module Foursquare2 module Users # Get user's leaderboard details # # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :neighbors Number of friends' scores adjacent to your score def leaderboard(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/leaderboard", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Get information about a user # # @param [Integer] user_id - User to get information for. def user(user_id) response = connection.get("users/#{user_id}") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.user) end # Search for users # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :phone - Match on phone number # @option options String :email - Match on email # @option options String :twitter - Match on twitter username # @option options String :twitterSource - Friends of this twitter handle that use foursquare. # @option options String :fbid - Match on facebook id. # @option options String :name - Match on name def search_users(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/search", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Search for users by tip # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON # @option options Integer :limit - The limit of results to return. # @option options Integer :offset - Used to page through results. # @option options String :filter - Set to 'friends' to limit tips to those from friends. # @option options String :query - Only find tips matching this term. # @option options String :name - Match on name def search_users_by_tip(options={}) name = options.delete(:name) options[:limit] = 500 tips = search_tips(options) user = [] tips.each do |tip| user << tip['user'] if check_name(tip['user'], name) end user.uniq end # check if the first last name of user match the query def check_name user, query user.firstName.downcase.match(query.downcase) end # Get all pending friend requests for the authenticated user def user_requests response = connection.get("users/requests") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.requests) end # Get all badges for a given user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to retrieve badges for. def user_badges(user_id) response = connection.get("users/#{user_id}/badges") return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Get checkins for the authenticated user # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :limit # @option options Integer :offest - For paging through results # @option options String :sort - "newestfirst" or "oldestfirst" # @option options Integer :afterTimestamp - Get all checkins after this epoch time. # @option options Integer :beforeTimestamp - Get all checkins before this epoch time. def user_checkins(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/self/checkins", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.checkins) end # Get all friends for a given user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to retrieve friends for. # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :limit # @option options Integer :offest - For paging through results def user_friends(user_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/friends", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.friends) end # Get all tips for a given user, optionally filtering by text. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to retrieve friends for. # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :limit # @option options Integer :offest - For paging through results # @option options String :sort - One of recent, nearby, popular # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON - required for nearby sort option. # @option String :query - Only find tips matching this term. def user_tips(user_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/tips", options end tips = return_error_or_body(response, tips = Foursquare2.filter(tips, options[:query]) if options.has_key? :query tips end # Get all todos for a given user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to retrieve friends for. # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :sort - One of recent, nearby, popular # @option options String :ll - Latitude and longitude in format LAT,LON - required for nearby sort option. def user_todos(user_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/todos", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.todos) end # Get the venue history for the authenticated user. # # @param [Hash] options # @option options Integer :afterTimestamp - Get all venues after this epoch time. # @option options Integer :beforeTimestamp - Get all venues before this epoch time. def user_venue_history(options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/self/venuehistory", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.venues) end # Get the mayorships for a given user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to retrieve friends for. def user_mayorships(user_id) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/mayorships" end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.mayorships) end # Get the lists for a given user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to retrieve lists for. # @param [Hash] options # @option options String :group - One of: created, edited, followed, friends, or suggestions # @option options String :ll - Location of the user, required in order to receive the suggested group. def user_lists(user_id, options={}) response = connection.get do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/lists", options end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response.lists) end # Request friendship with a user # # @param [String] user_id - The user to request friendship with. def user_friend_request(user_id) response = do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/request" end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Unfriend a user # # @param [String] user_id - The user to unfriend. def user_unfriend(user_id) response = do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/unfriend" end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Approve friendship with a user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to approve friendship with. def user_approve_friend(user_id) response = do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/approve" end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Deny friendship with a user. # # @param [String] user_id - The user to deny friendship with. def user_deny_friend(user_id) response = do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/deny" end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end # Set pings for a friend # # @param [String] user_id - The user to set pings for # @param [String] value - The value of ping setting for this friend, either true or false. def user_set_friend_pings(user_id, value) response = do |req| req.url "users/#{user_id}/setpings", value end return_error_or_body(response, response.body.response) end end end