module ApplicationHelper include LocalTime include Admin::RegionsHelper include Radiant::LegacyRoutes def config Radiant::Config end def default_page_title title + ' - ' + subtitle end def title config['admin.title'] || 'Radiant CMS' end def subtitle config['admin.subtitle'] || 'Publishing for Small Teams' end def logged_in? !current_user.nil? end def save_model_button(model, options = {}) options[:label] ||= model.new_record? ? "Create #{}" : "Save Changes" options[:class] ||= "button" submit_tag options.delete(:label), options end def save_model_and_continue_editing_button(model) submit_tag 'Save and Continue Editing', :name => 'continue', :class => 'button' end # Redefine pluralize() so that it doesn't put the count at the beginning of # the string. def pluralize(count, singular, plural = nil) if count == 1 singular elsif plural plural else ActiveSupport::Inflector.pluralize(singular) end end def links_for_navigation tabs = admin.tabs links = do |tab| nav_link_to(, File.join(ActionController::Base.relative_url_root || '', tab.url)) if tab.shown_for?(current_user) end.compact links.join(separator) end def separator %{ | } end def current_url?(options) url = case options when Hash url_for options else options.to_s end request.request_uri =~'^' + Regexp.quote(clean(url))) end def clean(url) uri = URI.parse(url) uri.path.gsub(%r{/+}, '/').gsub(%r{/$}, '') end def nav_link_to(name, options) if current_url?(options) %{#{ link_to name, options }} else link_to name, options end end def admin? current_user and current_user.admin? end def developer? current_user and (current_user.developer? or current_user.admin?) end def focus(field_name) javascript_tag "Field.activate('#{field_name}');" end def updated_stamp(model) unless model.new_record? updated_by = (model.updated_by || model.created_by) login = updated_by ? updated_by.login : nil time = (model.updated_at || model.created_at) if login or time html = %{

Last updated } html << %{by #{login} } if login html << %{at #{ timestamp(time) }} if time html << %{

} html end else %{


} end end def timestamp(time) time.strftime("%I:%M %p on %B %d, %Y") end def meta_visible(symbol) v = case symbol when :meta_more not meta_errors? when :meta, :meta_less meta_errors? end v ? {} : {:style => "display:none"} end def meta_errors? false end def toggle_javascript_for(id) "Element.toggle('#{id}'); Element.toggle('more-#{id}'); Element.toggle('less-#{id}'); return false;" end def image(name, options = {}) image_tag(append_image_extension("admin/#{name}"), options) end def image_submit(name, options = {}) image_submit_tag(append_image_extension("admin/#{name}"), options) end def admin Radiant::AdminUI.instance end def filter_options_for_select(selected=nil) options_for_select([['', '']] + { |s| s.filter_name }.sort, selected) end private def append_image_extension(name) unless name =~ /\.(.*?)$/ name + '.png' else name end end end