0.5.7 Added @meeiw's patch to support ERB in config. Added test result summarization for RSpec and Cucumber. 0.5.6 Removed CPU usage check before running jobs (issue #25). 0.5.5 Added RSpec2 support. Thanks to Bryan Helmkamp, https://github.com/brynary. 0.5.4 Fixed some typos that caused the ruby interpreter to always be "ruby". 0.5.3 Added support for rubygems-test and http://gem-testers.org. 0.5.1 Fixed a bug that caused exit status to be 1 even if the test run is successful. 0.5.0 Made the status page load faster but check less often. 0.4.9 There is now a very basic status page at http://testbot_server:2288/status. 0.4.8 Removed all remaining native dependencies to make testbot simpler to install. 0.4.7 Refactored the code into modules with one directory for each. No longer dependent on mongel, now using webrick. 0.4.6 Fixed a bug that caused auto_update not to check for an update after a job had been run. 0.4.5 Made auto_update a bit more reliable. 0.4.4 Changed to using the deamons gem. Seems to fix some problems with old processes not closing down when using auto_update. 0.4.2 Added support for quick deploys when developing testbot. 0.4.0 Fixed RSpec 2 compability issue. 0.3.9 Added support for running tests with bundler exec. 0.3.8 Testbot now uses exit code to determine if the test run has failed. 0.3.7 The runner now checks right away for another job if it got one last time around. 0.3.6 Added Rails 2 generator support. 0.3.5 Fixed ssh_tunnel bug when using a custom user. 0.3.4 Bundler support. Testbot now runs "bundle" before "testbot:before_run" if you have "bundle" in path and have a "Gemfile" in the project so that the rails environment can load. 0.3.3 Fixed loading issue in rails 2, testbot depended on having rails installed as a gem. 0.3.0 Made testbot into a gem. Simplified the design. Added a CLI. Removed git support. 0.2.3 Added JRuby support. 0.2.2 Replaced runtime optimization code with a simpler file size based method. 0.2.1 Added support for Test:Unit and multiple projects. 0.2.0 Added "ssh_tunnel" so that you don't have to be able to access the http server directly. 0.1.9 The server can now handle if a runner is shutdown in the middle of a test run (it will give the job to another runner). 0.1.8 Added cucumber support and failure detection to the client. Added docs. Added code that uses historic test runtimes to reduce test runtime (in theory). 0.1.7 Added a basic client so that testbot can be installed as a rails plugin. 'rake testbot:spec'. 0.1.6 Now only fetching the code once, and only keeping one copy of it. Less overhead. 0.1.5 Added "/runners/total_instances" to be able to balance requesters by knowing how many instances there are in total. 0.1.4 Added support for fetching the latest version from git instead of rsync when doing a test run. 0.1.3 Added "/runners/available" to see how many runners are available. 0.1.2 Added cucumber support. 0.1.1 Added a CPU usage check to make sure that the runner does not start a job when the computer is busy. 0.1 Added hostname and STDERR to runner results.