class UsersController < ::Devise::RegistrationsController # Protect these actions behind an admin login before_filter :redirect?, :only => [:new, :create] layout 'login' def new @user = end # This method should only be used to create the first Refinery user. def create @user =[:user]) @selected_plugin_titles = params[:user][:plugins] || [] if @user.valid? if @user.errors.empty? @user.add_role(:refinery) @user.plugins = @selected_plugin_titles if Role[:refinery].users.count == 1 # this is the superuser if this user is the only user. @user.add_role(:superuser) # set this user as the recipient of inquiry notifications, if we're using that engine. if defined?(InquirySetting) and (notification_recipients = InquirySetting.find_or_create_by_name("Notification Recipients")).present? notification_recipients.update_attributes({ :value =>, :destroyable => false }) end end flash[:message] = "

#{t('welcome', :scope => 'users.create', :who => @user.username).gsub(/\.$/, '')}.

".html_safe site_name_setting = RefinerySetting.find_or_create_by_name('site_name', :value => "Company Name") if site_name_setting.value.to_s =~ /^(|Company\ Name)$/ or Role[:refinery].users.count == 1 flash[:message] << "

#{t('setup_website_name_html', :scope => 'users', :link => edit_admin_refinery_setting_path(site_name_setting, :dialog => true), :title => t('edit', :scope => 'admin.refinery_settings'))}

".html_safe end sign_in(@user) redirect_back_or_default(admin_root_url) else render :action => 'new' end end protected def redirect? if refinery_user? redirect_to admin_users_url elsif refinery_users_exist? redirect_to new_user_session_path end end def refinery_users_exist? Role[:refinery].users.any? end end