Given /^I have no nodes$/ do Node.delete_all end Given /^the following nodes exist:$/ do |nodes_table| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table nodes_table.hashes.each do |hash| node = => hash[:name]) if !(hash[:parent] == "") parent = Node.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => hash[:parent]}) parent.children << node!! else Node.create( :name => hash[:name]) end end end Given /^I create a tree$/ do 12.times{ |i| Factory.create(:node, :name => "Node_#{i+1}") } Node.where(:name => "Node_1").first.children << Node.where(:name => "Node_7").first Node.where(:name => "Node_7").first.insert_before(Node.where(:name => "Node_2").first) Node.where(:name => "Node_1").first.children << Node.where(:name => "Node_8").first Node.where(:name => "Node_2").first.children << Node.where(:name => "Node_3").first Node.where(:name => "Node_3").first.insert_after(Node.where(:name => "Node_6").first) Node.where(:name => "Node_8").first.children << Node.where(:name => "Node_9").first Node.where(:name => "Node_9").first.children << Node.where(:name => "Node_11").first Node.where(:name => "Node_3").first.children << Node.where(:name => "Node_5").first Node.where(:name => "Node_9").first.insert_after(Node.where(:name => "Node_12").first) Node.where(:name => "Node_5").first.insert_before(Node.where(:name => "Node_4").first) Node.where(:name => "Node_11").first.insert_before(Node.where(:name => "Node_10").first) end When /^I request the children depth first$/ do @root = Node.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "Node_1" }) @root.should_not be(nil) @children ={|node| []} puts @children.inspect end When /^I request the children breadth first$/ do @root = Node.find(:first, :conditions => { :name => "Node_1" }) @root.should_not be(nil) @children ={|node| []} end When /^I move a subtree$/ do Node.first(:conditions => {:name => "Node_9"}).move_to(Node.first(:conditions => {:name => "Node_6"})) end When /^I delete a subtree$/ do Node.first(:conditions => {:name => "Node_9"}).destroy end Then /^I should get the children in the following order$/ do |expected_children_order| # table is a Cucumber::Ast::Table expected_children_order.diff!(@children) end Then /^I should have (\d+) Nodes$/ do |count| Node.count.should be(count.to_i) end