require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/kernel/singleton_class' require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/delegation' require 'active_support/core_ext/class/attribute_accessors' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge' require 'active_support/core_ext/hash/keys' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections' require 'active_support/core_ext/enumerable' require 'database_cleaner' require 'set' require 'blueprints/configuration' require 'blueprints/context' require 'blueprints/buildable' require 'blueprints/namespace' require 'blueprints/root_namespace' require 'blueprints/blueprint' require 'blueprints/helper' require 'blueprints/errors' require 'blueprints/dependency' require 'blueprints/extensions' require 'blueprints/blueprint_name_proxy' require 'blueprints/railtie' if defined?(Rails) # Main namespace of blueprints. Contains methods for Blueprints setup. module Blueprints # Contains current configuration of blueprints # @return [Blueprints::Configuration] Current configuration. def self.config @@config ||= end # Setups variables from global context and starts transaction. Should be called before every test case. # @param current_context Object to copy instance variables for prebuilt blueprints/namespaces. def self.setup(current_context) Namespace.root.setup(current_context) if_orm { DatabaseCleaner.start } end # Rollbacks transaction returning everything to state before test. Should be called after every test case. def self.teardown if_orm { DatabaseCleaner.clean } end # Enables blueprints support for RSpec or Test::Unit depending on whether (R)Spec is defined or not. Yields # Blueprints::Configuration object that you can use to configure blueprints. # @yield [config] Used to configure blueprints. # @yieldparam [Blueprints::Configuration] config Current blueprints configuration. def self.enable yield config if block_given? load extension = if defined? Cucumber 'cucumber' elsif defined? Spec or defined? RSpec 'rspec' else 'test_unit' end require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'blueprints', 'extensions', extension) end # Sets up configuration, clears database, runs scenarios that have to be prebuilt. Should be run before all test cases and before Blueprints#setup. def self.load return unless Namespace.root.empty? if_orm do DatabaseCleaner.clean_with :truncation DatabaseCleaner.strategy = (config.transactions ? :transaction : :truncation) end load_scenarios_files(config.filename) Namespace.root.prebuild(config.prebuild) if config.transactions end # Returns backtrace cleaner that is used to extract lines from user application. # @return [ActiveSupport::BacktraceCleaner] Backtrace cleaner def self.backtrace_cleaner @backtrace_cleaner ||= do |bc| root_sub = /^#{config.root}[\\\/]/ blueprints_path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) bc.add_filter { |line| line.sub(root_sub, '') } bc.add_silencer { |line| [blueprints_path, *Gem.path].any? { |path| File.expand_path(File.dirname(line)).start_with?(path) } } end end # Returns array of blueprints that have not been used until now. # @return [Array] List of unused blueprints. def self.unused { |blueprint| }.collect(&:full_name) end # Returns array of most used blueprints. # @param [Hash] options Options on what blueprints to return. # @option options [Integer] :count Max amount of most used blueprints to return. # @option options [Integer] :at_least Only blueprints that have at least specified number of uses will be returned. # @return [Array>] List of most used blueprints together with their use counts. def self.most_used(options = {}) blueprints = each_blueprint.collect { |blueprint| [blueprint.full_name, blueprint.uses] }.sort { |a, b| b[1] <=> a[1] } blueprints = blueprints.take(options[:count]) if options[:count] blueprints.reject! { |blueprint| blueprint[1] < options[:at_least] } if options[:at_least] blueprints end # Warns a user (often about deprecated feature). # @param [String] message Message to output. # @param [Blueprints::Blueprint] blueprint Name of blueprint that this occurred in. def self.warn(message, blueprint) $stderr.puts("**WARNING** #{message}: '#{}'") $stderr.puts(backtrace_cleaner.clean(caller).first) end protected # Loads blueprints file and creates blueprints from data it contains. Is run by setup method. # @param [Array] patterns List of filesystem patterns to search blueprint files in. # @raise [RuntimeError] If no blueprints file can be found. def self.load_scenarios_files(patterns) patterns.each do |pattern| pattern = config.root.join(pattern) files = Dir[pattern.to_s] files.each { |file| Context.eval_within_context(:file => file, :namespace => Namespace.root) } return if files.size > 0 end raise "Blueprints file not found! Put blueprints in #{patterns.join(' or ')} or pass custom filename pattern with :filename option" end private def self.each_blueprint(from = Namespace.root) do |enum| from.children.collect do |child| if child.is_a?(Blueprints::Blueprint) enum.yield child else each_blueprint(child).each { |blueprint| enum.yield blueprint } end end end end def self.enumerator_class @enumerator_class ||= if defined?(Enumerator) Enumerator else require 'generator' Generator end end def self.if_orm yield rescue DatabaseCleaner::NoORMDetected end end