require 'bigdecimal' require 'danconia/errors/exchange_rate_not_found' module Danconia class Money include Comparable attr_reader :amount, :currency, :decimals, :exchange def initialize amount, currency_code = nil, decimals: 2, exchange: Danconia.config.default_exchange @decimals = decimals @amount = parse(amount) @currency = Currency.find(currency_code || Danconia.config.default_currency, exchange) @exchange = exchange end def to_s ActiveSupport::NumberHelper.number_to_currency amount, precision: decimals, unit: currency.symbol end def inspect "#<#{} #{amount} #{currency.code}>" end def == other if other.is_a?(Money) amount == other.amount && currency == other.currency else amount == other && currency.code == Danconia.config.default_currency end end def eql? other self == other end def hash [amount, currency].hash end def <=> other other = other.exchange_to(currency).amount if other.is_a? Money amount <=> other end def exchange_to other_currency other_currency = Currency.find(other_currency, exchange) rate = exchange_rate(currency, other_currency) clone_with amount * rate, other_currency end %w(+ - * /).each do |op| class_eval <<-EOR, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{op} other other = other.exchange_to(currency).amount if other.is_a? Money clone_with amount #{op} other end EOR end def round *args clone_with amount.round(*args) end def in_cents (self * 100).round end def method_missing method, *args if @amount.respond_to? method @amount.send method, *args else super end end def respond_to? method, *args super or @amount.respond_to?(method, *args) end private def parse object BigDecimal(object.to_s) rescue BigDecimal('0') end def clone_with amount, currency = @currency amount, currency, decimals: decimals, exchange: exchange end def exchange_rate from, to return 1 if from == to exchange.rate from.code, to.code end end end