require "aka/version" require "fileutils" require "methadone" require "yaml" module Aka class AliasList include Methadone::CLILogging def initialize incoming_alias_file = nil @aliasPattern = /alias (\S+)="(.+)"/ @aliases = {} @defaults_file = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.aka" @defaults = get_defaults_from_file debug "Incoming Alias file is #{incoming_alias_file}" if incoming_alias_file @fileName = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/#{incoming_alias_file}" if incoming_alias_file != @defaults['alias-file'] change_alias_file incoming_alias_file change_defaults "alias-file", incoming_alias_file end else @fileName = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.alias" end debug "The File we're looking at is #{@fileName}" if !File.exists? @fileName FileUtils.touch @fileName end debug ("made it to the class. fileName is #{@fileName}, aliasPattern is #{@aliasPattern}.") File.foreach(@fileName) do |line| @aliasPattern.match(line)do |match| #read them all into an array @aliases[match[1]] = match[2] end end end def add string, command debug "string: #{string} command: #{command}" #add a new alias to the list @aliases[string] = command writeOut info "#{string} added to your alias list." end def remove string @aliases.delete string writeOut info "#{string} removed from your alias list." end def list keyList = "" @aliases.keys.each{|key| keyList = keyList+" #{key}" } info(keyList) end def showAll # A whole bunch of rigamarole to make all the line items the same width. length = 0 @aliases.keys.each do |k| length = k.length if k.length > length end eq_string = "=" * (length + 7) #7 is the length of the string ": Value" length = length * -1 keyList = sprintf("\n\n%1$*2$s: %3$s\n%4$s\n","Alias",length,"Value",eq_string) @aliases.each{|key, value| keyList = keyList + sprintf("%1$*2$s: %3$s\n",key, length, value)} info keyList end def show string info(@aliases[string]) end def empty info "Would you like to create a backup before deleting? (y/n/a)" backConfirm = gets.chomp.downcase if backConfirm.start_with? "y" backup @aliases = {} writeOut info "Alias list deleted." elsif backConfirm.start_with? "a" info "Alias list deletion aborted." elsif backConfirm.start_with? "n" @aliases = {} writeOut info "Alias list deleted." else info "I didn't understand your response; so your file was not deleted." end end def backup FileUtils.copy(@fileName,"#{@fileName}.bak") info "Backup created as #{@fileName}.bak" end def writeOut filestring = "" @aliases.sort.each { |key, value| filestring = filestring + "alias #{key}=\"#{value}\"\n" }, "w") { |file| file.write filestring } end def change_alias_file new_file_name new_file_name = "#{ENV['HOME']}/#{new_file_name}" info "Copy current aliases into the new file?(Yna)" copy = gets.chomp.downcase if copy == "n" FileUtils.touch(new_file_name) @fileName = new_file_name elsif copy == "a" "creation of new aliases aborted!" else debug "Copying aliases from #{@defaults['alias-file']} to #{new_file_name}" FileUtils.copy("#{ENV['HOME']}/#{@defaults['alias-file']}",new_file_name) @fileName = new_file_name end end def get_defaults_from_file if File.exists? @defaults_file YAML::load( else {'alias-file'=>".alias"} end end def change_defaults name, value if @defaults[name] == nil ||@defaults[name] != value @defaults[name] = value,"w"){|file| file.write @defaults.to_yaml} info "Changed the default for #{name} to #{value}" true else debug "No changes required!" false end end end end