/*! BigText - v0.1.8 - 2015-04-01 * https://github.com/zachleat/bigtext * Copyright (c) 2015 Zach Leatherman (@zachleat) * MIT License */ (function(window, $) { "use strict"; var counter = 0, $headCache = $('head'), oldBigText = window.BigText, oldjQueryMethod = $.fn.bigtext, BigText = { DEBUG_MODE: false, DEFAULT_MIN_FONT_SIZE_PX: null, DEFAULT_MAX_FONT_SIZE_PX: 528, GLOBAL_STYLE_ID: 'bigtext-style', STYLE_ID: 'bigtext-id', LINE_CLASS_PREFIX: 'bigtext-line', EXEMPT_CLASS: 'bigtext-exempt', noConflict: function(restore) { if(restore) { $.fn.bigtext = oldjQueryMethod; window.BigText = oldBigText; } return BigText; }, supports: { wholeNumberFontSizeOnly: (function() { if( !( 'getComputedStyle' in window ) ) { return true; } var test = $('
').css({ position: 'absolute', 'font-size': '14.1px' }).insertBefore( $('script').eq(0) ), computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle( test[0], null ); var ret = computedStyle && computedStyle.getPropertyValue( 'font-size' ) === '14px'; test.remove(); return ret; })() }, init: function() { if(!$('#'+BigText.GLOBAL_STYLE_ID).length) { $headCache.append(BigText.generateStyleTag(BigText.GLOBAL_STYLE_ID, ['.bigtext * { white-space: nowrap; } .bigtext > * { display: block; }', '.bigtext .' + BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS + ', .bigtext .' + BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS + ' * { white-space: normal; }'])); } }, bindResize: function(eventName, resizeFunction) { var timeoutId; $(window).unbind(eventName).bind(eventName, function() { if( timeoutId ) { clearTimeout( timeoutId ); } timeoutId = setTimeout( resizeFunction, 100 ); }); }, getStyleId: function(id) { return BigText.STYLE_ID + '-' + id; }, generateStyleTag: function(id, css) { return $('').attr('id', id); }, clearCss: function(id) { var styleId = BigText.getStyleId(id); $('#' + styleId).remove(); }, generateCss: function(id, linesFontSizes, lineWordSpacings, minFontSizes) { var css = []; BigText.clearCss(id); for(var j=0, k=linesFontSizes.length; j= maxWidth) { // console.log(width, ' previous: ' + previousWidth, property + ' at ' + interval, 'prior: ' + (parseFloat(size) - interval), 'new:' + parseFloat(size)); $line.css(property, ''); if(width === maxWidth) { return { match: 'exact', size: parseFloat((parseFloat(size) - 0.1).toFixed(3)) }; } // Since this is an estimate, we calculate how far over the width we went with the new value. // If this is word-spacing (our last resort guess) and the over is less than the under, we keep the higher value. // Otherwise, we revert to the underestimate. var under = maxWidth - previousWidth, over = width - maxWidth; return { match: 'estimate', size: parseFloat((parseFloat(size) - (property === 'word-spacing' && previousWidth && ( over < under ) ? 0 : interval)).toFixed(3)) }; } return width; } function calculateSizes($t, $children, maxWidth, maxFontSize, minFontSize) { var $c = $t.clone(true) .addClass('bigtext-cloned') .css({ fontFamily: $t.css('font-family'), textTransform: $t.css('text-transform'), wordSpacing: $t.css('word-spacing'), letterSpacing: $t.css('letter-spacing'), position: 'absolute', left: BigText.DEBUG_MODE ? 0 : -9999, top: BigText.DEBUG_MODE ? 0 : -9999 }) .appendTo(document.body); // font-size isn't the only thing we can modify, we can also mess with: // word-spacing and letter-spacing. WebKit does not respect subpixel // letter-spacing, word-spacing, or font-size. // TODO try -webkit-transform: scale() as a workaround. var fontSizes = [], wordSpacings = [], minFontSizes = [], ratios = []; $children.css('float', 'left').each(function() { var $line = $(this), // TODO replace 8, 4 with a proportional size to the calculated font-size. intervals = BigText.supports.wholeNumberFontSizeOnly ? [8, 4, 1] : [8, 4, 1, 0.1], lineMax, newFontSize; if($line.hasClass(BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS)) { fontSizes.push(null); ratios.push(null); minFontSizes.push(false); return; } // TODO we can cache this ratio? var autoGuessSubtraction = 32, // font size in px currentFontSize = parseFloat($line.css('font-size')), ratio = ( $line.width() / currentFontSize ).toFixed(6); newFontSize = parseInt( maxWidth / ratio, 10 ) - autoGuessSubtraction; outer: for(var m=0, n=intervals.length; m maxFontSize) { newFontSize = maxFontSize; break outer; } lineMax = testLineDimensions($line, maxWidth, 'font-size', newFontSize + j*intervals[m], intervals[m], 'px', lineMax); if(typeof lineMax !== 'number') { newFontSize = lineMax.size; if(lineMax.match === 'exact') { break outer; } break inner; } } } ratios.push(maxWidth / newFontSize); if(newFontSize > maxFontSize) { fontSizes.push(maxFontSize); minFontSizes.push(false); } else if(!!minFontSize && newFontSize < minFontSize) { fontSizes.push(minFontSize); minFontSizes.push(true); } else { fontSizes.push(newFontSize); minFontSizes.push(false); } }).each(function(lineNumber) { var $line = $(this), wordSpacing = 0, interval = 1, maxWordSpacing; if($line.hasClass(BigText.EXEMPT_CLASS)) { wordSpacings.push(null); return; } // must re-use font-size, even though it was removed above. $line.css('font-size', fontSizes[lineNumber] + 'px'); for(var m=1, n=3; m