# encoding: UTF-8 require File.expand_path('../../test_helper', __FILE__) # borrowed from Padrino class GeneratorsTest < MiniTest::Spec include Spontaneous def setup @tmp = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/spontaneous-tests/#{Time.now.to_i}" `mkdir -p #{@tmp}` end def teardown conn = Sequel.mysql2(:user => "root") %w(example_com example_com_test).each do |db| conn.run("DROP DATABASE `#{db}`") rescue nil end `rm -rf #{@tmp}` end def generate(name, *params) silence_logger { "Spontaneous::Generators::#{name.to_s.camelize}".constantize.start(params) } end attr_reader :site_root context "Site generator" do teardown do end should "create a site using passed parameters" do # puts @tmp generate(:site, "example.com", "--root=#{@tmp}") # Have moved db creation into separate step (spot init) so this no longer applies # %w(example_com example_com_test).each do |db| # db = Sequel.mysql2(:user => "root", :database => db) # lambda { db.tables }.must_raise(Sequel::DatabaseConnectionError) # end site_root = File.join(@tmp, 'example_com') %w(Rakefile Gemfile).each do |f| assert_file_exists(site_root, f) end %w(development.rb production.rb).each do |f| assert_file_exists(site_root, 'config/environments', f) end %w(back.ru front.ru boot.rb database.yml deploy.rb environment.rb user_levels.yml indexes.rb).each do |f| assert_file_exists(site_root, 'config', f) end %w(favicon.ico robots.txt).each do |f| assert_file_exists(site_root, 'public', f) end %w(standard.html.cut).each do |f| assert_file_exists(site_root, 'templates/layouts', f) end assert_file_exists(site_root, 'schema') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'schema/page.rb') assert File.read(site_root / 'schema/page.rb') =~ /class Page < Spontaneous::Page/ assert_file_exists(site_root, 'schema/piece.rb') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'schema/box.rb') assert File.read(site_root / 'schema/piece.rb') =~ /class Piece < Spontaneous::Piece/ assert_file_exists(site_root, 'public/js') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'public/css') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'lib/tasks/example_com.rake') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'lib/site.rb') assert File.read(site_root / 'lib/site.rb') =~ /class Site < Spontaneous::Site/ assert_file_exists(site_root, 'log') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'tmp') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'cache/media/tmp') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'cache/revisions') assert_file_exists(site_root, '.gitignore') assert File.read(site_root / '.gitignore') =~ /cache\/\*/ assert File.read(site_root / 'schema/piece.rb') =~ /class Piece < Spontaneous::Piece/ end should "accept domain names starting with numbers" should "accept domain names containing dashes" end context "Page generator" do setup do generate(:site, "example.com", "--root=#{@tmp}") @site_root = File.join(@tmp, 'example_com') end should "create a page class and associated templates" do %w(large_page LargePage).each do |name| generate(:page, name, "--root=#{site_root}") assert_file_exists(site_root, 'schema/large_page.rb') # assert_file_exists(site_root, 'templates/large_page/page.html.cut') assert_file_exists(site_root, 'templates/large_page.html.cut') class_file = ::File.join(site_root, 'schema/large_page.rb') assert /class LargePage < Page/ === File.read(class_file) `rm -rf #{@tmp}` end end end end