require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), %w[spec_helper]) describe TireSwing::Node do it "has a parent accessor" do node = node.parent.should be_nil node.parent = :parent node.parent.should == :parent end describe ".create" do it "returns a class that inherits from TireSwing::Node" do klass = TireSwing::Node.create klass.should be_an_instance_of(Class) klass.ancestors.should include(TireSwing::Node) end describe "with attribute names" do before(:each) do @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:foo, :bar) end it "creates a class with the given attributes" do n = => 1, :bar => 2) == 1 == 2 end it "creates attributes with a default of raising an exception if not initialized" do n = => 1) # no :bar == 1 lambda { }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "no value given for bar") end end describe "with an attribute hash" do before(:each) do @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:lhs => :left_value, :rhs => :right_value) end it "creates a class with attributes matching the hash keys" do @node.attributes.sort.should == ["lhs", "rhs"] end it "creates attributes with a default of raising an exception if not set" do n = lambda { n.lhs }.should raise_error(RuntimeError, "no value given for lhs") end it "returns a class with an attribute mapping" do @node.attribute_mapping.should == {"lhs" => :left_value, "rhs" => :right_value} end end describe "with a mix of named attributes and hash attributes" do before(:each) do @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:one, :two, :three => :value) end it "creates a class with attributes matching the named attributes and hash keys" do @node.attributes.should == %w(one two three) end it "updates the attribute mapping" do @node.attribute_mapping.should == {"three" => :value} end end end describe ".new" do before(:each) do @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:child, :value => :data) end describe "with empty args" do it "initializes a node without touching the attributes" do n = lambda { n.child }.should raise_error(RuntimeError) end end describe "with a hash" do it "initializes each of the attributes to the given value" do n = => 1, :value => 2) n.child.should == 1 n.value.should == 2 end end describe "with an instance of Treetop::Runtime::SyntaxNode" do before(:each) do @child = mock_syntax_node("child") @top = mock_syntax_node("top") end describe "for a node with a single attribute as a named method" do it "retrieves the value for the attribute by calling the named method" do @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:foo => :a_method) @top.should_receive(:a_method).and_return("asdf") == "asdf" end end describe "for a node with an attribute naming a child syntax node" do it "retrieves the value by calling build on the child" do @top.should_receive(:child).and_return(@child) @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:foo => :child) @child.should_receive(:build).and_return("child value") == "child value" end it "calls text_value on the child if the child doesn't have a build method" do @top.should_receive(:child).and_return(@child) @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:foo => :child) @child.should_receive(:text_value).and_return("child value") == "child value" end it "retrieves the value of each item in an array if the named attribute returns one" do @child.should_receive(:build).and_return("child") @top.should_receive(:children).and_return(["foo", 1, @child]) TireSwing::Node.create(:foo => :children).new(@top).foo.should == ["foo", 1, "child"] end it "assigns the parent node if the child node is also a TireSwing node" do @top.should_receive(:child).and_return(@child) node = TireSwing::Node.create(:foo => :child) child_node = @child.should_receive(:build).and_return(child_node) new_top = == child_node child_node.parent.should == new_top end end it "yields the syntax node instance if a named attribute is a lambda" do @node = TireSwing::Node.create(:value => lambda { |x| @x = x; "asdf" }) == "asdf" @x.should == @top end describe "for a node with an attribute as a method to call on the text value" do it "calls that method on the text value, not the parsed node" do node = TireSwing::Node.create(:value => :to_i) @top.should_receive(:text_value).and_return("1234") == 1234 end end end end describe "#clone" do it "does a deep copy of a node" do # can't leave this as an anonymous class, marshal dump/load doesn't like it MyNode = TireSwing::Node.create node = node.clone.should_not eql node end end end