== Welcome to BriskBills BriskBills is an extensible Rails App designed to provide a billing and basic accounting features for small businesses. BriskBills currently provides: - Automatic PDF-based invoicing, via email, to clients - An extensive interface for managing time, materials, and proposals for multiple employees in an organization - Tax collection and tracking - Payment and Account Balance tracking - Basic Client Roster Management - Comprehensive unit tests - Excellent stubs for fleshing out your own organization's specific models & controllers == Getting started BriskBills is a traditional Ruby on Rails application, meaning that you can configure and run it the way you would a normal Rails application. 1. Once the brisk-bills gem has been instakled, start a new brisk-bills deployment using the brisk-bills command and your site name. Ex: brisk-bills myorganization 2. Change directory into myorganization and run "rake brisk_bills:first_time_setup" to create your administrative account and get started. 3. Start the web server: script/server 3. Go to http://localhost:3000/ and login with your administrative account to begin creating employees and get started 4. Visit www.briskbills.com to read more