package org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.wadi import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import org.apache.commons.logging.Log import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory import org.mortbay.jetty.servlet.wadi.IntegrationTest import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodRetryHandler import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpMethodParams import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod class IntegrationTest extends GroovyTestCase { static final def LOG = LogFactory.getLog( // Implementation note: we are using a number of clients sufficient big to increase the probability of having // client HTTP session locations tracked by partitions owned by distinct nodes. static final def NUMBER_CLIENTS = 24 static final def MVN = 'mvn' static final def EXECUTE_GOAL = 'org.codehaus.groovy.maven:gmaven-plugin:execute' def exitProcess = { port, process -> def getMethod = new GetMethod("http://localhost:${port}/exit") try { new HttpClient().executeMethod(getMethod) } catch (Exception e) { } finally { getMethod.releaseConnection() } process.destroy() } def launchProcess = { port, node -> def mvn = MVN String osName = System.getProperty("" ) if (osName.contains('Windows')) { mvn = "cmd /c ${mvn}" } def process = "${mvn} -o -Dport=${port} -Dnode=${node} ${EXECUTE_GOAL}".execute() def processStartedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) def readIS = { Object[] args -> process.inputStream.eachLine { line -> if (line.endsWith("Started SelectChannelConnector@${port}")) { processStartedLatch.countDown() } } } as Runnable new Thread(readIS).start() def readES = { Object[] args -> process.errorStream.eachLine { line -> LOG.error(line) } } as Runnable new Thread(readES).start() assert processStartedLatch.await(30l, TimeUnit.SECONDS) exitProcess.curry(port, process) } def incrementCounter = { port, httpClient, expectedCounter -> def getMethod = new GetMethod("http://localhost:${port}/counter") def noRetryHandler = { method, exception, executionCount -> executionCount < 2} as HttpMethodRetryHandler getMethod.getParams().setParameter(HttpMethodParams.RETRY_HANDLER, noRetryHandler); try { assert 200 == httpClient.executeMethod(getMethod) def actualCounter = getMethod.responseBodyAsString assert expectedCounter + '' == actualCounter } finally { getMethod.releaseConnection() } } def counter = 0 def httpClients def launchProcess8080 def killProcess8080 def incrementCounter8080 def launchProcess8081 def killProcess8081 def incrementCounter8081 protected void setUp() { httpClients = new HttpClient[NUMBER_CLIENTS] for (i in 0..NUMBER_CLIENTS - 1) { httpClients[i] = new HttpClient() } launchProcess8080 = { -> killProcess8080 = launchProcess(8080, 'red') } launchProcess8080() incrementCounter8080 = incrementCounter.curry(8080) launchProcess8081 = { -> killProcess8081 = launchProcess(8081, 'yellow') } launchProcess8081() incrementCounter8081 = incrementCounter.curry(8081) } protected void tearDown() { if (killProcess8080) { killProcess8080() } if (killProcess8081) { killProcess8081() } } public void testWADIIntegration() { sessionsAreMigratedFrom8080To8081() sessionsAreRestoredOn8080After8081Crash() sessionsAreMigratedFrom8080To8081After8081Crash() singletonPartitionBalancerIsOwnedBy8081After8080CrashAndRestart() // Implementation note: skip this test for now as it fails on Windows. //sessionsAreReplicatedBy8080AtTheSameTimeThan8081Crash() } def sessionsAreMigratedFrom8080To8081() { httpClients.each { httpClient -> incrementCounter8080(httpClient, counter + 1) incrementCounter8081(httpClient, counter + 2) } counter += 2 } def sessionsAreRestoredOn8080After8081Crash() { killProcess8081() httpClients.each { httpClient -> shouldFail({incrementCounter8081(it, -1)}) } counter++ httpClients.each { httpClient -> incrementCounter8080(httpClient, counter) } } def sessionsAreMigratedFrom8080To8081After8081Crash() { launchProcess8081() counter++ httpClients.each { httpClient -> incrementCounter8081(httpClient, counter) } } def singletonPartitionBalancerIsOwnedBy8081After8080CrashAndRestart() { killProcess8080() launchProcess8080() counter++ httpClients.each { httpClient -> incrementCounter8080(httpClient, counter) } } def sessionsAreReplicatedBy8080AtTheSameTimeThan8081Crash() { def httpClientsStartLatch = new CountDownLatch(1) def httpClientsFinishedLatch = new CountDownLatch(NUMBER_CLIENTS) def monitor = new Object() def killed = false httpClients.each { httpClient -> def httpClientCountinuousPingTask = { Object[] args -> httpClientsStartLatch.await(2, TimeUnit.SECONDS) for (i in counter + 1..counter + 100) { incrementCounter8080(httpClient, i) if (i == counter + 50) { synchronized (monitor) { if (!killed) { killProcess8081() } killed = true } } } httpClientsFinishedLatch.countDown() } as Runnable new Thread(httpClientCountinuousPingTask).start() } httpClientsStartLatch.countDown() def clientFinished = httpClientsFinishedLatch.await(20l, TimeUnit.SECONDS) if (!clientFinished) { assert false : 'HTTP Clients have not finished after 20s.' } counter += 100 launchProcess8081() counter++ httpClients.each { httpClient -> incrementCounter8081(httpClient, counter) } } }