Why? •
Usage •
How does it work? •
is part of fastlane: The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps.

In the gif we used `cert && sigh`, which will first create an iOS code signing certificate and then a provisioning profile for your app if _cert_ succeeded.
# Usage
**Note**: It is recommended to use [_match_](/actions/match) according to the [codesigning.guide](https://codesigning.guide) for generating and maintaining your certificates. Use _cert_ directly only if you want full control over what's going on and know more about codesigning.
fastlane cert
This will check if any of the available signing certificates is installed on your local machine.
Only if a new certificate needs to be created, _cert_ will
- Create a new private key
- Create a new signing request
- Generate, downloads and installs the certificate
- Import all the generated files into your Keychain
_cert_ will never revoke your existing certificates. If you can't create any more certificates, _cert_ will raise an exception, which means, you have to revoke one of the existing certificates to make room for a new one.
You can pass your Apple ID:
fastlane cert -u cert@krausefx.com
For a list of available commands run
fastlane action cert
Keep in mind, there is no way for _cert_ to download existing certificates + private keys from the Apple Developer Portal, as the private key never leaves your computer.
## Environment Variables
Run `fastlane action cert` to get a list of all available environment variables.
## Use with [_sigh_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/sigh/)
_cert_ becomes really interesting when used in [_fastlane_](https://fastlane.tools) in combination with [_sigh_](https://docs.fastlane.tools/actions/sigh/).
Update your `Fastfile` to contain the following code:
lane :beta do
sigh(force: true)
`force: true` will make sure to re-generate the provisioning profile on each run.
This will result in _sigh_ always using the correct signing certificate, which is installed on the local machine.
## How is my password stored?
_cert_ uses the [password manager](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/tree/master/credentials_manager) from _fastlane_. Take a look the [CredentialsManager README](https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/blob/master/credentials_manager/README.md) for more information.
# Tips
## Use 'ProvisionQL' for advanced Quick Look in Finder
Install [ProvisionQL](https://github.com/ealeksandrov/ProvisionQL).
It will show you `mobileprovision` files like this: