require 'open3' require 'tempfile' require 'timeout' class PandocRuby # Use the pandoc command with a custom executable path. @pandoc_path = 'pandoc' class << self attr_accessor :pandoc_path end # The available readers and their corresponding names. The keys are used to # generate methods and specify options to Pandoc. READERS = { 'biblatex' => 'BibLaTeX bibliography', 'bibtex' => 'BibTeX bibliography', 'commonmark' => 'CommonMark Markdown', 'commonmark_x' => 'CommonMark Markdown with extensions', 'creole' => 'Creole 1.0', 'csljson' => 'CSL JSON bibliography', 'csv' => 'CSV table', 'docbook' => 'DocBook', 'docx' => 'Word docx', 'dokuwiki' => 'DokuWiki markup', 'endnotexml' => 'EndNote XML bibliography', 'epub' => 'EPUB', 'fb2' => 'FictionBook2 e-book', 'gfm' => 'GitHub-Flavored Markdown', 'haddock' => 'Haddock markup', 'html' => 'HTML', 'ipynb' => 'Jupyter notebook', 'jats' => 'JATS XML', 'jira' => 'Jira wiki markup', 'json' => 'JSON version of native AST', 'latex' => 'LaTex', 'man' => 'roff man', 'markdown' => "Pandoc's Markdown", 'markdown_mmd' => 'MultiMarkdown', 'markdown_phpextra' => 'PHP Markdown Extra', 'markdown_strict' => 'original unextended Markdown', 'mediawiki' => 'MediaWiki markup', 'muse' => 'Muse', 'native' => 'native Haskell', 'odt' => 'ODT', 'opml' => 'OPML', 'org' => 'Emacs Org mode', 'ris' => 'RIS bibliography', 'rst' => 'reStructuredText', 'rtf' => 'Rich Text Format', 't2t' => 'txt2tags', 'textile' => 'Textile', 'tikiwiki' => 'TikiWiki markup', 'tsv' => 'TSV table', 'twiki' => 'TWiki markup', 'vimwiki' => 'Vimwiki' }.freeze # The available string writers and their corresponding names. The keys are # used to generate methods and specify options to Pandoc. STRING_WRITERS = { 'asciidoc' => 'AsciiDoc', 'asciidoctor' => 'AsciiDoctor', 'beamer' => 'LaTeX beamer slide show', 'biblatex' => 'BibLaTeX bibliography', 'bibtex' => 'BibTeX bibliography', 'chunkedhtml' => 'zip archive of multiple linked HTML files', 'commonmark' => 'CommonMark Markdown', 'commonmark_x' => 'CommonMark Markdown with extensions', 'context' => 'ConTeXt', 'csljson' => 'CSL JSON bibliography', 'docbook' => 'DocBook 4', 'docbook4' => 'DocBook 4', 'docbook5' => 'DocBook 5', 'dokuwiki' => 'DokuWiki markup', 'fb2' => 'FictionBook2 e-book', 'gfm' => 'GitHub-Flavored Markdown', 'haddock' => 'Haddock markup', 'html' => 'HTML, i.e. HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup', 'html5' => 'HTML, i.e. HTML5/XHTML polyglot markup', 'html4' => 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional', 'icml' => 'InDesign ICML', 'ipynb' => 'Jupyter notebook', 'jats_archiving' => 'JATS XML, Archiving and Interchange Tag Set', 'jats_articleauthoring' => 'JATS XML, Article Authoring Tag Set', 'jats_publishing' => 'JATS XML, Journal Publishing Tag Set', 'jats' => 'alias for jats_archiving', 'jira' => 'Jira wiki markup', 'json' => 'JSON version of native AST', 'latex' => 'LaTex', 'man' => 'roff man', 'markdown' => "Pandoc's Markdown", 'markdown_mmd' => 'MultiMarkdown', 'markdown_phpextra' => 'PHP Markdown Extra', 'markdown_strict' => 'original unextended Markdown', 'markua' => 'Markua', 'mediawiki' => 'MediaWiki markup', 'ms' => 'roff ms', 'muse' => 'Muse', 'native' => 'native Haskell', 'opml' => 'OPML', 'opendocument' => 'OpenDocument', 'org' => 'Emacs Org mode', 'pdf' => 'PDF', 'plain' => 'plain text', 'pptx' => 'PowerPoint slide show', 'rst' => 'reStructuredText', 'rtf' => 'Rich Text Format', 'texinfo' => 'GNU Texinfo', 'textile' => 'Textile', 'slideous' => 'Slideous HTML and JavaScript slide show', 'slidy' => 'Slidy HTML and JavaScript slide show', 'dzslides' => 'DZSlides HTML5 + JavaScript slide show', 'revealjs' => 'reveal.js HTML5 + JavaScript slide show', 's5' => 'S5 HTML and JavaScript slide show', 'tei' => 'TEI Simple', 'xwiki' => 'XWiki markup', 'zimwiki' => 'ZimWiki markup' }.freeze # The available binary writers and their corresponding names. The keys are # used to generate methods and specify options to Pandoc. BINARY_WRITERS = { 'odt' => 'OpenOffice text document', 'docx' => 'Word docx', 'epub' => 'EPUB v3', 'epub2' => 'EPUB v2', 'epub3' => 'EPUB v3' }.freeze # All of the available Writers. WRITERS = STRING_WRITERS.merge(BINARY_WRITERS) # A shortcut method that creates a new PandocRuby object and immediately # calls `#convert`. Options passed to this method are passed directly to # `#new` and treated the same as if they were passed directly to the # initializer. def self.convert(*args) new(*args).convert end attr_writer :binary_output def binary_output @binary_output ||= false end attr_writer :options def options @options ||= [] end attr_writer :option_string def option_string @option_string ||= '' end attr_writer :writer def writer @writer ||= 'html' end attr_accessor :input_files attr_accessor :input_string # Create a new PandocRuby converter object. The first argument contains the # input either as string or as an array of filenames. # # Any other arguments will be converted to pandoc options. # # Usage: # new("# A String", :option1 => :value, :option2) # new(["/path/to/"], :option1 => :value, :option2) # new(["/to/file1.html", "/to/file2.html"], :option1 => :value) def initialize(*args) case args[0] when String self.input_string = args.shift when Array self.input_files = { |f| "'#{f}'" }.join(' ') end self.options = args end # Run the conversion. The convert method can take any number of arguments, # which will be converted to pandoc options. If options were already # specified in an initializer or reader method, they will be combined with # any that are passed to this method. # # Returns a string with the converted content. # # Example: # #"# text").convert # # => "


\n" def convert(*args) self.options += args if args self.option_string = prepare_options(self.options) if self.binary_output convert_binary else convert_string end end alias to_s convert # Generate class methods for each of the readers in PandocRuby::READERS. # When one of these methods is called, it simply calls the initializer # with the `from` option set to the reader key, and returns the object. # # Example: # # PandocRuby.markdown("# text") # # => #"markdown"}] class << self READERS.each_key do |r| define_method(r) do |*args| args += [{ :from => r }] new(*args) end end end # Generate instance methods for each of the writers in PandocRuby::WRITERS. # When one of these methods is called, it simply calls the `#convert` method # with the `to` option set to the writer key, thereby returning the # converted string. # # Example: # #"# text").to_html # # => "


\n" WRITERS.each_key do |w| define_method(:"to_#{w}") do |*args| args += [{ :to => w.to_sym }] convert(*args) end end private # Execute the pandoc command for binary writers. A temp file is created # and written to, then read back into the program as a string, then the # temp file is closed and unlinked. def convert_binary tmp_file ='pandoc-conversion') begin self.options += [{ :output => tmp_file.path }] self.option_string = "#{self.option_string} --output \"#{tmp_file.path}\"" execute_pandoc return IO.binread(tmp_file) ensure tmp_file.close tmp_file.unlink end end # Execute the pandoc command for string writers. def convert_string execute_pandoc end # Wrapper to run pandoc in a consistent, DRY way def execute_pandoc if !self.input_files.nil? execute("#{PandocRuby.pandoc_path} #{self.input_files}#{self.option_string}") else execute("#{PandocRuby.pandoc_path}#{self.option_string}") end end # Run the command and returns the output. def execute(command) output = error = exit_status = nil @timeout ||= 31_557_600 Open3.popen3(command) do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| begin Timeout.timeout(@timeout) do stdin.puts self.input_string stdin.close output = error = exit_status = wait_thr.value end rescue Timeout::Error => ex Process.kill 9, maybe_ex = "\n#{ex}" if ex error = "Pandoc timed out after #{@timeout} seconds.#{maybe_ex}" end end raise error unless exit_status && exit_status.success? output end # Builds the option string to be passed to pandoc by iterating over the # opts passed in. Recursively calls itself in order to handle hash options. def prepare_options(opts = []) opts.inject('') do |string, (option, value)| string + if value create_option(option, value) elsif option.respond_to?(:each_pair) prepare_options(option) else create_option(option) end end end # Takes a flag and optional argument, uses it to set any relevant options # used by the library, and returns string with the option formatted as a # command line options. If the option has an argument, it is also included. def create_option(flag, argument = nil) return '' unless flag flag = flag.to_s set_pandoc_ruby_options(flag, argument) return '' if flag == 'timeout' # pandoc doesn't accept timeouts yet if argument.nil? format_flag(flag) else "#{format_flag(flag)} \"#{argument}\"" end end # Formats an option flag in order to be used with the pandoc command line # tool. def format_flag(flag) if flag.length == 1 " -#{flag}" elsif flag =~ /^-|\+/ " #{flag}" else " --#{'_', '-')}" end end # Takes an option and optional argument and uses them to set any flags # used by PandocRuby. def set_pandoc_ruby_options(flag, argument = nil) case flag when 't', 'to' self.writer = argument.to_s self.binary_output = true if BINARY_WRITERS.key?(self.writer) when 'timeout' @timeout = argument end end end