
Why?UsageHow does it work?Tips

cert is part of fastlane: The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps.
![/img/actions/cert.gif](/img/actions/cert.gif) In the gif we used `cert && sigh`, which will first create an iOS code signing certificate and then a provisioning profile for your app if _cert_ succeeded. # Usage **Note**: It is recommended to use [_match_](/actions/match) according to the [codesigning.guide](https://codesigning.guide) for generating and maintaining your certificates. Use _cert_ directly only if you want full control over what's going on and know more about codesigning. ```no-highlight fastlane cert ``` This will check if any of the available signing certificates is installed on your local machine. Only if a new certificate needs to be created, _cert_ will - Create a new private key - Create a new signing request - Generate, downloads and installs the certificate - Import all the generated files into your Keychain _cert_ will never revoke your existing certificates. If you can't create any more certificates, _cert_ will raise an exception, which means, you have to revoke one of the existing certificates to make room for a new one. You can pass your Apple ID: ```no-highlight fastlane cert -u cert@krausefx.com ``` For a list of available commands run ```no-highlight fastlane action cert ``` Keep in mind, there is no way for _cert_ to download existing certificates + private keys from the Apple Developer Portal, as the private key never leaves your computer. ## Environment Variables Run `fastlane action cert` to get a list of all available environment variables. ## Use with [_sigh_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/sigh/) _cert_ becomes really interesting when used in [_fastlane_](https://fastlane.tools) in combination with [_sigh_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/sigh/). Update your `Fastfile` to contain the following code: ```ruby lane :beta do cert sigh(force: true) end ``` `force: true` will make sure to re-generate the provisioning profile on each run. This will result in _sigh_ always using the correct signing certificate, which is installed on the local machine. ## How is my password stored? _cert_ uses the [password manager](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/credentials_manager) from _fastlane_. Take a look the [CredentialsManager README](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/credentials_manager/README.md) for more information. # Tips ## Use 'ProvisionQL' for advanced Quick Look in Finder Install [ProvisionQL](https://github.com/ealeksandrov/ProvisionQL). It will show you `mobileprovision` files like this: ![img/actions/QuickLookScreenshot-Provision.png](/img/actions/QuickLookScreenshot-Provision.png)