module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class OrbitalSoftDescriptors < Model PHONE_FORMAT_1 = /\A\d{3}-\d{3}-\d{4}\z/ PHONE_FORMAT_2 = /\A\d{3}-\w{7}\z/ # ==== Tampa PNS Soft Descriptors # The support for Soft Descriptors via the PNS Host is only for customers processing through Chase # Paymentech Canada. # Unlike Salem, the only value that gets passed on the cardholder statement is the Merchant Name field. # And for these customers, it is a maximum of 25 bytes of data. # # All other Soft Descriptor fields can optionally be sent, but will not be submitted to the settlement host # and will not display on the cardholder statement. attr_accessor :merchant_name, :product_description, :merchant_city, :merchant_phone, :merchant_url, :merchant_email def initialize(options = {}) self.merchant_name = options[:merchant_name] self.merchant_city = options[:merchant_city] self.merchant_phone = options[:merchant_phone] self.merchant_url = options[:merchant_url] self.merchant_email = options[:merchant_email] end def validate errors = [] errors << [:merchant_name, "is required"] if self.merchant_name.blank? errors << [:merchant_name, "is required to be 25 bytes or less"] if self.merchant_name.bytesize > 25 if(!empty?(self.merchant_phone) && !self.merchant_phone.match(PHONE_FORMAT_1) && !self.merchant_phone.match(PHONE_FORMAT_2)) errors << [:merchant_phone, "is required to follow \"NNN-NNN-NNNN\" or \"NNN-AAAAAAA\" format"] end [:merchant_email, :merchant_url].each do |attr| unless self.send(attr).blank? errors << [attr, "is required to be 13 bytes or less"] if(self.send(attr).bytesize > 13) end end errors_hash(errors) end end end end