# Capistrano2 differentiator load 'deploy' if respond_to?(:namespace) Dir['vendor/plugins/*/recipes/*.rb'].each { |plugin| load(plugin) } # Required gems/libraries require 'rubygems' require 'ash/common' require 'capistrano/ext/multistage' # Bootstrap Capistrano instance configuration = Capistrano::Configuration.respond_to?(:instance) ? Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist) : Capistrano.configuration(:must_exist) configuration.load do # Set default stages set :stages, %w(staging production) set :default_stage, "staging" # -------------------------------------------- # Task chains # -------------------------------------------- after "deploy:setup", "deploy:setup_shared" after "deploy:setup_shared", "deploy:setup_backup" after "deploy:finalize_update", "ash:htaccess" after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup" after "deploy", "seo:robots" # -------------------------------------------- # Default variables # -------------------------------------------- # SSH set :user, proc{text_prompt("SSH username: ")} set :password, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("SSH password for '#{user}':")} # Database set :dbuser, proc{text_prompt("Database username: ")} set :dbpass, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Database password for '#{dbuser}':")} set :dbname, proc{text_prompt("Database name: ")} _cset :mysqldump, "mysqldump" _cset :dump_options, "--single-transaction --create-options --quick --triggers --routines" # Source Control set :group_writable, false set :use_sudo, false set :scm, :git set :git_enable_submodules, 1 if fetch(:scm, :git) set :scm_verbose, true set :scm_username, proc{text_prompt("Subversion username: ")} set :scm_password, proc{Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt("Subversion password for '#{scm_username}': ")} set :keep_releases, 3 set :deploy_via, :remote_cache set :copy_strategy, :checkout set :copy_compression, :bz2 set :copy_exclude, [".svn", ".git*", ".DS_Store", "*.sample", "LICENSE*", "Capfile", "RELEASE*", "config/deploy", "*.rb", "*.sql", "nbproject", "_template"] # phpMyAdmin version set :pma_version, "3.4.5" # Backups Path _cset(:backups_path) { File.join(deploy_to, "backups") } _cset(:tmp_backups_path) { File.join("#{backups_path}", "tmp") } _cset(:backups) { capture("ls -x #{backups_path}", :except => { :no_release => true }).split.sort } # Define which files or directories you want to exclude from being backed up _cset(:backup_exclude) { [] } set :exclude_string, '' # show password requests on windows # (http://weblog.jamisbuck.org/2007/10/14/capistrano-2-1) default_run_options[:pty] = true # Database migration settings set :db_local_host, "" set :db_local_user, "developer" set :db_local_name, proc{text_prompt("Local database name: #{db_local_name}: ")} set :db_local_pass, proc{text_prompt("Local database password for: #{db_local_user}: ")} set :db_remote_user, proc{text_prompt("Remote database user: #{db_remote_user}: ")} set :db_remote_pass, proc{text_prompt("Remote database password for: #{db_remote_user}: ")} set :db_remote_name, proc{text_prompt("Remote database name: #{db_remote_name}: ")} set :db_remote_host, "localhost" # Database replacement values # Format: local => remote set :db_regex_hash, { } # -------------------------------------------- # Overloaded tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :deploy do desc <<-DESC Prepares one or more servers for deployment. Before you can use any \ of the Capistrano deployment tasks with your project, you will need to \ make sure all of your servers have been prepared with `cap deploy:setup'. When \ you add a new server to your cluster, you can easily run the setup task \ on just that server by specifying the HOSTS environment variable: $ cap HOSTS=new.server.com deploy:setup It is safe to run this task on servers that have already been set up; it \ will not destroy any deployed revisions or data. DESC task :setup, :except => { :no_release => true } do dirs = [deploy_to, releases_path, shared_path] dirs += shared_children.map { |d| File.join(shared_path, d.split('/').last) } run "mkdir -p #{dirs.join(' ')}" run "chmod 755 #{dirs.join(' ')}" if fetch(:group_writable, true) end desc "Setup shared application directories and permissions after initial setup" task :setup_shared do puts "STUB: Setup" end desc "Setup backup directory for database and web files" task :setup_backup, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "mkdir -p #{backups_path} #{tmp_backups_path} && chmod 755 #{backups_path}" end desc <<-DESC Deprecated API. This has become deploy:create_symlink, please update your recipes DESC task :symlink, :except => { :no_release => true } do logger.important "[Deprecation Warning] This API has changed, please hook `deploy:create_symlink` instead of `deploy:symlink`." create_symlink end desc <<-DESC Clean up old releases. By default, the last 5 releases are kept on each \ server (though you can change this with the keep_releases variable). All \ other deployed revisions are removed from the servers. By default, this \ will use sudo to clean up the old releases, but if sudo is not available \ for your environment, set the :use_sudo variable to false instead. \ OVERRIDES: + set/reset file and directory permissions + remove old releases per host instead of assuming the releases are \ the same for every host see http://blog.perplexedlabs.com/2010/09/08/improved-deploycleanup-for-capistrano/ DESC task :cleanup, :except => { :no_release => true } do count = fetch(:keep_releases, 5).to_i cmd = "ls -xt #{releases_path}" run cmd do |channel, stream, data| local_releases = data.split.reverse if count >= local_releases.length logger.important "no old releases to clean up on #{channel[:server]}" else logger.info "keeping #{count} of #{local_releases.length} deployed releases on #{channel[:server]}" directories = (local_releases - local_releases.last(count)).map { |release| File.join(releases_path, release) }.join(" ") directories.split(" ").each do |dir| begin # adding a chown -R method to fix permissions on the directory # this should help with issues related to permission denied # as in issues #28 and #30 run "#{try_sudo} chown -R #{user}:#{user} #{dir}" if remote_dir_exists?(dir) set_perms_dirs(dir) set_perms_files(dir) rescue Exception => e logger.important e.message logger.info "Moving on to the next directory..." end end run "#{try_sudo} rm -rf #{directories}", :hosts => [channel[:server]] end end end end # -------------------------------------------- # Ash tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :ash do desc "Set standard permissions for Ash servers" task :fixperms, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do # chmod the files and directories. set_perms_dirs("#{latest_release}") set_perms_files("#{latest_release}") end desc "Test: Task used to verify Capistrano is working. Prints operating system name." task :uname do run "uname -a" end desc "Test: Task used to verify Capistrano is working. Prints environment of Capistrano user." task :getpath do run "echo $PATH" end desc 'Copy distribution htaccess file' task :htaccess, :roles => :web do case true when remote_file_exists?("#{latest_release}/htaccess.#{stage}.dist") run "mv #{latest_release}/htaccess.#{stage}.dist #{latest_release}/.htaccess" when remote_file_exists?("#{latest_release}/htaccess.#{stage}") run "mv #{latest_release}/htaccess.#{stage} #{latest_release}/.htaccess" when remote_file_exists?("#{latest_release}/htaccess.dist") run "mv #{latest_release}/htaccess.dist #{latest_release}/.htaccess" else logger.important "Failed to move the .htaccess file in #{latest_release} because an unknown pattern was used" end end end # -------------------------------------------- # SEO - robots.txt files # -------------------------------------------- namespace :seo do desc <<-DESC Creates a robots.txt appropriate for the environment staging => block all robots from indexing the site production => allow robots to index the site DESC task :robots, :roles => :web do case "#{stage}" when 'staging' # block all robots from indexing anything robots_txt = <<-EOF User-agent: * Disallow: / EOF when 'production' # allow all robots to index anything robots_txt = <<-EOF User-agent: * Disallow: EOF else logger.important "SKIPPING creation of robots.txt because the #{stage} stage was unanticipated. You should override the `seo:robots` task with your own implementation." end # echo the file out into the root of the latest_release directory put robots_txt, "#{latest_release}/robots.txt" end end # -------------------------------------------- # PHP tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :php do namespace :apc do desc "Disable the APC administrative panel" task :disable, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "rm #{current_path}/apc.php" end desc "Enable the APC administrative panel" task :enable, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "ln -s /usr/local/lib/php/apc.php #{current_path}/apc.php" end end end # -------------------------------------------- # NGINX tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :nginx do %w(start stop restart status).each do |cmd| desc "[internal] - #{cmd.upcase} nginx and php-fpm" task cmd.to_sym, :roles => :web do nginx_cmd = fetch(:nginx_init_command, "/etc/init.d/nginx") phpfpm_cmd = fetch(:phpfpm_init_command, "/etc/init.d/php-fpm") run "#{try_sudo} #{nginx_cmd} #{cmd}" run "#{try_sudo} #{phpfpm_cmd} #{cmd}" end end end # -------------------------------------------- # Remote/Local database migration tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :db do desc "Migrate remote application database to local server" task :to_local, :roles => :db, :except => { :no_release => true } do remote_export remote_download local_import end desc "Migrate local application database to remote server" task :to_remote, :roles => :db, :except => { :no_release => true } do local_export local_upload remote_import end desc "Handles importing a MySQL database dump file. Uncompresses the file, does regex replacements, and imports." task :local_import, :roles => :db do # check for compressed file and decompress if local_file_exists?("#{db_remote_name}.sql.gz") system "gunzip -f #{db_remote_name}.sql.gz" end if local_file_exists?("#{db_remote_name}.sql") # run through replacements on SQL file db_regex_hash.each_pair do |local, remote| system "perl -pi -e 's/#{remote}/#{local}/g' #{db_remote_name}.sql" end # import into database system "mysql -h#{db_local_host} -u#{db_local_user} -p#{db_local_pass} #{db_local_name} < #{db_remote_name}.sql" # remove used file run "rm -f #{deploy_to}/#{db_remote_name}.sql.gz" system "rm -f #{db_remote_name}.sql" end end task :local_export do mysqldump = fetch(:mysqldump, "mysqldump") dump_options = fetch(:dump_options, "--single-transaction --create-options --quick") system "#{mysqldump} #{dump_options} --opt -h#{db_local_host} -u#{db_local_user} -p#{db_local_pass} #{db_local_name} | gzip -c --best > #{db_local_name}.sql.gz" end desc "Upload locally created MySQL dumpfile to remote server via SCP" task :local_upload, :roles => :db do upload "#{db_local_name}.sql.gz", "#{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql.gz", :via => :scp end desc "Handles importing a MySQL database dump file. Uncompresses the file, does regex replacements, and imports." task :remote_import, :roles => :db do # check for compressed file and decompress if remote_file_exists?("#{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql.gz") run "gunzip -f #{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql.gz" end if remote_file_exists?("#{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql") # run through replacements on SQL file db_regex_hash.each_pair do |local, remote| run "perl -pi -e 's/#{local}/#{remote}/g' #{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql" end # import into database run "mysql -h#{db_remote_host} -u#{db_remote_user} -p#{db_remote_pass} #{db_remote_name} < #{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql" # remove used file run "rm -f #{deploy_to}/#{db_local_name}.sql" system "rm -rf #{db_local_name}.sql.gz" end end desc "Create a compressed MySQL dumpfile of the remote database" task :remote_export, :roles => :db do mysqldump = fetch(:mysqldump, "mysqldump") dump_options = fetch(:dump_options, "--single-transaction --create-options --quick") run "#{mysqldump} #{dump_options} --opt -h#{db_remote_host} -u#{db_remote_user} -p#{db_remote_pass} #{db_remote_name} | gzip -c --best > #{deploy_to}/#{db_remote_name}.sql.gz" end desc "Download remotely created MySQL dumpfile to local machine via SCP" task :remote_download, :roles => :db do download "#{deploy_to}/#{db_remote_name}.sql.gz", "#{db_remote_name}.sql.gz", :via => :scp end end # -------------------------------------------- # phpMyAdmin tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :pma do desc "Disable the phpMyAdmin utility" task :disable, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "rm -f #{current_path}/pma" end desc "Enable the phpMyAdmin utility" task :enable, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do run "ln -s #{shared_path}/pma #{current_path}/pma" end desc "Install phpMyAdmin utility" task :install, :roles => :web do # fetch PMA run "wget -O #{shared_path}/pma.tar.gz http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/phpmyadmin/phpMyAdmin/#{pma_version}/phpMyAdmin-#{pma_version}-english.tar.gz" # decompress and install run "tar -zxf #{shared_path}/pma.tar.gz -C #{shared_path}" run "mv #{shared_path}/phpMyAdmin-#{pma_version}-english/ #{shared_path}/pma/" run "rm -f #{shared_path}/pma.tar.gz" end end # -------------------------------------------- # Backup tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :backup do desc "Perform a backup of web and database files" task :default do deploy.setup_backup db web cleanup end desc <<-DESC Requires the rsync package to be installed. Performs a file-level backup of the application and any assets \ from the shared directory that have been symlinked into the \ applications root or sub-directories. You can specify which files or directories to exclude from being \ backed up (i.e., log files, sessions, cache) by setting the \ :backup_exclude variable set(:backup_exclude) { [ "var/", "tmp/", "logs/debug.log" ] } DESC task :web, :roles => :web do if previous_release puts "Backing up web files (user uploaded content and previous release)" if !backup_exclude.nil? && !backup_exclude.empty? logger.debug "processing backup exclusions..." backup_exclude.each do |pattern| exclude_string << "--exclude '#{pattern}' " end logger.debug "Exclude string = #{exclude_string}" end # Copy the previous release to the /tmp directory logger.debug "Copying previous release to the #{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name} directory" run "rsync -avzrtpL #{exclude_string} #{current_path}/ #{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name}/" # -------------------------- # SET/RESET PERMISSIONS # -------------------------- begin set_perms_dirs("#{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name}", 755) set_perms_files("#{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name}", 644) # create the tarball of the previous release set :archive_name, "release_B4_#{release_name}.tar.gz" logger.debug "Creating a Tarball of the previous release in #{backups_path}/#{archive_name}" run "cd #{tmp_backups_path} && tar -cvpf - ./#{release_name}/ | gzip -c --best > #{backups_path}/#{archive_name}" # remove the the temporary copy logger.debug "Removing the temporary copy" run "rm -rf #{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name}" rescue Exception => e logger.debug e.message logger.info "Error setting permissions on backed up files but continuing on..." end else logger.important "no previous release to backup; backup of files skipped" end end desc "Perform a backup of database files" task :db, :roles => :db do if previous_release mysqldump = fetch(:mysqldump, "mysqldump") dump_options = fetch(:dump_options, "--single-transaction --create-options --quick") puts "Backing up the database now and putting dump file in the previous release directory" # create the temporary copy for the release directory # which we'll tarball in the backup:web task run "mkdir -p #{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name}" # define the filename (include the current_path so the dump file will be within the directory) filename = "#{tmp_backups_path}/#{release_name}/#{dbname}_dump-#{Time.now.to_s.gsub(/ /, "_")}.sql.gz" # dump the database for the proper environment run "#{mysqldump} #{dump_options} -u #{dbuser} -p #{dbname} | gzip -c --best > #{filename}" do |ch, stream, out| ch.send_data "#{dbpass}\n" if out =~ /^Enter password:/ end else logger.important "no previous release to backup to; backup of database skipped" end end desc <<-DESC Clean up old backups. By default, the last 10 backups are kept on each \ server (though you can change this with the keep_backups variable). All \ other backups are removed from the servers. By default, this \ will use sudo to clean up the old backups, but if sudo is not available \ for your environment, set the :use_sudo variable to false instead. DESC task :cleanup, :except => { :no_release => true } do count = fetch(:keep_backups, 10).to_i if count >= backups.length logger.important "no old backups to clean up" else logger.info "keeping #{count} of #{backups.length} backups" begin archives = (backups - backups.last(count)).map { |backup| File.join(backups_path, backup) }.join(" ") # fix permissions on the the files and directories before removing them archives.split(" ").each do |backup| set_perms_dirs("#{backup}", 755) if remote_dir_exists?(backup) set_perms_files("#{backup}", 644) if remote_dir_exists?(backup) end run "rm -rf #{archives}" rescue Exception => e logger.important e.message end end end end # -------------------------------------------- # Compass/Sass compiling # -------------------------------------------- namespace :compass do desc "Compile SASS stylesheets and upload to remote server" task :default do # optional way to skip compiling of stylesheets and just upload them to the servers skip_compass_compile = fetch(:skip_compass_compile, false) compass.compile unless skip_compass_compile compass.upload_stylesheets ash.fixperms end desc 'Uploads compiled stylesheets to their matching watched directories' task :upload_stylesheets, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do watched_dirs = fetch(:compass_watched_dirs, nil) stylesheets_dir_name = fetch(:stylesheets_dir_name, 'stylesheets') port = fetch(:port, 22) # finds all the web servers that we should upload stylesheets to servers = find_servers :roles => :web if !watched_dirs.nil? if watched_dirs.is_a? String logger.debug "Uploading compiled stylesheets for #{watched_dirs}" logger.debug "trying to upload stylesheets from ./#{watched_dirs}/#{stylesheets_dir_name} -> #{latest_release}/#{watched_dirs}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}" servers.each do |web_server| upload_command = "scp -r -P #{port} ./#{watched_dirs}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}/*.css #{user}@#{web_server}:#{latest_release}/#{watched_dirs}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}/" logger.info "running SCP command:" logger.debug upload_command system(upload_command) end elsif watched_dirs.is_a? Array logger.debug "Uploading compiled stylesheets for #{watched_dirs.join(', ')}" watched_dirs.each do |dir| logger.debug "trying to upload stylesheets from ./#{dir}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}/ -> #{latest_release}/#{dir}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}/" servers.each do |web_server| upload_command = "scp -r -P #{port} ./#{dir}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}/*.css #{user}@#{web_server}:#{latest_release}/#{dir}/#{stylesheets_dir_name}/" logger.info "running SCP command:" logger.debug upload_command system(upload_command) end end else logger.debug "Unable to upload compiled stylesheets because :compass_watched_dirs was neither a String nor an Array" end else logger.info "Skipping uploading of compiled stylesheets `compass:upload` because `:compass_watched_dirs` wasn't set" end end desc 'Compile minified version of CSS assets using Compass gem' task :compile, :roles => :web, :except => { :no_release => true } do watched_dirs = fetch(:compass_watched_dirs, nil) skip_compass_compile = fetch(:skip_compass_compile, false) if !watched_dirs.nil? && skip_compass_compile == false compass_bin_local = find_compass_bin_path compass_bin = fetch(:compass_bin, compass_bin_local) compass_env = fetch(:compass_env, "production") compass_output = fetch(:compass_output, 'compressed') # nested, expanded, compact, compressed if !compass_bin.nil? if watched_dirs.is_a? String logger.debug "Compiling SASS for #{watched_dirs}" system "#{compass_bin} clean ./#{watched_dirs} && #{compass_bin} compile --output-style #{compass_output} --environment #{compass_env} ./#{watched_dirs}" elsif watched_dirs.is_a? Array logger.debug "Compiling SASS for #{watched_dirs.join(', ')}" watched_dirs.each do |dir| system "#{compass_bin} clean ./#{dir} && #{compass_bin} compile --output-style #{compass_output} --environment #{compass_env} ./#{dir}" end else logger.debug "Unable to compile SASS because :compass_watched_dirs was neither a String nor an Array" end else logger.info "Skipping SASS compilation in `compass:compile` because unable to find the bin executable for the compass gem" end else logger.info "Skipping compass Sass compiliation" end end desc "Finds the bin executable path for the compass gem" task :find_compass_bin_path, :except => { :no_release => true } do begin spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_name("compass") gem_root = spec.gem_dir gem_bin = gem_root + "/bin/compass" rescue Gem::LoadError => e logger.debug "Unable to find the gem 'compass'! Check to see if it's installed: `gem list -d compass` or install: `gem install compass`" gem_bin = nil rescue Exception => e logger.debug "Unable to find the compass executable bin path because of this error: #{e.message}" gem_bin = nil end logger.debug "Path to compass executable: #{gem_bin.inspect}" # return the path the compass executable gem_bin end end # -------------------------------------------- # Track changes made to remote release file directory via a throw away git repo # -------------------------------------------- namespace :watchdog do desc "Track changes made to remote release file directory via a throw away git repo" task :default, :roles => :web do watchdog.init_git_repo watchdog.init_git_ignore watchdog.commit watchdog.check_status end desc <<-DESC [internal] initialize a git repo in the latest release directory to track changes anybody makes to the filesystem DESC task :init_git_repo, :roles => :web do logger.important "Creating a local git repo in #{latest_release} to track changes done outside of our git-flow process" run "cd #{latest_release} && git init ." unless remote_dir_exists?("#{latest_release}/.git") end desc <<-DESC [internal] copy the .gitignore file from the cached-copy directory to only commit what we really care about DESC task :init_git_ignore, :roles => :web do logger.important "Copying the .gitignore file from the cached-copy directory" run "ln -s #{shared_path}/cached-copy/.gitignore #{latest_release}/.gitignore" end desc <<-DESC [internal] Adds and commits the files in the latest release directory DESC task :commit, :roles => :web do logger.important "Adding and committing the files in the latest release directory" run "cd #{latest_release} && git add . && git commit -m 'Keeping track of changes done outside of AAI git-flow'" end desc <<-DESC [internal] Adds and commits the files in the latest release directory DESC task :check_status, :roles => :web do logger.important "Checking status of git repo for any changes in watched files/directories" run "cd #{latest_release} && git status" end end # -------------------------------------------- # Remote File/Directory test tasks # -------------------------------------------- namespace :remote do namespace :file do desc "Test: Task to test existence of missing file" task :missing do if remote_file_exists?('/dev/mull') logger.info "FAIL - Why does the '/dev/mull' path exist???" else logger.info "GOOD - Verified the '/dev/mull' path does not exist!" end end desc "Test: Task used to test existence of a present file" task :exists do if remote_file_exists?('/dev/null') logger.info "GOOD - Verified the '/dev/null' path exists!" else logger.info "FAIL - WHAT happened to the '/dev/null' path???" end end end namespace :dir do desc "Test: Task to test existence of missing dir" task :missing do if remote_dir_exists?('/etc/fake_dir') logger.info "FAIL - Why does the '/etc/fake_dir' dir exist???" else logger.info "GOOD - Verified the '/etc/fake_dir' dir does not exist!" end end desc "Test: Task used to test existence of an existing directory" task :exists do if remote_dir_exists?('/etc') logger.info "GOOD - Verified the '/etc' dir exists!" else logger.info "FAIL - WHAT happened to the '/etc' dir???" end end end end end