<p><b>Welcome to the administrative interface for IReach.</b></p> <p><b>Steps to create a newsletter</b> <ul> <li>Select "Newsletters" from the left menu</li> <li>Select the "New Newsletter" link <ul><li>Enter a unique name for the newsletter and click "Save"</li></ul></li> <li>Click on the "Edit" button for the new newsletter <ul><li>You will probably want to add the "Navigation Bar" element first <ul><li>Select "Add Element" next to the Nav Bar "Navigation Bar" element</li> <li>Enter the Spacer Width, and the link text and urls for the navigation bar and select "Submit"</li></ul></li> <li>Next add a Newsletter Title / Subtitle to your newsletter <ul><li>Select "Newsletter Title / Subtitle" from the dropdown next the "Main area" section, then select "Add Element"</li> <li>Enter your Title text, Title Font Size, Subtitle text, and Subtitle Font Size values and select "Submit"</li></ul></li> <li>Next add articles to your newsletter <ul><li>Select "Add Element" next to the Main area "Article" element</li> <li>Browse and select any images for the left and/or right image.</li> <li>Cut and paste the article content from your text editor (notepad probably).</li> <li>When you're done, select "Submit" to create the article.</li></ul></li></ul></li> <li>When you're done editing the newsletter, the next step is to create a Mailing</li> </ul></p> <p><b>Steps to create a mailing</b> <ul> <li>Select "Mailings" from the left menu</li> <li>Select the "New Mailing" button <ul><li>Enter an email subject</li> <li>You may modify the From email address if you wish</li> <li>Select the unique newsletter name you entered when you created the newsletter for the mailable item</li> <li>Select a date and time for your mailing to occur</li> <li>If you uncheck the "Include images" checkbox, the email will be sent with links to the images on the web site and the user will need to select "Load images" in their email program to view the images. Otherwise the images are sent with the email as attachments.</li> <li>Select the checkboxes for the mailing lists you wish to deliver the mailing to</li> <li>When you're done, select "Submit" to create the mailing</li></ul></li> <li>At this point the mailing is "Pending"</li> <li>You should send yourself a test email using the "Send Test" button</li> <li>When you have tested the mailing and are ready to schedule the mailing select the "Schedule" button</li> <li>While the mailing is being sent the Status for the mailing should be "processing". (NOTE: the page must be "refreshed" to see changes to the mailing status. Select "Mailings" in the left navigation to refresh the page and update the mailing status.)</li> <li>When the mailing is done, the Status should change to "completed"</li> </ul> </p> <p>When you have successfully completed the mailing, you should have a nice glass of single malt Scotch to congratulate yourself on your technical prowess.</p>