require 'spec_helper' require 'wukong' # describe 'wukong', :helpers => true do # subject{ } # # describe Wukong::Flow do # let(:test_sink){ test_array_sink } # let(:example_flow) do # test_sink = test_sink() # Wukong.flow(:simple) do # source(:iter, 1..100) | limit(7) | test_sink # end # end # # context '#add_stage' do # it 'creates right subclass of Wukong::Source' do # subject.add_stage(:source, :iter, []).should be_a(Wukong::Source::Iter) # end # end # # it 'works with a simple example' do # # test_array_sink.records.should == (1..7).to_a # end # # # context '#run' do # # let(:test_sink){ mock } # # it 'announces events and calls methods in right order' do # # test_sink = test_sink() # # test_sink.should_receive(:tell).with(:beg_stream).ordered # # test_sink.should_receive(:call).exactly(7).times.ordered # # test_sink.should_receive(:finally).once.ordered # # test_sink.should_receive(:tell).with(:end_stream).ordered # # # # end # # end # # context '#stdin' do # its(:stdin){ should be_a(Wukong::Source::Iter) } # end # context '#stdout' do # its(:stdout){ should be_a(Wukong::Sink::Stdout) } # end # context '#stderr' do # its(:stderr){ should be_a(Wukong::Sink::Stderr) } # end # # end # # describe Wukong do # context '.streamer' do # subject{ Wukong.streamer('from_meth'){ def call(rec) rec.reverse ; end ; def bob() 1 ; end } } # it 'raises an error if the handle is not a valid identifier' do # ->{ Wukong.streamer('1love') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no funny/) # ->{ Wukong.streamer('this/that') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no funny/) # ->{ Wukong.streamer('This::That') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /no funny/) # end # # it{ should < Wukong::Streamer } # it{ should be_method_defined(:call) } # it{ should be_method_defined(:bob) } # # it 'defines a constant in Wukong::Streamer' do # subject.to_s.should == 'Wukong::Streamer::FromMeth' # Wukong::Streamer.should be_const_defined(:FromMeth) # end # it 'raises if already defined' do # subject # ->{ Wukong.streamer('from_meth') }.should raise_error(ArgumentError, /already defined/i) # end # # it 'works as expected' do #"hi mom").should == "mom ih" # == 1 # end # # after{ Wukong::Streamer.send(:remove_const, :FromMeth) if Wukong::Streamer.const_defined?(:FromMeth) } # end # end # # end