes the record with the given +ids+ without instantiating an object first, e.g. delete(1,2) # If an array of ids is provided (e.g. delete([1,2], [3,4]), all of them # are deleted. def delete(*ids) delete_all([ "(#{primary_keys}) IN (#{ids_to_s(ids)})" ]) end # Destroys the record with the given +ids+ by instantiating the object and calling #destroy (all the callbacks are the triggered). # If an array of ids is provided, all of them are destroyed. def destroy(*ids) ids.first.is_a?(Array) ? ids.each { |id_set| destroy(id_set) } : find(ids).destroy end # Returns an array of column objects for the table associated with this class. # Each column that matches to one of the primary keys has its # primary attribute set to true def columns unless @columns @columns = connection.columns(table_name, "#{name} Columns") @columns.each {|column| column.primary = primary_keys.include?(} end @columns end ## DEACTIVATED METHODS ## public # Lazy-set the sequence name to the connection's default. This method # is only ever called once since set_sequence_name overrides it. def sequence_name #:nodoc: raise CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::INVALID_FOR_COMPOSITE_KEYS end def reset_sequence_name #:nodoc: raise CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::INVALID_FOR_COMPOSITE_KEYS end def set_primary_key(value = nil, &block) raise CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::INVALID_FOR_COMPOSITE_KEYS end private def find_one(id, options) raise CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::INVALID_FOR_COMPOSITE_KEYS end def find_some(ids, options) raise CompositePrimaryKeys::ActiveRecord::Base::INVALID_FOR_COMPOSITE_KEYS end def find_from_ids(ids, options) conditions = " AND (#{sanitize_sql(options[:conditions])})" if options[:conditions] # if ids is just a flat list, then its size must = primary_key.length (one id per primary key, in order) # if ids is list of lists, then each inner list must follow rule above #if ids.first.is_a?(String) - find '2,1' -> find_from_ids ['2,1'] ids = ids[0].split(';').map {|id_set| id_set.split ','} if ids.first.is_a? String ids = [ids] if not ids.first.kind_of?(Array) ids.each do |id_set| unless id_set.is_a?(Array) raise "Ids must be in an Array, instead received: #{id_set.inspect}" end unless id_set.length == primary_keys.length raise "Incorrect number of primary keys for #{class_name}: #{primary_keys.inspect}" end end # Let keys = [:a, :b] # If ids = [[10, 50], [11, 51]], then :conditions => # "(#{table_name}.a, #{table_name}.b) IN ((10, 50), (11, 51))" keys_sql = {|key| "#{table_name}.#{key.to_s}"}.join(',') ids_sql = {|id_set| {|id| sanitize(id)}.join(',')}.join('),(') options.update :conditions => "(#{keys_sql}) IN ((#{ids_sql}))" result = find_every(options) if result.size == ids.size ids.size == 1 ? result[0] : result else raise RecordNotFound, "Couldn't find all #{name.pluralize} with IDs (#{ids_list})#{conditions}" end end end end end end