# coding: utf-8 # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength require "octokit" require "danger/helpers/comments_helper" require "danger/helpers/comment" require "danger/request_sources/github/github_review" require "danger/request_sources/github/github_review_unsupported" require "danger/request_sources/support/get_ignored_violation" module Danger module RequestSources class GitHub < RequestSource include Danger::Helpers::CommentsHelper attr_accessor :pr_json, :issue_json, :support_tokenless_auth, :dismiss_out_of_range_messages def self.env_vars ["DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN"] end def self.optional_env_vars ["DANGER_GITHUB_HOST", "DANGER_GITHUB_API_BASE_URL", "DANGER_OCTOKIT_VERIFY_SSL"] end def initialize(ci_source, environment) self.ci_source = ci_source self.environment = environment self.support_tokenless_auth = false self.dismiss_out_of_range_messages = false @token = @environment["DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN"] end def get_pr_from_branch(repo_name, branch_name, owner) prs = client.pull_requests(repo_name, head: "#{owner}:#{branch_name}") unless prs.empty? prs.first.number end end def validates_as_api_source? (@token && !@token.empty?) || self.environment["DANGER_USE_LOCAL_GIT"] end def scm @scm ||= GitRepo.new end def host @host = @environment["DANGER_GITHUB_HOST"] || "github.com" end def verify_ssl @environment["DANGER_OCTOKIT_VERIFY_SSL"] == "false" ? false : true end # `DANGER_GITHUB_API_HOST` is the old name kept for legacy reasons and # backwards compatibility. `DANGER_GITHUB_API_BASE_URL` is the new # correctly named variable. def api_url @environment.fetch("DANGER_GITHUB_API_HOST") do @environment.fetch("DANGER_GITHUB_API_BASE_URL") do "https://api.github.com/".freeze end end end def client raise "No API token given, please provide one using `DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN`" if !@token && !support_tokenless_auth @client ||= begin Octokit.configure do |config| config.connection_options[:ssl] = { verify: verify_ssl } end Octokit::Client.new(access_token: @token, auto_paginate: true, api_endpoint: api_url) end end def pr_diff @pr_diff ||= client.pull_request(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id, accept: "application/vnd.github.v3.diff") end def review return @review unless @review.nil? begin @review = client.pull_request_reviews(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id) .map { |review_json| Danger::RequestSources::GitHubSource::Review.new(client, ci_source, review_json) } .select(&:generated_by_danger?) .last @review ||= Danger::RequestSources::GitHubSource::Review.new(client, ci_source) @review rescue Octokit::NotFound @review = Danger::RequestSources::GitHubSource::ReviewUnsupported.new @review end end def setup_danger_branches # we can use a github specific feature here: base_branch = self.pr_json["base"]["ref"] base_commit = self.pr_json["base"]["sha"] head_branch = self.pr_json["head"]["ref"] head_commit = self.pr_json["head"]["sha"] # Next, we want to ensure that we have a version of the current branch at a known location scm.ensure_commitish_exists_on_branch! base_branch, base_commit self.scm.exec "branch #{EnvironmentManager.danger_base_branch} #{base_commit}" # OK, so we want to ensure that we have a known head branch, this will always represent # the head of the PR ( e.g. the most recent commit that will be merged. ) scm.ensure_commitish_exists_on_branch! head_branch, head_commit self.scm.exec "branch #{EnvironmentManager.danger_head_branch} #{head_commit}" end def fetch_details self.pr_json = client.pull_request(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id) if self.pr_json["message"] == "Moved Permanently" raise "Repo moved or renamed, make sure to update the git remote".red end fetch_issue_details(self.pr_json) self.ignored_violations = ignored_violations_from_pr end def ignored_violations_from_pr GetIgnoredViolation.new(self.pr_json["body"]).call end def fetch_issue_details(pr_json) href = pr_json["_links"]["issue"]["href"] self.issue_json = client.get(href) end def issue_comments @comments ||= begin client.issue_comments(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id) .map { |comment| Comment.from_github(comment) } end end # Sending data to GitHub def update_pull_request!(warnings: [], errors: [], messages: [], markdowns: [], danger_id: "danger", new_comment: false, remove_previous_comments: false) comment_result = {} editable_comments = issue_comments.select { |comment| comment.generated_by_danger?(danger_id) } last_comment = editable_comments.last should_create_new_comment = new_comment || last_comment.nil? || remove_previous_comments previous_violations = if should_create_new_comment {} else parse_comment(last_comment.body) end regular_violations = regular_violations_group( warnings: warnings, errors: errors, messages: messages, markdowns: markdowns ) inline_violations = inline_violations_group( warnings: warnings, errors: errors, messages: messages, markdowns: markdowns ) rest_inline_violations = submit_inline_comments!({ danger_id: danger_id, previous_violations: previous_violations }.merge(inline_violations)) main_violations = merge_violations( regular_violations, rest_inline_violations ) main_violations_sum = main_violations.values.inject(:+) if (previous_violations.empty? && main_violations_sum.empty?) || remove_previous_comments # Just remove the comment, if there's nothing to say or --remove-previous-comments CLI was set. delete_old_comments!(danger_id: danger_id) end # If there are still violations to show if main_violations_sum.any? body = generate_comment({ template: "github", danger_id: danger_id, previous_violations: previous_violations }.merge(main_violations)) comment_result = if should_create_new_comment client.add_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id, body) else client.update_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, last_comment.id, body) end end # Now, set the pull request status. # Note: this can terminate the entire process. submit_pull_request_status!( warnings: warnings, errors: errors, details_url: comment_result["html_url"], danger_id: danger_id ) end def submit_pull_request_status!(warnings: [], errors: [], details_url: [], danger_id: "danger") status = (errors.count.zero? ? "success" : "failure") message = generate_description(warnings: warnings, errors: errors) latest_pr_commit_ref = self.pr_json["head"]["sha"] if latest_pr_commit_ref.empty? || latest_pr_commit_ref.nil? raise "Couldn't find a commit to update its status".red end begin client.create_status(ci_source.repo_slug, latest_pr_commit_ref, status, { description: message, context: "danger/#{danger_id}", target_url: details_url }) rescue # This usually means the user has no commit access to this repo # That's always the case for open source projects where you can only # use a read-only GitHub account if errors.count > 0 # We need to fail the actual build here is_private = pr_json["base"]["repo"]["private"] if is_private abort("\nDanger has failed this build. \nFound #{'error'.danger_pluralize(errors.count)} and I don't have write access to the PR to set a PR status.") else abort("\nDanger has failed this build. \nFound #{'error'.danger_pluralize(errors.count)}.") end else puts message puts "\nDanger does not have write access to the PR to set a PR status.".yellow end end end # Get rid of the previously posted comment, to only have the latest one def delete_old_comments!(except: nil, danger_id: "danger") issue_comments.each do |comment| next unless comment.generated_by_danger?(danger_id) next if comment.id == except client.delete_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, comment.id) end end def submit_inline_comments!(warnings: [], errors: [], messages: [], markdowns: [], previous_violations: [], danger_id: "danger") # Avoid doing any fetchs if there's no inline comments return {} if (warnings + errors + messages + markdowns).select(&:inline?).empty? diff_lines = self.pr_diff.lines pr_comments = client.pull_request_comments(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id) danger_comments = pr_comments.select { |comment| Comment.from_github(comment).generated_by_danger?(danger_id) } non_danger_comments = pr_comments - danger_comments warnings = submit_inline_comments_for_kind!(:warning, warnings, diff_lines, danger_comments, previous_violations["warning"], danger_id: danger_id) errors = submit_inline_comments_for_kind!(:error, errors, diff_lines, danger_comments, previous_violations["error"], danger_id: danger_id) messages = submit_inline_comments_for_kind!(:message, messages, diff_lines, danger_comments, previous_violations["message"], danger_id: danger_id) markdowns = submit_inline_comments_for_kind!(:markdown, markdowns, diff_lines, danger_comments, [], danger_id: danger_id) # submit removes from the array all comments that are still in force # so we strike out all remaining ones danger_comments.each do |comment| violation = violations_from_table(comment["body"]).first if !violation.nil? && violation.sticky body = generate_inline_comment_body("white_check_mark", violation, danger_id: danger_id, resolved: true, template: "github") client.update_pull_request_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, comment["id"], body) else # We remove non-sticky violations that have no replies # Since there's no direct concept of a reply in GH, we simply consider # the existence of non-danger comments in that line as replies replies = non_danger_comments.select do |potential| potential["path"] == comment["path"] && potential["position"] == comment["position"] && potential["commit_id"] == comment["commit_id"] end client.delete_pull_request_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, comment["id"]) if replies.empty? end end { warnings: warnings, errors: errors, messages: messages, markdowns: markdowns } end def messages_are_equivalent(m1, m2) blob_regexp = %r{blob/[0-9a-z]+/} m1.file == m2.file && m1.line == m2.line && m1.message.sub(blob_regexp, "") == m2.message.sub(blob_regexp, "") end def submit_inline_comments_for_kind!(kind, messages, diff_lines, danger_comments, previous_violations, danger_id: "danger") head_ref = pr_json["head"]["sha"] previous_violations ||= [] is_markdown_content = kind == :markdown emoji = { warning: "warning", error: "no_entry_sign", message: "book" }[kind] messages.reject do |m| next false unless m.file && m.line position = find_position_in_diff diff_lines, m, kind # Keep the change if it's line is not in the diff and not in dismiss mode next dismiss_out_of_range_messages_for(kind) if position.nil? # Once we know we're gonna submit it, we format it if is_markdown_content body = generate_inline_markdown_body(m, danger_id: danger_id, template: "github") else # Hide the inline link behind a span m = process_markdown(m, true) body = generate_inline_comment_body(emoji, m, danger_id: danger_id, template: "github") # A comment might be in previous_violations because only now it's part of the unified diff # We remove from the array since it won't have a place in the table anymore previous_violations.reject! { |v| messages_are_equivalent(v, m) } end matching_comments = danger_comments.select do |comment_data| if comment_data["path"] == m.file && comment_data["position"] == position # Parse it to avoid problems with strikethrough violation = violations_from_table(comment_data["body"]).first if violation messages_are_equivalent(violation, m) else blob_regexp = %r{blob/[0-9a-z]+/} comment_data["body"].sub(blob_regexp, "") == body.sub(blob_regexp, "") end else false end end if matching_comments.empty? begin client.create_pull_request_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, ci_source.pull_request_id, body, head_ref, m.file, position) rescue Octokit::UnprocessableEntity => e # Show more detail for UnprocessableEntity error message = [e, "body: #{body}", "head_ref: #{head_ref}", "filename: #{m.file}", "position: #{position}"].join("\n") puts message # Not reject because this comment has not completed next false end else # Remove the surviving comment so we don't strike it out danger_comments.reject! { |c| matching_comments.include? c } # Update the comment to remove the strikethrough if present comment = matching_comments.first client.update_pull_request_comment(ci_source.repo_slug, comment["id"], body) end # Remove this element from the array next true end end def find_position_in_diff(diff_lines, message, kind) range_header_regexp = /@@ -([0-9]+)(,([0-9]+))? \+(?[0-9]+)(,(?[0-9]+))? @@.*/ file_header_regexp = %r{^diff --git a/.*} pattern = "+++ b/" + message.file + "\n" file_start = diff_lines.index(pattern) # Files containing spaces sometimes have a trailing tab if file_start.nil? pattern = "+++ b/" + message.file + "\t\n" file_start = diff_lines.index(pattern) end return nil if file_start.nil? position = -1 file_line = nil diff_lines.drop(file_start).each do |line| # If the line has `No newline` annotation, position need increment if line.eql?("\\ No newline at end of file\n") position += 1 next end # If we found the start of another file diff, we went too far break if line.match file_header_regexp match = line.match range_header_regexp # file_line is set once we find the hunk the line is in # we need to count how many lines in new file we have # so we do it one by one ignoring the deleted lines if !file_line.nil? && !line.start_with?("-") if file_line == message.line file_line = nil if dismiss_out_of_range_messages_for(kind) && !line.start_with?("+") break end file_line += 1 end # We need to count how many diff lines are between us and # the line we're looking for position += 1 next unless match range_start = match[:start].to_i if match[:end] range_end = match[:end].to_i + range_start else range_end = range_start end # We are past the line position, just abort break if message.line.to_i < range_start next unless message.line.to_i >= range_start && message.line.to_i < range_end file_line = range_start end position unless file_line.nil? end # See the tests for examples of data coming in looks like def parse_message_from_row(row) message_regexp = %r{(<(a |span data-)href="https://#{host}/#{ci_source.repo_slug}/blob/[0-9a-z]+/(?[^#]+)#L(?[0-9]+)"(>[^<]* - |/>))?(?.*?)}im match = message_regexp.match(row) if match[:line] line = match[:line].to_i else line = nil end Violation.new(row, true, match[:file], line) end def markdown_link_to_message(message, hide_link) url = "https://#{host}/#{ci_source.repo_slug}/blob/#{pr_json['head']['sha']}/#{message.file}#L#{message.line}" if hide_link "" else "[#{message.file}#L#{message.line}](#{url}) - " end end # @return [String] The organisation name, is nil if it can't be detected def organisation matched = self.issue_json["repository_url"].match(%r{repos\/(.*)\/}) return matched[1] if matched && matched[1] rescue nil end def dismiss_out_of_range_messages_for(kind) if self.dismiss_out_of_range_messages.kind_of?(Hash) && self.dismiss_out_of_range_messages[kind] self.dismiss_out_of_range_messages[kind] elsif self.dismiss_out_of_range_messages == true self.dismiss_out_of_range_messages else false end end # @return [String] A URL to the specific file, ready to be downloaded def file_url(organisation: nil, repository: nil, branch: nil, path: nil) organisation ||= self.organisation begin # Retrieve the download URL (default branch on nil param) contents = client.contents("#{organisation}/#{repository}", path: path, ref: branch) @download_url = contents["download_url"] rescue Octokit::ClientError # Fallback to github.com branch ||= "master" @download_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/#{organisation}/#{repository}/#{branch}/#{path}" end end private def regular_violations_group(warnings: [], errors: [], messages: [], markdowns: []) { warnings: warnings.reject(&:inline?), errors: errors.reject(&:inline?), messages: messages.reject(&:inline?), markdowns: markdowns.reject(&:inline?) } end def inline_violations_group(warnings: [], errors: [], messages: [], markdowns: []) cmp = proc do |a, b| next -1 unless a.file && a.line next 1 unless b.file && b.line next a.line <=> b.line if a.file == b.file next a.file <=> b.file end # Sort to group inline comments by file { warnings: warnings.select(&:inline?).sort(&cmp), errors: errors.select(&:inline?).sort(&cmp), messages: messages.select(&:inline?).sort(&cmp), markdowns: markdowns.select(&:inline?).sort(&cmp) } end def merge_violations(*violation_groups) violation_groups.inject({}) do |accumulator, group| accumulator.merge(group) { |_, old, fresh| old + fresh } end end end end end