# Extension to make it easy to read and write data to a file. class ActiveRecord::Base class << self # Writes content of this table to db/table_name.yml, or the specified file. # # Writes all content by default, but can be limited. def dump_to_file(path=nil, limit=nil) opts = {} opts[:limit] = limit if limit path ||= "db/#{table_name}.yml" write_file(File.expand_path(path, RAILS_ROOT), self.find(:all, opts).to_yaml) end # Delete existing data in database and load fresh from file in db/table_name.yml def load_from_file(path=nil) path ||= "db/#{table_name}.yml" self.destroy_all if connection.respond_to?(:reset_pk_sequence!) connection.reset_pk_sequence!(table_name) end records = YAML::load( File.open( File.expand_path(path, RAILS_ROOT) ) ) records.each do |record| record_copy = self.new(record.attributes) record_copy.id = record.id # For Single Table Inheritance klass_col = record.class.inheritance_column.to_sym if record[klass_col] record_copy.type = record[klass_col] end record_copy.save end if connection.respond_to?(:reset_pk_sequence!) connection.reset_pk_sequence!(table_name) end end # Write a file that can be loaded with +fixture :some_table+ in tests. # Uses existing data in the database. # # Will be written to +test/fixtures/table_name.yml+. Can be restricted to some number of rows. def to_fixture(limit=nil) opts = {} opts[:limit] = limit if limit write_file(File.expand_path("test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml", RAILS_ROOT), self.find(:all, opts).inject({}) { |hsh, record| hsh.merge("#{table_name.singularize}_#{record.id}" => record.attributes) }.to_yaml) habtm_to_fixture end # Write the habtm association table def habtm_to_fixture joins = self.reflect_on_all_associations.select { |j| j.macro == :has_and_belongs_to_many } joins.each do |join| hsh = {} connection.select_all("SELECT * FROM #{join.options[:join_table]}").each_with_index { |record, i| hsh["join_#{i}"] = record } write_file(File.expand_path("test/fixtures/#{join.options[:join_table]}.yml", RAILS_ROOT), hsh.to_yaml) end end # Generates a basic fixture file in test/fixtures that lists the table's field names. # # You can use it as a starting point for your own fixtures. # # record_1: # name: # rating: # record_2: # name: # rating: # def to_skeleton record = { "record_1" => self.new.attributes, "record_2" => self.new.attributes } write_file(File.expand_path("test/fixtures/#{table_name}.yml", RAILS_ROOT), record.to_yaml) end def write_file(path, content) # :nodoc: f = File.new(path, "w+") f.puts content f.close end end end