// Unobtrusive flash UI implementation with Bootstrap 3 // For sites that use Bootstrap http://getbootstrap.com/ // // Declare a .unobtrusive-flash-container wherever you want the messages to appear // Defaults to .container, .container-fluid (core Bootstrap classes), or just the body tag, whichever is present $(function() { var $flashContainer = $($('.unobtrusive-flash-container')[0] || $('.container')[0] || $('.container-fluid')[0] || $('body')[0]); $.showFlashMessage = function(message, options) { options = $.extend({type: 'notice', timeout: 5000}, options); // Workaround for common Rails flash type to match common Bootstrap alert type if (options.type=='notice') options.type = 'info'; var $flash = $('
'); $flashContainer.prepend($flash); $flash.hide().delay(300).slideDown(100); $flash.alert(); if (options.timeout>0) { setTimeout(function() { $flash.alert('close'); },options.timeout); } }; flashHandler = function(e, params) { $.showFlashMessage(params.message, {type: params.type}); }; $(window).bind('rails:flash', flashHandler); });