.\" Generated by kramdown-man 0.1.8 .\" https://github.com/postmodern/kramdown-man#readme .TH ronin-db-hosts 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" .LP .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .HP \fBronin-db hosts\fR \[lB]\fIoptions\fP\[rB] .LP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .PP Manages host names\. .LP .SH OPTIONS .LP .TP \fB--db\fR \fINAME\fP The database to connect to\. Defaults to \fBdefault\fR if not given\. .LP .TP \fB--db-uri\fR \fIURI\fP The explicit database URI to connect to (ex: \fBmysql://user:password@host/ronin\fR)\. .LP .TP \fB-v\fR, \fB--verbose\fR Enable verbose output\. .LP .TP \fB--add\fR \fIVALUE\fP Adds the hostname to the database\. .LP .TP \fB--import\fR \fIFILE\fP Imports the credentials from the given \fIFILE\fP\. .LP .TP \fB--delete\fR \fIVALUE\fP Deletes a value from the database\. .LP .TP \fB--delete-all\fR Deletes every value from the database\. .LP .TP \fB-I\fR, \fB--with-ip\fR \fIIP\fP Searches for HostNames associated with the IP address\. .LP .TP \fB-p\fR, \fB--with-port\fR \fIPORT\fP Searches for HostNames associated with the \fIPORT\fP\. .LP .TP \fB-D\fR, \fB--domain\fR \fIDOMAIN\fP Searches for HostNames belonging to the DOMAIN (\fBco.uk\fR)\. .LP .TP \fB-T\fR, \fB--tld\fR \fITLD\fP Searches for HostNames with the Top\-Level\-Domain (TLD) (\fBru\fR)\. .LP .SH ENVIRONMENT .LP .TP \fIHOME\fP Alternate location for the user\[cq]s home directory\. .LP .TP \fIXDG\[ru]CONFIG\[ru]HOME\fP Alternate location for the \fB~/.config\fR directory\. .LP .TP \fIXDG\[ru]DATA\[ru]HOME\fP Alternate location for the \fB~/.local/share\fR directory\. .LP .SH FILES .LP .TP \fB~/.local/share/ronin-db/database.sqlite3\fR The default sqlite3 database file\. .LP .TP \fB~/.config/ronin-db/database.yml\fR Optional database configuration\. .LP .SH AUTHOR .LP .PP Postmodern .MT postmodern\.mod3\[at]gmail\.com .ME .LP