<% title 'Welcome to Ruby on Rails' meta_description '...' heading 'Welcome to Ruby on Rails' %>

You have successfully generated a project with <%= link_to 'orats', 'https://github.com/nickjj/orats' %> vVERSION.

<%= image_tag 'https://badge.fury.io/rb/orats.png', alt: 'Gem badge' %> is the latest version of orats.

Custom rake tasks

        # backup the database to S3 or any other location
        bundle exec rake orats:backup

        # generate a new set of favicons to the public directory
        bundle exec rake orats:favicons

Trying to figure out what to do next?

Visit the wiki guide for <%= link_to 'what to look at after making a new project', 'https://github.com/nickjj/orats/wiki/What-to-look-at-after-making-a-new-project' %> .

Looking to deploy your application?

Visit the wiki guide for <%= link_to 'get your application on a server ', 'https://github.com/nickjj/orats/wiki/Get-your-application-on-a-server' %> .

Want to get rid of the pages controller?

No problem, just follow these steps:

<%= image_tag '/apple-touch-icon-228x228-precomposed.png', size: '228x228', alt: 'A ruby image I found on Google' %>