require 'shiba/query_watcher' require 'active_support/notifications' require 'active_support/lazy_load_hooks' require 'shiba/configure' module Shiba # Integrates ActiveRecord with the Query Watcher by setting up the query log path, and the # connection options for the explain command, which it runs when the process exits. # # SHIBA_OUT and SHIBA_DEBUG=true environment variables may be set. class ActiveRecordIntegration attr_reader :path, :watcher def self.install! return false if @installed ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do Shiba::ActiveRecordIntegration.start_watcher end @installed = true end protected def self.start_watcher path = log_path if ENV['SHIBA_DEBUG'] $stderr.puts("starting shiba watcher, outputting to #{path}") end file =, 'a') watcher = ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe('sql.active_record', watcher) at_exit { run_explain(file, path) } rescue => e $stderr.puts("Shiba failed to load") $stderr.puts(e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")) end def self.log_path name = ENV["SHIBA_OUT"] || "query.log-#{}" File.join(Shiba.path, name) end def self.run_explain(file, path) file.close puts "" cmd = "shiba explain #{database_args} --file #{path}" if cmd << " --json #{File.join(Shiba.path, 'ci.json')}" end if ENV['SHIBA_DEBUG'] $stderr.puts("running:") $stderr.puts(cmd) end system(cmd) end def self.database_args cx = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection if cx.respond_to?(:query_options) # mysql c = cx.query_options.merge(server: 'mysql') else # postgres c = { host:, database: cx.db, username: cx.user, password: cx.pass, port: cx.port, server: 'postgres' } end options = { 'host': c[:host], 'database': c[:database], 'user': c[:username], 'password': c[:password], 'port': c[:port], 'server': c[:server] } # port can be a Fixnum options.reject { |k,v| v.nil? || v.respond_to?(:empty?) && v.empty? }.map { |k,v| "--#{k} #{v}" }.join(" ") end end end