Passenger::PoolOptions Struct Reference

This struct encapsulates information for ApplicationPool::get() and for SpawnManager::spawn(), such as which application is to be spawned. More...

#include <PoolOptions.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PoolOptions ()
 Creates a new PoolOptions object with the default values filled in.
 PoolOptions (const string &appRoot, string appGroupName="", const string &appType="rails", const string &environment="production", const string &spawnMethod="smart-lv2", const string &user="", const string &group="", const string &defaultUser="", const string &defaultGroup="", long frameworkSpawnerTimeout=-1, long appSpawnerTimeout=-1, const string &baseURI="/", unsigned long maxRequests=0, unsigned long minProcesses=0, bool useGlobalQueue=false, unsigned long statThrottleRate=0, const string &restartDir="", Account::Rights rights=DEFAULT_BACKEND_ACCOUNT_RIGHTS, bool debugger=false, const AnalyticsLogPtr &log=AnalyticsLogPtr())
 Creates a new PoolOptions object with the given values.
 PoolOptions (const vector< string > &vec, unsigned int startIndex=0, AnalyticsLoggerPtr analyticsLogger=AnalyticsLoggerPtr())
 Creates a new PoolOptions object from the given string vector.
void toVector (vector< string > &vec, bool storeEnvVars=true) const
 Append the information in this PoolOptions object to the given string vector.
string getAppGroupName () const
 Returns the app group name.
string serializeEnvironmentVariables () const
 Serializes the items in environmentVariables into a string, which can be used to create a SimpleStringListCreator object.

Public Attributes

string appRoot
 The root directory of the application to spawn.
string appGroupName
 A name used by ApplicationPool to uniquely identify an application.
string appType
 The application type.
string environment
 The RAILS_ENV/RACK_ENV environment that should be used.
string spawnMethod
 Method with which application processes should be spawned.
string user
 See overview.
string group
 See class overview.
string defaultUser
 See class overview.
string defaultGroup
 See class overview.
long frameworkSpawnerTimeout
 The idle timeout, in seconds, of framework spawners.
long appSpawnerTimeout
 The idle timeout, in seconds, of application spawners.
StringListCreatorPtr environmentVariables
 Environment variables which should be passed to the spawned application process.
string baseURI
 The base URI on which the application runs.
unsigned long maxRequests
 The maximum number of requests that the spawned application may process before exiting.
unsigned long minProcesses
 The minimum number of processes for the current group that the application pool's cleaner thread should keep around.
bool useGlobalQueue
 Whether to use a global queue instead of a per-backend process queue.
unsigned long statThrottleRate
 A throttling rate for file stats.
string restartDir
 The directory which contains restart.txt and always_restart.txt.
Account::Rights rights
 Any rights that the spawned application process may have.
bool debugger
 Whether debugger support should be enabled.
AnalyticsLogPtr log
 An analytics log object to log things to.
bool initiateSession
 Whether the session returned by ApplicationPool::Interface::get() should be automatically initiated.
bool printExceptions
 Whether application processes should print exceptions that occurred during application initialization.

Detailed Description

This struct encapsulates information for ApplicationPool::get() and for SpawnManager::spawn(), such as which application is to be spawned.

Privilege lowering support

If user is given and isn't the empty string, then the application process will run as the given username. Otherwise, the owner of the application's startup file (e.g. config/environment.rb or will be used.

If group is given and isn't the empty string, then the application process will run as the given group name. If it's set to the special value "!STARTUP_FILE!", then the startup file's group will be used. Otherwise, the primary group of the user that the application process will run as, will be used as group.

If the user or group that the application process attempts to switch to doesn't exist, then default_user and default_group, respectively, will be used.

Phusion Passenger will attempt to avoid running the application process as root: if user or group is set to the root user or the root group, or if the startup file is owned by root, then default_user and default_group will be used instead.

All this only happen if Phusion Passenger has root privileges. If not, then these options have no effect.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Passenger::PoolOptions::PoolOptions (  )  [inline]

Creates a new PoolOptions object with the default values filled in.

One must still set appRoot manually, after having used this constructor.

Passenger::PoolOptions::PoolOptions ( const vector< string > &  vec,
unsigned int  startIndex = 0,
AnalyticsLoggerPtr  analyticsLogger = AnalyticsLoggerPtr() 
) [inline]

Creates a new PoolOptions object from the given string vector.

This vector contains information that's written to by toVector().

For example:

   PoolOptions options(...);
   vector<string> vec;

   options.toVector(vec);  // PoolOptions information will start at index 2.

   PoolOptions copy(vec, 2);

vec The vector containing spawn options information.
startIndex The index in vec at which the information starts.
analyticsLogger If given, and the vector contains logging information, then the 'log' member will be constructed using this logger.

Member Function Documentation

string Passenger::PoolOptions::getAppGroupName (  )  const [inline]

Returns the app group name.

If there is no explicitly set app group name then the app root is considered to be the app group name.

string Passenger::PoolOptions::serializeEnvironmentVariables (  )  const [inline]

Serializes the items in environmentVariables into a string, which can be used to create a SimpleStringListCreator object.

Anything thrown by environmentVariables->getItems().

void Passenger::PoolOptions::toVector ( vector< string > &  vec,
bool  storeEnvVars = true 
) const [inline]

Append the information in this PoolOptions object to the given string vector.

The resulting array could, for example, be used as a message to be sent to the spawn server.

vec The vector to store the information in.
storeEnvVars Whether to store environment variable information into vec as well.
Anything thrown by environmentVariables->getItems().

Member Data Documentation

A name used by ApplicationPool to uniquely identify an application.

If one tries to get() from the application pool with name "A", then get() again with name "B", then the latter will spawn a new application process, even if both get() requests have the same app root.

If left empty (the default), then the app root is used as the app group name.

The root directory of the application to spawn.

In case of a Ruby on Rails application, this is the folder that contains 'app/', 'public/', 'config/', etc. This must be a valid directory, but the path does not have to be absolute.

The idle timeout, in seconds, of application spawners.

See the "Spawning methods explained" section of the users guide for information about application spawners.

A timeout of 0 means that the application spawner should never idle timeout. A timeout of -1 means that the default timeout value should be used.

The application type.

Either "rails" (default), "rack" or "wsgi".

The base URI on which the application runs.

If the application is running on the root URI, then this value must be "/".

baseURI != ""

Whether debugger support should be enabled.

See class overview.

Defaults to the defaultUser's primary group.

See class overview.

Defaults to "nobody".

The RAILS_ENV/RACK_ENV environment that should be used.

May not be an empty string. The default is "production".

Environment variables which should be passed to the spawned application process.

If a new application process is started, then the getItems() method on this object will be called, which is to return environment variables that should be passed to the newly spawned backend process. Odd indices in the resulting array contain keys, even indices contain the value for the key in the previous index.

May be set to NULL.

environmentVariables.size() is an even number.

The idle timeout, in seconds, of framework spawners.

See the "Spawning methods explained" section of the users guide for information about framework spawners.

A timeout of 0 means that the framework spawner should never idle timeout. A timeout of -1 means that the default timeout value should be used.

See class overview.

Whether the session returned by ApplicationPool::Interface::get() should be automatically initiated.

Defaults to true.

AnalyticsLogPtr Passenger::PoolOptions::log

An analytics log object to log things to.

May be the null pointer, in which case analytics logging is disabled.

The maximum number of requests that the spawned application may process before exiting.

A value of 0 means unlimited.

Whether application processes should print exceptions that occurred during application initialization.

Defaults to true.

The directory which contains restart.txt and always_restart.txt.

An empty string means that the default directory should be used.

Any rights that the spawned application process may have.

The SpawnManager will create a new account for each spawned app, and that account will be assigned these rights.

Method with which application processes should be spawned.

Different methods have different performance and compatibility properties. Available methods are "smart-lv2" (default), "smart" and "conservative". The different spawning methods are explained in the "Spawning methods explained" section of the users guide.

A throttling rate for file stats.

When set to a non-zero value N, restart.txt and other files which are usually stat()ted on every ApplicationPool::get() call will be stat()ed at most every N seconds.

Whether to use a global queue instead of a per-backend process queue.

This option is only used by ApplicationPool::get().

If enabled, when all backend processes are active, get() will wait until there's at least one backend process that's idle, instead of queuing the request into a random process's private queue. This is especially useful if a website has one or more long-running requests.

See overview.

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