define("dojox/mobile/lazyLoadUtils", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/config", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/_base/Deferred", "dojo/ready" ], function(dojo, array, config, win, Deferred, ready){ // module: // dojox/mobile/lazyLoadUtils var LazyLoadUtils = function(){ // summary: // Utilities to lazy-loading of Dojo widgets. this._lazyNodes = []; var _this = this; if(config.parseOnLoad){ ready(90, function(){ var lazyNodes = array.filter(win.body().getElementsByTagName("*"), // avoid use of dojo.query function(n){ return n.getAttribute("lazy") === "true" || (n.getAttribute("data-dojo-props")||"").match(/lazy\s*:\s*true/); }); var i, j, nodes, s, n; for(i = 0; i < lazyNodes.length; i++){ array.forEach(["dojoType", "data-dojo-type"], function(a){ nodes = array.filter(lazyNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("*"), function(n){ return n.getAttribute(a); }); for(j = 0; j < nodes.length; j++){ n = nodes[j]; n.setAttribute("__" + a, n.getAttribute(a)); n.removeAttribute(a); _this._lazyNodes.push(n); } }); } }); } ready(function(){ for(var i = 0; i < _this._lazyNodes.length; i++){ /* 1.8 */ var n = _this._lazyNodes[i]; array.forEach(["dojoType", "data-dojo-type"], function(a){ if(n.getAttribute("__" + a)){ n.setAttribute(a, n.getAttribute("__" + a)); n.removeAttribute("__" + a); } }); } delete _this._lazyNodes; }); this.instantiateLazyWidgets = function(root, requires, callback){ // summary: // Instantiates dojo widgets under the root node. // description: // Finds DOM nodes that have the dojoType or data-dojo-type attributes, // requires the found Dojo modules, and runs the parser. var d = new Deferred(); var req = requires ? requires.split(/,/) : []; var nodes = root.getElementsByTagName("*"); // avoid use of dojo.query var len = nodes.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ var s = nodes[i].getAttribute("dojoType") || nodes[i].getAttribute("data-dojo-type"); if(s){ req.push(s); var m = nodes[i].getAttribute("data-dojo-mixins"), mixins = m ? m.split(/, */) : []; req = req.concat(mixins); } } if(req.length === 0){ return true; } if(dojo.require){ array.forEach(req, function(c){ dojo["require"](c); }); dojo.parser.parse(root); if(callback){ callback(root); } return true; }else{ req =, function(s){ return s.replace(/\./g, "/"); }); require(req, function(){ dojo.parser.parse(root); if(callback){ callback(root); } d.resolve(true); }); } return d; } }; // Return singleton. (TODO: can we replace LazyLoadUtils class and singleton w/a simple hash of functions?) return new LazyLoadUtils(); });