# Spec helper (must include first to track code coverage with SimpleCov) require_relative 'support/spec_helper' require 'acpc_dealer' require 'acpc_poker_types/dealer_data/poker_match_data' require 'acpc_poker_types/hand_player' require 'acpc_poker_types/poker_action' require 'acpc_poker_types/hand' require 'acpc_poker_types/match_state' include AcpcPokerTypes describe HandPlayer do INITIAL_CHIP_STACK = ChipStack.new 100000 ANTE = 100 HAND = Hand.from_acpc('AhKs') before do @patient = nil end def patient @patient ||= HandPlayer.new HAND, INITIAL_CHIP_STACK, ANTE end describe '::new' do it 'raises an exception if the player is unable to pay the ante' do -> { HandPlayer.new HAND, INITIAL_CHIP_STACK, INITIAL_CHIP_STACK + 1 }.must_raise HandPlayer::UnableToPayAnte end it 'works' do [0, 100].each do |ante| @patient = HandPlayer.new HAND, INITIAL_CHIP_STACK, ante @patient.hand.must_equal HAND @patient.stack.must_equal INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - ante @patient.ante.must_equal ante @patient.initial_stack.must_equal INITIAL_CHIP_STACK end end end describe '#append_action!' do describe 'raises an exception if it is not active' do it 'if it has folded' do x_actions = [['c', 'r100'], ['r200', 'c'], ['f']] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action! PokerAction.new(action), round end end -> { patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), x_actions.length - 1) }.must_raise HandPlayer::Inactive end it 'if it has gone all in' do x_actions = [ [ PokerAction.new('c'), PokerAction.new('r200') ], [ PokerAction.new('r400'), PokerAction.new('c', cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - ANTE) ] ] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(action, round) end end -> { patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), x_actions.length - 1) }.must_raise HandPlayer::Inactive end end it 'works' do x_actions = [['c', 'r100'], ['r200', 'c'], ['f']] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action! PokerAction.new(action), round end end patient.actions.must_equal x_actions end end describe '#folded?' do it 'works' do x_actions = [['c', 'r100'], ['r200', 'c']] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new(action), round).folded?.must_equal false end end patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD), x_actions.length - 1).folded?.must_equal true end end describe '#all_in?' do it 'works' do x_actions = [ [ PokerAction.new('c'), PokerAction.new('r200') ], [ PokerAction.new('r400') ] ] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(action, round).all_in?.must_equal false end end patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK)).all_in?.must_equal true end end describe '#inactive?' do it 'is true if it has gone all in' do x_actions = [ [ PokerAction.new('c'), PokerAction.new('r200') ], [ PokerAction.new('r400') ] ] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(action, round).inactive?.must_equal false end end patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - ANTE)).inactive?.must_equal true end it 'is true if it has folded' do x_actions = [ [ PokerAction.new('c'), PokerAction.new('r200') ], [ PokerAction.new('r400') ] ] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(action, round).inactive?.must_equal false end end patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD)).inactive?.must_equal true end end describe '#contributions' do it 'works' do x_actions = [ [ PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100), PokerAction.new('r200', cost: 100) ], [ PokerAction.new('r400', cost: 200), PokerAction.new('c', cost: 0) ] ] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(action, round) end end patient.contributions.must_equal( x_actions.map do |actions| actions.inject(0) { |sum, action| sum += action.cost } end.unshift(ANTE) ) end end describe '#total_contribution' do it 'works' do x_actions = [ [ PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100), PokerAction.new('r200', cost: 100) ], [ PokerAction.new('r400', cost: 200), PokerAction.new('c', cost: 0) ] ] x_actions.each_with_index do |actions, round| actions.each do |action| patient.append_action!(action, round) end end patient.total_contribution.must_equal( ANTE + x_actions.flatten.inject(0) { |sum, action| sum += action.cost } ) end end describe '#legal_actions' do it 'works with fold' do patient.legal_actions(round: 0, amount_to_call: 100).sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::RAISE, cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100)), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD) ].sort patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100)) .legal_actions(round: 0, amount_to_call: 200).sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::RAISE, cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 200)), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD) ].sort patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('f')) .legal_actions(round: 0).empty?.must_equal true end it 'works with all in' do patient.legal_actions(round: 0).sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CHECK), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::BET, cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - ANTE), ].sort patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100)) .legal_actions(round: 0).sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CHECK), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::BET, cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100)), ].sort patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100))) .legal_actions(round: 0).empty?.must_equal true end it 'works when an opponent is all in' do patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100)) .legal_actions(round: 0).sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CHECK), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::RAISE, cost: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100)) ].sort patient.legal_actions(round: 0, amount_to_call: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100)) .sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD) ].sort end it 'works when no more raises are allowed' do patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100)) .legal_actions(round: 0, wager_illegal: true).must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CHECK) ] patient.legal_actions(round: 0, amount_to_call: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100)) .sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD) ].sort end it 'works without round argument' do patient.append_action!(PokerAction.new('c', cost: 100)) .legal_actions(wager_illegal: true).must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CHECK) ] patient.legal_actions(amount_to_call: INITIAL_CHIP_STACK - (ANTE + 100)) .sort.must_equal [ PokerAction.new(PokerAction::CALL), PokerAction.new(PokerAction::FOLD) ].sort end end end