# encoding: utf-8 require 'naturally' describe Naturally do describe '#sort' do it 'sorts an array of strings nicely as if they were legal numbers' do a = %w[676 676.1 676.11 676.12 676.2 676.3 676.9 676.10] b = %w[676 676.1 676.2 676.3 676.9 676.10 676.11 676.12] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts a more complex list of strings' do a = %w[350 351 352 352.1 352.5 353.1 354 354.3 354.4 354.45 354.5] b = %w[350 351 352 352.1 352.5 353.1 354 354.3 354.4 354.5 354.45] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts when numbers have letters in them' do a = %w[335 335.1 336a 336 337 337a 337.1 337.15 337.2] b = %w[335 335.1 336 336a 337 337.1 337.2 337.15 337a] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts when numbers have unicode letters in them' do a = %w[335 335.1 336a 336 337 337я 337.1 337.15 337.2] b = %w[335 335.1 336 336a 337 337.1 337.2 337.15 337я] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts when letters have numbers in them' do a = %w[PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7, PC9, PC10, PC11, PC12, PC13, PC14, PROF2, PBLI, SBP1, SBP3] b = %w[PBLI, PC1, PC3, PC5, PC7, PC9, PC10, PC11, PC12, PC13, PC14, PROF2, SBP1, SBP3] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts when letters have numbers and unicode characters in them' do a = %w[АБ4, АБ2, АБ10, АБ12, АБ1, АБ3, АД8, АД5, АЩФ12, АЩФ8, ЫВА1] b = %w[АБ1, АБ2, АБ3, АБ4, АБ10, АБ12, АД5, АД8, АЩФ8, АЩФ12, ЫВА1] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts double digits with letters correctly' do a = %w[12a 12b 12c 13a 13b 2 3 4 5 10 11 12] b = %w[2 3 4 5 10 11 12 12a 12b 12c 13a 13b] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end it 'sorts double digits with unicode letters correctly' do a = %w[12а 12б 12в 13а 13б 2 3 4 5 10 11 12] b = %w[2 3 4 5 10 11 12 12а 12б 12в 13а 13б] Naturally.sort(a).should == b end end describe '#sort_naturally_by' do it 'sorts by an attribute' do UbuntuVersion = Struct.new(:name, :version) releases = [ UbuntuVersion.new('Saucy Salamander', '13.10'), UbuntuVersion.new('Raring Ringtail', '13.04'), UbuntuVersion.new('Precise Pangolin', '12.04.4'), UbuntuVersion.new('Maverick Meerkat', '10.10'), UbuntuVersion.new('Quantal Quetzal', '12.10'), UbuntuVersion.new('Lucid Lynx', '10.04.4') ] sorted = Naturally.sort_by(releases, :version) expect(sorted.map(&:name)).to eq [ 'Lucid Lynx', 'Maverick Meerkat', 'Precise Pangolin', 'Quantal Quetzal', 'Raring Ringtail', 'Saucy Salamander' ] end it 'sorts by an attribute which contains unicode characters' do Thing = Struct.new(:number, :name) objects = [ Thing.new('1.1', 'Москва'), Thing.new('1.2', 'Киев'), Thing.new('1.1.1', 'Париж'), Thing.new('1.1.2', 'Будапешт'), Thing.new('1.10', 'Брест'), Thing.new('2.1', 'Калуга'), Thing.new('1.3', 'Васюки') ] sorted = objects.sort_by{ |o| Naturally.normalize(o.name) } sorted.map{|o| o.name}.should == %w[ Брест Будапешт Васюки Калуга Киев Москва Париж ] end end end