### # wxRuby3 rake install support # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands ### require 'optparse' require_relative './lib/config' module WXRuby3 module Install class << self def prefix @prefix end def prefix=(v) @prefix = v.to_s end def wxwin_shlibs unless @wxwin_shlibs @wxwin_shlibs = Rake::FileList.new # include wxWidgets shared libraries we linked with WXRuby3.config.wx_libs.select { |s| s.start_with?('-L') }.each do |libdir| libdir = libdir[2..libdir.size] libdir = File.join(File.dirname(libdir), 'bin').gsub('\\', '/') if WXRuby3.config.windows? WXRuby3.config.wx_libs.select { |s| s.start_with?('-l') }.each do |lib| lib = lib[2..lib.size] if WXRuby3.config.windows? # match only wxWidgets libraries if (m = /\Awx_([a-z]+)(_[a-z]+)?-(.*)/.match(lib)) # translate lib name to shlib name grp_id = m[1] lib_id = m[2] ver = m[3].sub('.', '') # as of wxw 3.3 there seems to be an additional digit added to the version part of the dll name # so add a wildcard ('*') in that spot to match older and newer versions lib = "wx#{grp_id.sub(/u\Z/, '')}#{ver}*u#{lib_id}" @wxwin_shlibs.include File.join(libdir, "#{lib}*.#{WXRuby3.config.dll_mask}") end else # match only wxWidgets libraries if /\Awx_([a-z\d]+)(_[a-z]+)?-(.*)/.match(lib) @wxwin_shlibs.include File.join(libdir, "lib#{lib}*.#{WXRuby3.config.dll_mask}") end end end end @wxwin_shlibs = ::Set.new(@wxwin_shlibs.to_a) end @wxwin_shlibs end def install_wxwin_shlibs if WXRuby3.config.get_config('with-wxwin') # prepare required wxWidgets shared libs WXRuby3::Install.wxwin_shlibs.each do |shlib| if File.symlink?(shlib) src_shlib = shlib src_shlib = File.join(File.dirname(shlib), File.basename(File.readlink(src_shlib))) while File.symlink?(src_shlib) FileUtils.ln_s(File.join('.', File.basename(src_shlib)), File.join('ext', File.basename(shlib))) else FileUtils.cp(shlib, inshlib = File.join('ext', File.basename(shlib))) unless WXRuby3.config.patch_rpath(inshlib, '$ORIGIN') # cleanup and exit FileUtils.rm_f(Dir["ext/*.#{WXRuby3.config.dll_mask}"]) exit(1) end end end # prepare wxRuby shared libs unless Dir["lib/*.#{WXRuby3.config.dll_mask}"].all? { |shlib| WXRuby3.config.patch_rpath(shlib, '$ORIGIN:$ORIGIN/../ext') } # cleanup and exit FileUtils.rm_f(Dir["ext/*.#{WXRuby3.config.dll_mask}"]) exit(1) end end end def remove_wxwin_shlibs if WXRuby3.config.get_config('with-wxwin') WXRuby3::Install.wxwin_shlibs.each { |shlib| FileUtils.rm_f(File.join('ext', File.basename(shlib))) } end end end def self.define(task, args) #_argv = Rake.application.cleanup_args(ARGV) rescue exit(1) OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = <<~__USAGE Usage: rake [RAKE_OPTIONS] #{task.name}[TASK_OPTIONS] [NO_HARM=1] TASK_OPTIONS need to be specified as '[,,...]' without whitespaces. In case whitespaces are needed enclose the entire string in "" like "[,,...]". __USAGE opts.separator "" opts.on('--prefix=path', "path prefix of target environment (default #{Install.prefix ? "'#{Install.prefix}'" : 'unset'})") {|v| Install.prefix = File.expand_path(v) } opts.separator "" opts.on('--help', 'Show this help message') { puts opts; puts; exit } opts.separator "" opts.separator "\tAdding 'NO_HARM=1' will run the command without actually executing any\n\tactions but only printing what it would do." end.parse!(args.extras.dup) end def self.nowrite(v = nil) # need to do this because of Rake version differences rv = Rake.__send__ :nowrite Rake.__send__(:nowrite, v) if v if block_given? begin yield ensure Rake.__send__(:nowrite, rv) end end rv end def self.verbose Rake.__send__ :verbose end def self.specs specs = [ [WXRuby3.config.get_cfg_string('siterubyver'), ['lib/wx.rb'], 0644], [File.join(WXRuby3.config.get_cfg_string('siterubyver'), 'wx'), ['lib/wx'], 0644], ] # add wxRuby shared libraries WXRuby3::Director.each_package { |pkg| specs << [WXRuby3.config.get_cfg_string('siterubyverarch'), [pkg.lib_target], 0555] } if WXRuby3.config.get_config('with-wxwin') specs << [WXRuby3.config.get_cfg_string('siterubyverarch'), Install.wxwin_shlibs, 0555] end specs end def self.install WXRuby3::Install.specs.each do |dest, srclist, mode, match| srclist.each do |src| if File.directory?(src) install_dir(src, dest, mode, match) else install_file(src, dest, mode, match) end end end end def self.uninstall WXRuby3::Install.specs.each do |dest, srclist, _mode, match| srclist.each do |src| if File.directory?(src) uninstall_dir(src, dest, match) else uninstall_file(src, dest, match) end end end end end module InstallMethods def install_file(src, dest, mode, match) return unless match.nil? || match.call(src) dest = File.join(Install.prefix, dest) if Install.prefix FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest, :noop => nowrite, :verbose => verbose) unless File.directory?(dest) FileUtils.install(src, dest, :mode => mode, :noop => nowrite, :verbose => verbose) end def install_dir(dir, dest, mode, match) return unless match.nil? || match.call(dir) FileUtils.chdir(dir, :verbose => verbose) do Dir['*'].each do |entry| if File.directory?(entry) install_dir(entry, File.join(dest, entry), mode, match) else install_file(entry, dest, mode, match) end end end end def uninstall_file(src, dest, match) return unless match.nil? || match.call(src) dest = File.join(Install.prefix, dest) if Install.prefix dst_file = File.join(dest, File.basename(src)) if nowrite || File.file?(dst_file) if nowrite || FileUtils.compare_file(src, dst_file) FileUtils.rm_f(dst_file, :noop => nowrite, :verbose => verbose) else STDERR.puts "ALERT: source (#{src}) differs from installed file (#{dst_file})" end end end def uninstall_dir(dir, dest, match) return unless match.nil? || match.call(dir) FileUtils.chdir(dir, :verbose => verbose) do Dir['*'].each do |entry| if File.directory?(entry) uninstall_dir(entry, File.join(dest, entry), match) else uninstall_file(entry, dest, match) end end end FileUtils.rmdir(dest, :noop => nowrite, :verbose => verbose) end end Install.singleton_class.include WXRuby3::InstallMethods end