module ActiveRecord module Acts #:nodoc: module List #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end # This +acts_as+ extension provides the capabilities for sorting and reordering a number of objects in a list. # The class that has this specified needs to have a +position+ column defined as an integer on # the mapped database table. # # Todo list example: # # class TodoList < ActiveRecord::Base # has_many :todo_items, order: "position" # end # # class TodoItem < ActiveRecord::Base # belongs_to :todo_list # acts_as_list scope: :todo_list # end # # todo_list.first.move_to_bottom # todo_list.last.move_higher module ClassMethods # Configuration options are: # # * +column+ - specifies the column name to use for keeping the position integer (default: +position+) # * +scope+ - restricts what is to be considered a list. Given a symbol, it'll attach _id # (if it hasn't already been added) and use that as the foreign key restriction. It's also possible # to give it an entire string that is interpolated if you need a tighter scope than just a foreign key. # Example: acts_as_list scope: 'todo_list_id = #{todo_list_id} AND completed = 0' # * +top_of_list+ - defines the integer used for the top of the list. Defaults to 1. Use 0 to make the collection # act more like an array in its indexing. # * +add_new_at+ - specifies whether objects get added to the :top or :bottom of the list. (default: +bottom+) # `nil` will result in new items not being added to the list on create def acts_as_list(options = {}) configuration = { column: "position", scope: "1 = 1", top_of_list: 1, add_new_at: :bottom} configuration.update(options) if options.is_a?(Hash) configuration[:scope] = "#{configuration[:scope]}_id".intern if configuration[:scope].is_a?(Symbol) && configuration[:scope].to_s !~ /_id$/ if configuration[:scope].is_a?(Symbol) scope_methods = %( def scope_condition self.class.send(:sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions, { :#{configuration[:scope].to_s} => send(:#{configuration[:scope].to_s}) }) end def scope_changed? changes.include?(scope_name.to_s) end ) elsif configuration[:scope].is_a?(Array) scope_methods = %( def attrs %w(#{configuration[:scope].join(" ")}).inject({}) do |memo,column| memo[column.intern] = send(column.intern); memo end end def scope_changed? (attrs.keys & end def scope_condition self.class.send(:sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions, attrs) end ) else scope_methods = %( def scope_condition "#{configuration[:scope]}" end def scope_changed?() false end ) end class_eval <<-EOV include ::ActiveRecord::Acts::List::InstanceMethods def acts_as_list_top #{configuration[:top_of_list]}.to_i end def acts_as_list_class ::#{} end def position_column '#{configuration[:column]}' end def scope_name '#{configuration[:scope]}' end def add_new_at '#{configuration[:add_new_at]}' end def #{configuration[:column]}=(position) write_attribute(:#{configuration[:column]}, position) @position_changed = true end #{scope_methods} # only add to attr_accessible # if the class has some mass_assignment_protection if defined?(accessible_attributes) and !accessible_attributes.blank? attr_accessible :#{configuration[:column]} end before_destroy :reload_position after_destroy :decrement_positions_on_lower_items before_update :check_scope after_update :update_positions before_validation :check_top_position scope :in_list, lambda { where("#{table_name}.#{configuration[:column]} IS NOT NULL") } EOV if configuration[:add_new_at].present? self.send(:before_create, :"add_to_list_#{configuration[:add_new_at]}") end end end # All the methods available to a record that has had acts_as_list specified. Each method works # by assuming the object to be the item in the list, so chapter.move_lower would move that chapter # lower in the list of all chapters. Likewise, chapter.first? would return +true+ if that chapter is # the first in the list of all chapters. module InstanceMethods # Insert the item at the given position (defaults to the top position of 1). def insert_at(position = acts_as_list_top) insert_at_position(position) end # Swap positions with the next lower item, if one exists. def move_lower return unless lower_item acts_as_list_class.transaction do lower_item.decrement_position increment_position end end # Swap positions with the next higher item, if one exists. def move_higher return unless higher_item acts_as_list_class.transaction do higher_item.increment_position decrement_position end end # Move to the bottom of the list. If the item is already in the list, the items below it have their # position adjusted accordingly. def move_to_bottom return unless in_list? acts_as_list_class.transaction do decrement_positions_on_lower_items assume_bottom_position end end # Move to the top of the list. If the item is already in the list, the items above it have their # position adjusted accordingly. def move_to_top return unless in_list? acts_as_list_class.transaction do increment_positions_on_higher_items assume_top_position end end # Removes the item from the list. def remove_from_list if in_list? decrement_positions_on_lower_items set_list_position(nil) end end # Move the item within scope. If a position within the new scope isn't supplied, the item will # be appended to the end of the list. def move_within_scope(scope_id) send("#{scope_name}=", scope_id) save! end # Increase the position of this item without adjusting the rest of the list. def increment_position return unless in_list? set_list_position(self.send(position_column).to_i + 1) end # Decrease the position of this item without adjusting the rest of the list. def decrement_position return unless in_list? set_list_position(self.send(position_column).to_i - 1) end # Return +true+ if this object is the first in the list. def first? return false unless in_list? self.send(position_column) == acts_as_list_top end # Return +true+ if this object is the last in the list. def last? return false unless in_list? self.send(position_column) == bottom_position_in_list end # Return the next higher item in the list. def higher_item return nil unless in_list? acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where("#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} < #{(send(position_column).to_i).to_s}"). order("#{acts_as_list_class.table_name}.#{position_column} DESC").first end end # Return the next n higher items in the list # selects all higher items by default def higher_items(limit=nil) limit ||= acts_as_list_list.count position_value = send(position_column) acts_as_list_list. where("#{position_column} < ?", position_value). where("#{position_column} >= ?", position_value - limit). limit(limit). order("#{acts_as_list_class.table_name}.#{position_column} ASC") end # Return the next lower item in the list. def lower_item return nil unless in_list? acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where("#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} > #{(send(position_column).to_i).to_s}"). order("#{acts_as_list_class.table_name}.#{position_column} ASC").first end end # Return the next n lower items in the list # selects all lower items by default def lower_items(limit=nil) limit ||= acts_as_list_list.count position_value = send(position_column) acts_as_list_list. where("#{position_column} > ?", position_value). where("#{position_column} <= ?", position_value + limit). limit(limit). order("#{acts_as_list_class.table_name}.#{position_column} ASC") end # Test if this record is in a list def in_list? !not_in_list? end def not_in_list? send(position_column).nil? end def default_position acts_as_list_class.columns_hash[position_column.to_s].default end def default_position? default_position && default_position.to_i == send(position_column) end # Sets the new position and saves it def set_list_position(new_position) write_attribute position_column, new_position save(validate: false) end private def acts_as_list_list acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where(scope_condition) end end def add_to_list_top increment_positions_on_all_items self[position_column] = acts_as_list_top end def add_to_list_bottom if not_in_list? || scope_changed? && !@position_changed || default_position? self[position_column] = bottom_position_in_list.to_i + 1 else increment_positions_on_lower_items(self[position_column], id) end end # Overwrite this method to define the scope of the list changes def scope_condition() "1" end # Returns the bottom position number in the list. # bottom_position_in_list # => 2 def bottom_position_in_list(except = nil) item = bottom_item(except) item ? item.send(position_column) : acts_as_list_top - 1 end # Returns the bottom item def bottom_item(except = nil) conditions = scope_condition conditions = "#{conditions} AND #{self.class.primary_key} != #{self.class.connection.quote(}" if except acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.in_list.where(conditions).order("#{acts_as_list_class.table_name}.#{position_column} DESC").first end end # Forces item to assume the bottom position in the list. def assume_bottom_position set_list_position(bottom_position_in_list(self).to_i + 1) end # Forces item to assume the top position in the list. def assume_top_position set_list_position(acts_as_list_top) end # This has the effect of moving all the higher items up one. def decrement_positions_on_higher_items(position) acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} <= #{position}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} - 1)" ) end end # This has the effect of moving all the lower items up one. def decrement_positions_on_lower_items(position=nil) return unless in_list? position ||= send(position_column).to_i acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} > #{position}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} - 1)" ) end end # This has the effect of moving all the higher items down one. def increment_positions_on_higher_items return unless in_list? acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} < #{send(position_column).to_i}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} + 1)" ) end end # This has the effect of moving all the lower items down one. def increment_positions_on_lower_items(position, avoid_id = nil) avoid_id_condition = avoid_id ? " AND #{self.class.primary_key} != #{self.class.connection.quote(avoid_id)}" : '' acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} >= #{position}#{avoid_id_condition}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} + 1)" ) end end # Increments position (position_column) of all items in the list. def increment_positions_on_all_items acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} + 1)" ) end end # Reorders intermediate items to support moving an item from old_position to new_position. def shuffle_positions_on_intermediate_items(old_position, new_position, avoid_id = nil) return if old_position == new_position avoid_id_condition = avoid_id ? " AND #{self.class.primary_key} != #{self.class.connection.quote(avoid_id)}" : '' if old_position < new_position # Decrement position of intermediate items # # e.g., if moving an item from 2 to 5, # move [3, 4, 5] to [2, 3, 4] acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} > #{old_position} AND #{position_column} <= #{new_position}#{avoid_id_condition}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} - 1)" ) end else # Increment position of intermediate items # # e.g., if moving an item from 5 to 2, # move [2, 3, 4] to [3, 4, 5] acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where( "#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} >= #{new_position} AND #{position_column} < #{old_position}#{avoid_id_condition}" ).update_all( "#{position_column} = (#{position_column} + 1)" ) end end end def insert_at_position(position) return set_list_position(position) if new_record? if in_list? old_position = send(position_column).to_i return if position == old_position shuffle_positions_on_intermediate_items(old_position, position) else increment_positions_on_lower_items(position) end set_list_position(position) end # used by insert_at_position instead of remove_from_list, as postgresql raises error if position_column has non-null constraint def store_at_0 if in_list? old_position = send(position_column).to_i set_list_position(0) decrement_positions_on_lower_items(old_position) end end def update_positions old_position = send("#{position_column}_was").to_i new_position = send(position_column).to_i return unless acts_as_list_class.unscoped do acts_as_list_class.where("#{scope_condition} AND #{position_column} = #{new_position}").count > 1 end shuffle_positions_on_intermediate_items old_position, new_position, id end # Temporarily swap changes attributes with current attributes def swap_changed_attributes @changed_attributes.each { |k, _| @changed_attributes[k], self[k] = self[k], @changed_attributes[k] } end def check_scope if scope_changed? swap_changed_attributes send('decrement_positions_on_lower_items') if lower_item swap_changed_attributes send("add_to_list_#{add_new_at}") end end def reload_position self.reload end # This check is skipped if the position is currently the default position from the table # as modifying the default position on creation is handled elsewhere def check_top_position if send(position_column) && !default_position? && send(position_column) < acts_as_list_top self[position_column] = acts_as_list_top end end end end end end