# US English translations for Ruby on Rails # # Use this as the base for the locale file of your language. # see: https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/blob/master/rails/locale/en-US.yml "en": date: formats: default: "%Y-%m-%d" short: "%b %d" long: "%B %d, %Y" day_names: [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday] abbr_day_names: [Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat] month_names: [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December] abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec] order: - :year - :month - :day time: formats: default: "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z" short: "%d %b %Y %H:%M" very_short: "%d %b %Y" long: "%B %d, %Y %H:%M" date_only: "%B %d, %Y" time_only: "%H:%M" am: "am" pm: "pm" support: array: words_connector: ", " two_words_connector: " and " last_word_connector: ", and " select: prompt: "Please select" number: format: separator: "." delimiter: "," precision: 3 significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false currency: format: format: "%u%n" unit: "$" separator: "." delimiter: "," precision: 2 significant: false strip_insignificant_zeros: false percentage: format: delimiter: "" precision: format: delimiter: "" human: format: delimiter: "" precision: 3 significant: true strip_insignificant_zeros: true storage_units: format: "%n %u" units: byte: one: "Byte" other: "Bytes" kb: "KB" mb: "MB" gb: "GB" tb: "TB" decimal_units: format: "%n %u" units: unit: "" thousand: Thousand million: Million billion: Billion trillion: Trillion quadrillion: Quadrillion datetime: distance_in_words: half_a_minute: "half a minute" less_than_x_seconds: one: "less than 1 second" other: "less than %{count} seconds" x_seconds: one: "1 second" other: "%{count} seconds" less_than_x_minutes: one: "less than a minute" other: "less than %{count} minutes" x_minutes: one: "1 minute" other: "%{count} minutes" about_x_hours: one: "about 1 hour" other: "about %{count} hours" x_days: one: "1 day" other: "%{count} days" about_x_months: one: "about 1 month" other: "about %{count} months" x_months: one: "1 month" other: "%{count} months" about_x_years: one: "about 1 year" other: "about %{count} years" over_x_years: one: "over 1 year" other: "over %{count} years" almost_x_years: one: "almost 1 year" other: "almost %{count} years" prompts: year: "Year" month: "Month" day: "Day" hour: "Hour" minute: "Minute" second: "Seconds" helpers: select: prompt: "Please select" submit: create: 'Create %{model}' update: 'Update %{model}' submit: 'Save %{model}' errors: format: "%{attribute} %{message}" messages: &errors_messages inclusion: "is not included in the list" exclusion: "is reserved" invalid: "is invalid" confirmation: "doesn't match" accepted: "must be accepted" empty: "can't be empty" blank: "can't be blank" exists_already: 'exists already' too_long: "is too long (maximum is %{count} characters)" too_short: "is too short (minimum is %{count} characters)" wrong_length: "is the wrong length (should be %{count} characters)" not_a_number: "is not a number" not_an_integer: "must be an integer" greater_than: "must be greater than %{count}" greater_than_or_equal_to: "must be greater than or equal to %{count}" equal_to: "must be equal to %{count}" less_than: "must be less than %{count}" less_than_or_equal_to: "must be less than or equal to %{count}" odd: "must be odd" even: "must be even" invalid_characters: 'cannot contain any of these characters: < > : " / \ | ? *' activerecord: errors: template: header: one: "1 error prohibited this %{model} from being saved" other: "%{count} errors prohibited this %{model} from being saved" body: "There were problems with the following fields:" messages: taken: "has already been taken" record_invalid: "Validation failed: %{errors}" <<: *errors_messages full_messages: format: "%{attribute} %{message}" models: clipboard: Clipboard folder: Folder group: Group permission: Permission share_link: Share link user: User user_file: File attributes: folder: name: Name group: name: Name share_link: emails: Email addresses expires_at: Expires user: email: Email name: Name password: Password user_file: name: Name attachment_file_name: File # APPLICATION SPECIFIC # general back: Back save: Save name: Name email: Email submit: Submit your_changes_were_saved: Your changes were saved successfully. already_deleted: "Sorry, but this %{type} was deleted already." # admins/new create_admin: Create admin no_administrator_yet: Boxroom does not have an administrator yet. Create one here. create_admin_account: Create admin account admin_user_created_successfully: The admin user was created successfully. You can now sign in. # clipboard/_show folder: folder file: file this_folder: this folder this_file: this file copy: Copy copy_folder: Copy folder copy_file: Copy file move: Move move_folder: Move folder move_file: Move file are_you_sure: Are you sure? delete_item: Delete remove_from_clipboard: Remove from clipboard clear_clipboard: Clear clipboard # files/edit rename_file: Rename file # files/new select_file: Select file upload_file: Upload files upload: Upload exists_already: exists already server_wait: 'Please wait while server is processing files. It could take several minutes for big files!' #folders/edit rename_folder: Rename folder #folders/new new_folder: New folder #folders/show create_a_new_folder: Create a new folder upload_a_file: Upload files permissions: Permissions clipboard: Clipboard size: Size date_modified: Date modified up: up edit: Edit add_to_clipboard: Add to clipboard download: Download share: Share search: Search files and folders inside current folder... Press Enter to search #groups/edit rename_group: Rename group #groups/index groups: Groups create_a_new_group: Create a new group #groups/new new_group: New group #permissions/form create_permission: Create read_permission: Read update_permission: Update delete_permission: Delete apply_changes_to_subfolders: Apply changes to subfolders create: create read: read update: update delete: delete #reset_password/edit password: Password reset_password: Reset password send_email: Send #signup/edit sign_up: Sign up #sessions username: Username remember_me: Remember me sign_in: Sign in #share_links/index shared_by: Shared by unshare: Unshare #share_links/new this_share_link: this share link share_file: Share file you_are_about_to_share_the_following_file: You are about to share the following file emails_to_share_with: Email addresses of the people you wish to share this file with comma_seperated: Comma seperated number_of_charachters: Number of characters link_expires: Expires tomorrow: Tomorrow three_days_from_now: Three days from now one_week_from_now: A week from now ten_days_from_now: Ten days from now two_weeks_from_now: Two weeks from now three_weeks_from_now: Three weeks from now one_month_from_now: A month from now two_months_from_now: Two months from now three_months_from_now: Three months from now half_year_from_now: A half year from now share_link_could_not_be_sent: The download link could not be sent are_invalid_due_to: "is invalid due to %{email}" shared_successfully: The file was shared successfully. shared_message: Message optional: Optional #shared/_header hello: Hello settings: Settings sign_out: Sign out #shared/_menu folders: Folders users: Users shared_files: Shared files #users/_form member_of_these_groups: Member of these groups confirm_password: Confirm password #users/index create_a_new_user: Create a new user active_users: Active users invited_users: Invited users expiration_date: Expiration date extend_expiration_date: Extend expiration date #users/new new_user: New user #admins/controller admin_user_created_sucessfully: The admin user was created successfully. You can now sign in. #application_controller no_permissions_for_this_type: "You don't have %{method} permissions for %{type}." # clipboard_controller added_to_clipboard: Successfully added to clipboard. could_not_copy: "Couldn't copy. A %{type} with the same name exists already." could_not_move: "Couldn't move. A %{type} with the same name exists already." cannot_move_to_own_subfolder: You cannot move a folder to its own sub-folder. # folders_controller cannot_delete_root_folder: The root folder cannot be deleted or renamed. no_delete_permissions_for_subfolder: You don't have delete permissions for one of the subfolders. # groups_controller group_already_deleted: Someone else deleted this group. Your action was cancelled. admins_group_cannot_be_deleted: The admins group cannot be deleted or renamed. # reset_password_controller instruction_email_sent: "An email with instructions was sent if '%{email}' exists in our system." password_reset_successfully: Your password was reset successfully. You can now sign in. reset_url_expired: The URL for resetting your password expired. Please try again. # signup_controller signed_up_successfully: Account created successfully. You can now sign in. sign_url_expired: The URL for signing up expired. Please contact the administrator. # sessions_controller credentials_incorrect: Username and/or password were incorrect. Try again. # users_controller user_already_deleted: Someone else deleted the user. Your action was cancelled. admin_user_cannot_be_deleted: The admin user cannot be deleted. edit_user: Edit user account_settings: Account settings # mailers/user_mailer signup_email_subject: '[Boxroom] Sign up invitation' reset_password_email_subject: '[Boxroom] Password reset instructions' share_link_email_subject: '[Boxroom] %{email} shared a file with you'